In subsection (a), the words “section 100101(a)” are substituted for “sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this title, which directs the Secretary to administer units of the National Park System in accordance with the fundamental purpose of conserving their scenery, wildlife, and natural and historic objects, and providing for their enjoyment in a manner that will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations” to give a more precise cross reference because section 100101(a) of the new title is where that direction to the Secretary is restated.
Repeal of National Park Service Concessions Policy Act; Savings Provision
[Pub. L. 105–391, title IV, § 415(a)], Nov. 13, 1998, [112 Stat. 3515], provided that: “[Public Law 89–249] (commonly known as the National Park Service Concessions Policy Act; 16 U.S.C. 20 et seq.) is repealed. The repeal of such Act shall not affect the validity of any concessions contract or permit entered into under such Act, but the provisions of this title [enacting former sections 5951 to 5966 of Title 16, Conservation, which were repealed and restated in sections 101911 et seq. and 101524 of this title, amending former sections 1a–7 and 3 of Title 16, repealing section 17b–1 and subchapter IV of chapter 1 of Title 16, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 100101 and 101911 of this title] shall apply to any such contract or permit except to the extent such provisions are inconsistent with the terms and conditions of any such contract or permit. References in this title to concessions contracts awarded under authority of such Act also apply to concessions permits awarded under such authority.”