U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Rule 1007.
Lists, Schedules, Statements, and Other Documents; Time to File
Lists of Names and Addresses.
Voluntary Case. In a voluntary case, the debtor must file with the petition a list containing the name and address of each entity included or to be included on Schedules D, E/F, G, and H of the Official Forms. Unless it is a governmental unit, a corporate debtor must:
include a corporate-ownership statement containing the information described in Rule 7007.1; and
promptly file a supplemental statement if changed circumstances make the original statement inaccurate.
Involuntary Case. Within 7 days after the order for relief has been entered in an involuntary case, the debtor must file a list containing the name and address of each entity included or to be included on Schedules D, E/F, G, and H of the Official Forms.
Chapter 11—List of Equity Security Holders. Unless the court orders otherwise, a Chapter 11 debtor must, within 14 days after the order for relief is entered, file a list of the debtor’s equity security holders by class. The list must show the number and type of interests registered in each holder’s name, along with the holder’s last known address or place of business
Chapter 15—Information Required from a Foreign Representative. If a foreign representative files a petition under Chapter 15 for recognition of a foreign proceeding, the representative must—in addition to the documents required by § 1515—include with the petition:
a corporate-ownership statement containing the information described in Rule 7007.1; and
unless the court orders otherwise, a list containing the names and addresses of:
all persons or bodies authorized to administer the debtor’s foreign proceedings;
all entities against whom provisional relief is sought under § 1519; and
all parties to litigation pending in the United States in which the debtor was a party when the petition was filed.
Extending the Time to File. On motion and for cause, the court may extend the time to file any list required by this Rule 1007(a). Notice of the motion must be given to:

• the United States trustee;

• any trustee;

• any committee elected under § 705 or appointed under § 1102; and

• any other party as the court orders.

Schedules, Statements, and Other Documents.
In General. Except in a Chapter 9 case or when the court orders otherwise, the debtor must file—prepared as prescribed by the appropriate Official Form, if any—
schedules of assets and liabilities;
a schedule of current income and expenditures;
a schedule of executory contracts and unexpired leases;
a statement of financial affairs;
copies of all payment advices or other evidence of payment that the debtor received from any employer within 60 days before the petition was filed—with all but the last 4 digits of the debtor’s social-security number or individual taxpayer-identification number deleted; and
a record of the debtor’s interest, if any, in an account or program of the type specified in § 521(c).
Statement of Intention. In a Chapter 7 case, an individual debtor must:
file the statement of intention required by § 521(a) (Form 108); and
before or upon filing, serve a copy on the trustee and the creditors named in the statement.
Credit-Counseling Statement. Unless the United States trustee has determined that the requirement to file a credit-counseling statement under § 109(h) does not apply in the district, an individual debtor must file a statement of compliance (included in Form 101). The debtor must include one of the following:
a certificate and any debt-repayment plan required by § 521(b);
a statement that the debtor has received the credit-counseling briefing required by § 109(h)(1), but does not have a § 521(b) certificate;
a certification under § 109(h)(3); or
a request for a court determination under § 109(h)(4).
Current Monthly Income—Chapter 7. Unless § 707(b)(2)(D) applies, an individual debtor in a Chapter 7 case must:
file a statement of current monthly income (Form 122A–1); and
if that income exceeds the median family income for the debtor’s state and household size, file the Chapter 7 means-test calculation (Form 122A–2).
Current Monthly Income—Chapter 11. An individual debtor in a Chapter 11 case (unless under Subchapter V) must file a statement of current monthly income (Form 122B).
Current Monthly Income—Chapter 13. A debtor in a Chapter 13 case must:
file a statement of current monthly income (Form 122C–1); and
if that income exceeds the median family income for the debtor’s state and household size, file the Chapter 13 calculation of disposable income (Form 122C-2).
Personal Financial-Management Course. Unless an approved provider has notified the court that the debtor has completed a course in personal financial management after filing the petition or the debtor is not required to complete one as a condition to discharge, an individual debtor in a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case—or in a Chapter 11 case in which § 1141(d)(3) applies—must file a certificate of course completion issued by the provider.
Limitation on a Homestead Exemption. This Rule 1007(b)(8) applies if an individual debtor in a Chapter 11, 12, or 13 case claims an exemption under § 522(b)(3)(A) in property of the type described in § 522(p)(1) and the property value exceeds the amount specified in § 522(q)(1). The debtor must file a statement about any pending proceeding in which the debtor may be found:
guilty of the type of felony described in § 522(q)(1)(A); or
liable for the type of debt described in § 522(q)(1)(B).
Time to File.
Voluntary Case—Various Documents. Unless (d), (e), (f), or (h) provides otherwise, the debtor in a voluntary case must file the documents required by (b)(1), (b)(4), (b)(5), and (b)(6) with the petition or within 14 days after it is filed.
Involuntary Case—Various Documents. In an involuntary case, the debtor must file the documents required by (b)(1) within 14 days after the order for relief is entered.
Credit-Counseling Documents. In a voluntary case, the documents required by (b)(3)(A), (C), or (D) must be filed with the petition. Unless the court orders otherwise, a debtor who has filed a statement under (b)(3)(B) must file the documents required by (b)(3)(A) within 14 days after the order for relief is entered.
Financial-Management Course. Unless the court extends the time to file, an individual debtor must file the certificate required by (b)(7) as follows
in a Chapter 7 case, within 60 days after the first date set for the meeting of creditors under § 341; and
in a Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 case, no later than the date the last payment is made under the plan or the date a motion for a discharge is filed under § 1141(d)(5)(B) or § 1328(b).
Limitation on Homestead Exemption. The debtor must file the statement required by (b)(8) no earlier than the date of the last payment made under the plan or the date a motion for a discharge is filed under § 1141(d)(5)(B), 1228(b), or 1328(b).
Documents in a Converted Case. Unless the court orders otherwise, a document filed before a case is converted to another chapter is considered filed in the converted case.
Extending the Time to File. Except as § 1116(3) provides otherwise, the court, on motion and for cause, may extend the time to file a document under this rule. The movant must give notice of the motion to:

