§ 1803.
Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the provisions of this chapter—
$337,844,000 for fiscal year 2007;
$347,684,000 for fiscal year 2008;
$357,524,000 for fiscal year 2009;
$367,364,000 for fiscal year 2010;
$377,204,000 for fiscal year 2011;
$387,044,000 for fiscal year 2012; and
$396,875,000 for fiscal year 2013.
([Pub. L. 94–265, § 4], as added [Pub. L. 104–297, title I, § 103], Oct. 11, 1996, [110 Stat. 3563]; amended [Pub. L. 109–479, § 7], Jan. 12, 2007, [120 Stat. 3579].)