U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
§ 823e.
Promoting hydropower development at existing nonpowered dams
Expedited licensing process for non-Federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams
In general
Interagency task force
In establishing the expedited process under this section, the Commission shall convene an interagency task force, with appropriate Federal and State agencies and Indian tribes represented, to coordinate the regulatory processes associated with the authorizations required to construct and operate a qualifying facility.
The task force shall develop procedures that are consistent with subsection (e)(1)(E) to seek to ensure that, for projects licensed pursuant to this section, the Commission and appropriate Federal and State agencies and Indian tribes shall exercise their authorities in a manner that, to the extent practicable, will not result in any material change to the storage, release, or flow operations of the associated nonpowered dam existing at the time an applicant files its license application.
Length of process
Dam safety
Interagency communications
Interagency cooperation in the preparation of environmental documents under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with respect to an application for a license for a qualifying facility under this section, and interagency communications relating to licensing process coordination pursuant to this section, shall not—
be considered to be ex parte communications under Commission rules; or
preclude an agency from participating in a licensing proceeding under this subchapter, providing that any agency participating as a party in a licensing proceeding under this subchapter shall, to the extent practicable, demonstrate a separation of staff cooperating with the Commission under the National Environmental Policy Act 1
 So in original. Probably should be followed by “of 1969”.
(42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and staff participating in the applicable proceeding under this subchapter.
Identification of nonpowered dams for hydropower development
In general
In developing the list under paragraph (1), the Commission and the Secretaries may consider the following:
The compatibility of hydropower generation with existing purposes of the dam.
The proximity of the dam to existing transmission resources.
The existence of studies to characterize environmental, cultural, and historic resources relating to the dam.
The effects of hydropower development on release or flow operations of the dam.
The Commission shall—
provide the list developed under paragraph (1) to—
the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Committee on Natural Resources, of the House of Representatives; and
the Committee on Environment and Public Works, and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, of the Senate; and
make such list available to the public.
For purposes of this section:
Qualifying criteria
The term “qualifying criteria” means, with respect to a facility—
as of October 23, 2018, the facility is not licensed under, or exempted from the license requirements contained in, this subchapter;
the facility will be associated with a qualifying nonpowered dam;
the facility will be constructed, operated, and maintained for the generation of electric power;
the facility will use for such generation any withdrawals, diversions, releases, or flows from the associated qualifying nonpowered dam, including its associated impoundment or other infrastructure; and
the operation of the facility will not result in any material change to the storage, release, or flow operations of the associated qualifying nonpowered dam.
Qualifying facility
Qualifying nonpowered dam
The term “qualifying nonpowered dam” means any dam, dike, embankment, or other barrier—
the construction of which was completed on or before October 23, 2018;
that is or was operated for the control, release, or distribution of water for agricultural, municipal, navigational, industrial, commercial, environmental, recreational, aesthetic, drinking water, or flood control purposes; and
that, as of October 23, 2018, is not generating electricity with hydropower generating works that are licensed under, or exempted from the license requirements contained in, this subchapter.
Savings clause
Nothing in this section affects—
any authority of the Commission to license a facility at a nonpowered dam under this subchapter; and
any authority of the Commission to issue an exemption to a small hydroelectric power project under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.
(June 10, 1920, ch. 285, pt. I, § 34, as added Pub. L. 115–270, title III, § 3003, Oct. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 3863.)
cite as: 16 USC 823e