§ 460u–16.
Road construction cooperative agreements with landowners north of Little Calumet River; prevention of soil erosion; minimization of aural and visual impact
The Secretary shall enter into a cooperative agreement with the landowner of those lands north of the Little Calumet River between the Penn Central Railroad bridge within area II–E and “Crossing A” within area IV–C on the map referred to in section 460u–3 of this title, dated October 1976, and numbered 626–9100.
So in original. Probably should be “September 1976, and numbered 626–91007.”
([Pub. L. 89–761, § 16], formerly § 17, as added and renumbered [Pub. L. 94–549, § 1(8)], (9), Oct. 18, 1976, [90 Stat. 2531], 2533; amended [Pub. L. 99–583, § 1(g)], Oct. 29, 1986, [100 Stat. 3320].)