Report elements
Each report submitted after February 15, 2014, shall include the following:
A description based on internationally available data, and where practicable high-quality country-based data, of the total global burden and need for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care, including—
estimates by partner country of the global burden and need; and
HIV incidence, prevalence, and AIDS deaths for the reporting period.
Reporting on annual targets across prevention, treatment, and care interventions in partner countries, including—
a description of how those targets are designed to—
ensure that the annual increase in new patients on antiretroviral treatment exceeds the number of annual new HIV infections;
reduce the number of new HIV infections below the number of deaths among persons infected with HIV; and
achieve an AIDS-free generation;
national targets across prevention, treatment, and care that are—
established by partner countries; or
where such national partner country-developed targets are unavailable, a description of progress towards developing national partner country targets; and
bilateral programmatic targets across prevention, treatment, and care, including—
the number of adults and children to be directly supported on HIV treatment under United States-funded programs;
the number of adults and children to be otherwise supported on HIV treatment under United States-funded programs; and
other programmatic targets for activities directly and otherwise supported by United States-funded programs.
A description, by partner country, of HIV/AIDS funding from all sources, including funding levels from partner countries, other donors, and the private sector, as practicable.
A description of how United States-funded programs, in conjunction with the Global Fund, other donors, and partner countries, together set targets, measure progress, and achieve positive outcomes in partner countries.
An annual assessment of outcome indicator development, dissemination, and performance for programs supported under this section, including ongoing corrective actions to improve reporting.
A description and explanation of changes in related guidance or policies related to implementation of programs supported under this section.
An assessment and quantification of progress over the reporting period toward achieving the targets set forth in subparagraph (B), including—
the number, by partner country, of persons on HIV treatment, including specifically—
the number of adults and children on HIV treatment directly supported by United States-funded programs; and
the number of adults and children on HIV treatment otherwise supported by United States-funded programs;
HIV treatment coverage rates by partner country;
the net increase in persons on HIV treatment by partner country;
new infections of HIV by partner country;
the number of HIV infections averted;
performance against annual targets for program retention; and
the retention rate of persons on HIV treatment directly supported by United States-funded programs; and
a description of supportive care.
A description of partner country and United States-funded HIV/AIDS prevention programs and policies, including—
an assessment by country of progress towards targets set forth in subparagraph (B), with a detailed description of the metrics used to assess—
programs to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS, including coverage rates;
programs to provide or promote voluntary medical male circumcision, including coverage rates;
programs for behavior-change; and
other programmatic activities to prevent the transmission of HIV;
antiretroviral treatment as prevention; and
a description of any new preventative interventions or methodologies.
A description of the goals, scope, and measurement of program efforts aimed at women and girls.
A description of the goals, scope, and measurement of program efforts aimed at orphans, vulnerable children, and youth.
A description of the indicators and milestones used to assess effective, strategic, and appropriately timed country ownership, including—
an explanation of the metrics used to determine whether the pace of any transition to such ownership is appropriate for that country, given that country’s level of readiness for such transition;
an analysis of governmental and local nongovernmental capacity to sustain positive outcomes;
a description of measures taken to improve partner country capacity to sustain positive outcomes where needed; and
for countries undergoing a transition to greater country ownership, a description of strategies to assess and mitigate programmatic and financial risk and to ensure continued quality of care for essential services.
A description, globally and by partner country, of specific efforts to achieve and incentivize greater programmatic and cost effectiveness, including—
progress toward establishing common economic metrics across prevention, care and treatment with partner countries and the Global Fund;
average costs, by country and by core intervention;
expenditure reporting in all program areas, supplemented with targeted analyses of the cost-effectiveness of specific interventions; and
import duties and internal taxes imposed on program commodities and services, by country.
A description of partnership framework agreements with countries, and regions where applicable, including—
the objectives and structure of partnership framework agreements with countries, including—
how these agreements are aligned with national HIV/AIDS plans and public health strategies and commitments of such countries; and
how these agreements incorporate a role for civil society; and
a description of what has been learned in advancing partnership framework agreements with countries, and regions as applicable, in terms of improved coordination and collaboration, definition of clear roles and responsibilities of participants and signers, and implications for how to further strengthen these agreements with mutually accountable measures of progress.
A description of efforts and activities to engage new partners, including faith-based, locally-based, and United States minority-serving institutions.
A definition and description of the differentiation between directly and otherwise supported activities, including specific efforts to clarify programmatic attribution and contribution, as well as timelines for dissemination and implementation.
A description, globally and by country, of specific efforts to address co-infections and co-morbidities of HIV/AIDS, including—
the number and percent of people in HIV care or treatment who started tuberculosis treatment; and
the number and percentage of eligible HIV positive patients starting isoniazid preventative therapy.
A description of efforts by partner countries to train, employ, and retain health care workers, including efforts to address workforce shortages.
A description of program evaluations completed during the reporting period, including whether all completed evaluations have been published on a publically available Internet website and whether any completed evaluations did not adhere to the common evaluation standards of practice published under paragraph (4).