This chapter, referred to in provisions preceding par. 1 of subsec. (c), was in the original “this subtitle”, and was translated as reading “this Act” to reflect the probable intent of Congress.
Section 2906(a) of this title, referred to in subsec. (f)(1), was in the original a reference to section 10(a) of Pub. L. 94–294, section 2909(a) of this title, and was translated as section 2906(a) of this title as the probable intent of Congress, in view of section 2909 of this title not containing a subsec. (a) and the subject matter of section 2906(a) which relates to a referendum.
1985—Pub. L. 99–198 amended section generally, substituting provisions relating to refunds for provisions relating to required terms and conditions in orders.
Amendment by Pub. L. 99–198 effective