Subsection (c), which required the Secretary to report annually to Congress on the operation of this section, terminated, effective
1985—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 99–198 substituted provision authorizing the Corporation to make its accumulated agricultural commodities stocks available at no cost or reduced cost to encourage the purchase thereof for the production of liquid fuels and commodity byproducts, with any use of such commodities to be made in such a manner as to encourage increased use and avoid displacing usual marketings of such commodities for provision authorizing the Corporation to provide for processing of its accumulated stock into liquid fuels and commodity byproducts to be either made available to Federal agencies to meet their regular or emergency needs or to be sold commercially by the Corporation, at a price determined by the Secretary notwithstanding any other provisions of law and in a manner so as not to disrupt the prices in commercial markets of agriculturally-derived liquid fuel.
Section inapplicable to 2014 through 2018 crops of covered commodities, cotton, and sugar and inapplicable to milk during period beginning
Section inapplicable to 2008 through 2012 crops of covered commodities, peanuts, and sugar and inapplicable to milk during period beginning
Section inapplicable to 2002 through 2007 crops of covered commodities, peanuts, and sugar and inapplicable to milk during period beginning
Section inapplicable to 1996 through 2002 crops of loan commodities, peanuts, and sugar and inapplicable to milk during period beginning