§ 1087gg.
Authority of Secretary to collect referred, transferred, or assigned loans
With respect to any loan—
which was made under this part, and
the Secretary is authorized to attempt to collect such loan by any means authorized by law for collecting claims of the United States (including referral to the Attorney General for litigation) and under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe, including reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred in attempting such collection.
([Pub. L. 89–329, title IV, § 467], as added [Pub. L. 99–498, title IV, § 405(a)], Oct. 17, 1986, [100 Stat. 1453]; amended [Pub. L. 102–325, title IV, § 467], July 23, 1992, [106 Stat. 584]; [Pub. L. 105–244, title IV, § 467(a)], Oct. 7, 1998, [112 Stat. 1728]; [Pub. L. 111–39, title IV, § 405(6)], July 1, 2009, [123 Stat. 1947].)