§ 347.
The tract of land in the Territory of Alaska particularly described by and included within the metes and bounds, to wit: Beginning at a point as shown on Plate III, reconnaissance map of the Mount McKinley region, Alaska, prepared in the United States Geological Survey, edition of 1911, said point being at the summit of a hill between two forks of the headwaters of the Toklat River, approximate latitude sixty-three degrees forty-seven minutes, longitude one hundred and fifty degrees twenty minutes; thence south six degrees twenty minutes west nineteen miles; thence south sixty-eight degrees west sixty miles; thence in a southeasterly direction approximately twenty-eight miles to the summit of Mount Russell; thence in a northeasterly direction approximately eighty-nine miles to a point twenty-five miles due south of a point due east of the point of beginning; thence due north twenty-five miles to said point; thence due west twenty-eight and one-half miles to the point of beginning, is reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the law
([Feb. 26, 1917, ch. 121, § 1], [39 Stat. 938]; [Jan. 30, 1922, ch. 39], [42 Stat. 359]; [Pub. L. 96–487, title II, § 202(3)(a)], Dec. 2, 1980, [94 Stat. 2382]; [Pub. L. 102–154, title I], Nov. 13, 1991, [105 Stat. 1000].)