• the United States trustee;

• any committee elected under § 705 or appointed under § 1102; and

• any trustee, examiner, and other party as the court orders.

If the motion is granted, notice must be given to the United States trustee and to any committee, trustee, and other party as the court orders.
If the motion is granted, notice must be given to the United States trustee and to any committee, trustee, and other party as the court orders.
List of the 20 Largest Unsecured Creditors in a Chapter 9 or Chapter 11 Case.
In addition to the lists required by (a), a debtor in a Chapter 9 case or in a voluntary Chapter 11 case must file with the petition a list containing the names, addresses, and claims of the creditors that hold the 20 largest unsecured claims, excluding insiders, as prescribed by the appropriate Official Form (Form 104 or 204). In an involuntary Chapter 11 case, the debtor must file the list within 2 days after the order for relief is entered under § 303(h).
Chapter 9 Lists.
In a Chapter 9 case, the court must set the time for the debtor to file the list required by (a). If a proposed plan requires real estate assessments to be revised so that the proportion of special assessments or special taxes for some property will be different from the proportion in effect when the petition is filed, the debtor must also file a list that shows—for each adversely affected property—the name and address of each known holder of title, both legal and equitable. On motion and for cause, the court may modify the requirements of this Rule 1007(e) and those of (a).
Social-Security Number.
In a voluntary case, an individual debtor must submit with the petition a verified statement that gives the debtor’s social-security number or states that the debtor does not have one (Form 121). In an involuntary case, the debtor must submit the statement within 14 days after the order for relief is entered.
Partnership Case.
The general partners of a debtor partnership must file for the partnership the list required by (a) and the documents required by (b)(1)(A)–(D). The court may order any general partner to file a statement of personal assets and liabilities and may set the deadline for doing so.
Interests in Property Acquired or Arising After a Petition Is Filed.
After the petition is filed in a Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 case, if the debtor acquires—or becomes entitled to acquire—an interest in property described in § 541(a)(5), the debtor must file a supplemental schedule and include any claimed exemption. Unless the court allows additional time, the debtor must file the schedule within 14 days after learning about the property interest. This duty continues even after the case is closed but does not apply to property acquired after an order is entered:
confirming a Chapter 11 plan (other than one confirmed under § 1191(b)); or
discharging the debtor in a Chapter 12 case, a Chapter 13 case, or a case under Subchapter V of Chapter 11 in which the plan is confirmed under § 1191(b).
Security Holders Known to Others.
After notice and a hearing and for cause, the court may direct an entity other than the debtor or trustee to:
disclose any list of the debtor’s security holders in its possession or under its control by:
producing the list or a copy of it;
allowing inspection or copying; or
making any other disclosure; and
indicate the name, address, and security held by each listed holder.
Impounding Lists.
On a party in interest’s motion and for cause, the court may impound any list filed under this rule and may refuse inspection. But the court may permit a party in interest to inspect or use an impounded list on terms prescribed by the court.
Debtor’s Failure to File a Required Document.
If a debtor fails to properly prepare and file a list, schedule, or statement (other than a statement of intention) as required by this rule, the court may order:
that the trustee, a petitioning creditor, a committee, or other party do so within the time set by the court; and
that the cost incurred be reimbursed as an administrative expense.
Copies to the United States Trustee.
The clerk must promptly send to the United States trustee a copy of every list, schedule, or statement filed under (a)(1), (a)(2), (b), (d), or (h).
Infant or Incompetent Person.
If a debtor knows that a person named in a list of creditors or in a schedule is an infant or is incompetent, the debtor must also include the name, address, and legal relationship of anyone on whom process would be served in an adversary proceeding against that person under Rule 7004(b)(2).
(As amended Mar. 30, 1987, eff. Aug. 1, 1987; Apr. 30, 1991, eff. Aug. 1, 1991; Apr. 23, 1996, eff. Dec. 1, 1996; Apr. 23, 2001, eff. Dec. 1, 2001; Mar. 27, 2003, eff. Dec. 1, 2003; Apr. 25, 2005, eff. Dec. 1, 2005; Apr. 23, 2008, eff. Dec. 1, 2008; Mar. 26, 2009, eff. Dec. 1, 2009; Apr. 28, 2010, eff. Dec. 1, 2010; Apr. 23, 2012, eff. Dec. 1, 2012; Apr. 16, 2013, eff. Dec. 1, 2013; Apr. 29, 2015, eff. Dec. 1, 2015; Apr. 11, 2022, eff. Dec. 1, 2022; Apr. 2, 2024, eff. Dec. 1, 2024.)