§ 1456b.
“Coastal zone enhancement objective” defined
For purposes of this section, the term “coastal zone enhancement objective” means any of the following objectives:
Protection, restoration, or enhancement of the existing coastal wetlands base, or creation of new coastal wetlands.
Preventing or significantly reducing threats to life and destruction of property by eliminating development and redevelopment in high-hazard areas, managing development in other hazard areas, and anticipating and managing the effects of potential sea level rise and Great Lakes level rise.
Attaining increased opportunities for public access, taking into account current and future public access needs, to coastal areas of recreational, historical, aesthetic, ecological, or cultural value.
Reducing marine debris entering the Nation’s coastal and ocean environment by managing uses and activities that contribute to the entry of such debris.
Development and adoption of procedures to assess, consider, and control cumulative and secondary impacts of coastal growth and development, including the collective effect on various individual uses or activities on coastal resources, such as coastal wetlands and fishery resources.
Preparing and implementing special area management plans for important coastal areas.
Planning for the use of ocean resources.
Adoption of procedures and enforceable policies to help facilitate the siting of energy facilities and Government facilities and energy-related activities and Government activities which may be of greater than local significance.
Adoption of procedures and policies to evaluate and facilitate the siting of public and private aquaculture facilities in the coastal zone, which will enable States to formulate, administer, and implement strategic plans for marine aquaculture.
Promulgation of regulations by Secretary
Within 12 months following November 5, 1990
specific and detailed criteria that must be addressed by a coastal state (including the State’s priority needs for improvement as identified by the Secretary after careful consultation with the State) as part of the State’s development and implementation of coastal zone enhancement objectives;
administrative or procedural rules or requirements as necessary to facilitate the development and implementation of such objectives by coastal states; and
other funding award criteria as are necessary or appropriate to ensure that evaluations of proposals, and decisions to award funding, under this section are based on objective standards applied fairly and equitably to those proposals.
([Pub. L. 89–454, title III, § 309], as added [Pub. L. 94–370, § 8], July 26, 1976, [90 Stat. 1028]; amended [Pub. L. 96–464, § 8], Oct. 17, 1980, [94 Stat. 2064]; [Pub. L. 101–508, title VI, § 6210], Nov. 5, 1990, [104 Stat. 1388–309]; [Pub. L. 102–587, title II, § 2205(b)(1)(B)], Nov. 4, 1992, [106 Stat. 5050]; [Pub. L. 104–150], §§ 3, 7(2), June 3, 1996, [110 Stat. 1380], 1382.)