§ 3060.
The Director of National Intelligence shall establish a Climate Security Advisory Council for the purpose of—
assisting intelligence analysts of various elements of the intelligence community with respect to analysis of climate security and its impact on the areas of focus of such analysts;
facilitating coordination between the elements of the intelligence community and elements of the Federal Government that are not elements of the intelligence community in collecting data on, and conducting analysis of, climate change and climate security; and
ensuring that the intelligence community is adequately prioritizing climate change in carrying out its activities.
Duties and responsibilities of Council
The Council shall carry out the following duties and responsibilities:
To meet at least quarterly to—
exchange appropriate data between elements of the intelligence community and elements of the Federal Government that are not elements of the intelligence community;
discuss processes for the routine exchange of such data and implementation of such processes; and
prepare summaries of the business conducted at each meeting.
To assess and determine best practices with respect to the analysis of climate security, including identifying publicly available information and intelligence acquired through clandestine means that enables such analysis.
To assess and identify best practices with respect to prior efforts of the intelligence community to analyze climate security.
To assess and describe best practices for identifying and disseminating climate intelligence indications and warnings.
To recommend methods of incorporating analysis of climate security and the best practices identified under paragraphs (2) through (4) into existing analytic training programs.
To consult, as appropriate, with other elements of the intelligence community that conduct analysis of climate change or climate security and elements of the Federal Government that are not elements of the intelligence community that conduct analysis of climate change or climate security, for the purpose of sharing information about ongoing efforts and avoiding duplication of existing efforts.
To work with elements of the intelligence community that conduct analysis of climate change or climate security and elements of the Federal Government that are not elements of the intelligence community that conduct analysis of climate change or climate security—
to exchange appropriate data between such elements, establish processes, procedures and practices for the routine exchange of such data, discuss the implementation of such processes; and
to enable and facilitate the sharing of findings and analysis between such elements.
To assess whether the elements of the intelligence community that conduct analysis of climate change or climate security may inform the research direction of academic work and the sponsored work of the United States Government.
At the discretion of the chair of the Council, to convene conferences of analysts and nonintelligence community personnel working on climate change or climate security on subjects that the chair shall direct.
([July 26, 1947, ch. 343], title I, § 120, as added [Pub. L. 116–92, div. E, title LIII, § 5321(a)], Dec. 20, 2019, [133 Stat. 2126]; amended [Pub. L. 116–260, div. W, title IV, § 405(b)], title VI, § 618, Dec. 27, 2020, [134 Stat. 2380], 2400; [Pub. L. 117–103, div. X, title IV, § 404], Mar. 15, 2022, [136 Stat. 975]; [Pub. L. 118–31, div. G, title III, § 7319], Dec. 22, 2023, [137 Stat. 1036].)