Progress made on achieving the Optimal Pathway established for Australia’s development of conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines, including the following elements:
A description of progress made by Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to conclude an Article 14 arrangement with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
A description of the status of efforts of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to build the supporting infrastructure to base conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines.
Updates on the efforts by Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to train a workforce that can build, sustain, and operate conventionally armed, nuclear-powered attack submarines.
A description of progress in establishing submarine support facilities capable of hosting rotational forces in western Australia by 2027.
A description of progress made in improving United States submarine production capabilities that will enable the United States to meet—
its objectives of providing up to five Virginia Class submarines to Australia by the early to mid-2030’s; and
United States submarine production requirements.
Progress made on Pillar Two of the AUKUS partnership, including the following elements:
An assessment of the efforts of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to enhance collaboration across the following eight trilateral lines of effort:
Underseas capabilities.
Quantum technologies.
Artificial intelligence and autonomy.
Advanced cyber capabilities.
Hypersonic and counter-hypersonic capabilities.
Electronic warfare.
Information sharing.
An assessment of any new lines of effort established.