U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 965.
Treatment of deferred foreign income upon transition to participation exemption system of taxation
Treatment of deferred foreign income as subpart F income
In the case of the last taxable year of a deferred foreign income corporation which begins before January 1, 2018, the subpart F income of such foreign corporation (as otherwise determined for such taxable year under section 952) shall be increased by the greater of—
the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of such corporation determined as of November 2, 2017, or
the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of such corporation determined as of December 31, 2017.
Reduction in amounts included in gross income of United States shareholders of specified foreign corporations with deficits in earnings and profits
In general
Allocation of aggregate foreign E&P deficit
The aggregate foreign E&P deficit of any United States shareholder shall be allocated among the deferred foreign income corporations of such United States shareholder in an amount which bears the same proportion to such aggregate as—
such United States shareholder’s pro rata share of the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of each such deferred foreign income corporation, bears to
the aggregate of such United States shareholder’s pro rata share of the accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income of all deferred foreign income corporations of such United States shareholder.
Definitions related to E&P deficits
For purposes of this subsection—
Aggregate foreign E&P deficit
In general
The term “aggregate foreign E&P deficit” means, with respect to any United States shareholder, the lesser of—
the aggregate of such shareholder’s pro rata shares of the specified E&P deficits of the E&P deficit foreign corporations of such shareholder, or
the amount determined under paragraph (2)(B).
Allocation of deficit
If the amount described in clause (i)(II) is less than the amount described in clause (i)(I), then the shareholder shall designate, in such form and manner as the Secretary determines—
the amount of the specified E&P deficit which is to be taken into account for each E&P deficit corporation with respect to the taxpayer, and
in the case of an E&P deficit corporation which has a qualified deficit (as defined in section 952), the portion (if any) of the deficit taken into account under subclause (I) which is attributable to a qualified deficit, including the qualified activities to which such portion is attributable.
E&P deficit foreign corporation
The term “E&P deficit foreign corporation” means, with respect to any taxpayer, any specified foreign corporation with respect to which such taxpayer is a United States shareholder, if, as of November 2, 2017
such specified foreign corporation has a deficit in post-1986 earnings and profits,
such corporation was a specified foreign corporation, and
such taxpayer was a United States shareholder of such corporation.
Specified E&P deficit
Treatment of earnings and profits in future years
Reduced earnings and profits treated as previously taxed income when distributed
E&P deficits
Netting among United States shareholders in same affiliated group
In general
E&P net surplus shareholder
E&P net deficit shareholder
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “E&P net deficit shareholder” means any United States shareholder if—
the aggregate foreign E&P deficit with respect to such shareholder (as defined in paragraph (3)(A) without regard to clause (i)(II) thereof), exceeds
the amount which would (but for this subsection) be taken into account by such shareholder under section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection (a).
Aggregate unused E&P deficit
For purposes of this paragraph—
In general
The term “aggregate unused E&P deficit” means, with respect to any affiliated group, the lesser of—
the sum of the excesses described in subparagraph (C), determined with respect to each E&P net deficit shareholder in such group, or
the amount determined under subparagraph (E)(ii).
Reduction with respect to E&P net deficit shareholders which are not wholly owned by the affiliated group
Applicable share
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “applicable share” means, with respect to any E&P net surplus shareholder in any affiliated group, the amount which bears the same proportion to such group’s aggregate unused E&P deficit as—
the product of—
such shareholder’s group ownership percentage, multiplied by
the amount which would (but for this paragraph) be taken into account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection (a) by such shareholder, bears to
the aggregate amount determined under clause (i) with respect to all E&P net surplus shareholders in such group.
Group ownership percentage
Application of participation exemption to included income
In general
In the case of a United States shareholder of a deferred foreign income corporation, there shall be allowed as a deduction for the taxable year in which an amount is included in the gross income of such United States shareholder under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section an amount equal to the sum of—
the United States shareholder’s 8 percent rate equivalent percentage of the excess (if any) of—
the amount so included as gross income, over
the amount of such United States shareholder’s aggregate foreign cash position, plus
the United States shareholder’s 15.5 percent rate equivalent percentage of so much of the amount described in subparagraph (A)(ii) as does not exceed the amount described in subparagraph (A)(i).
8 and 15.5 percent rate equivalent percentages
For purposes of this subsection—
8 percent rate equivalent percentage
15.5 percent rate equivalent percentage
Aggregate foreign cash position
For purposes of this subsection—
In general
The term “aggregate foreign cash position” means, with respect to any United States shareholder, the greater of—
the aggregate of such United States shareholder’s pro rata share of the cash position of each specified foreign corporation of such United States shareholder determined as of the close of the last taxable year of such specified foreign corporation which begins before January 1, 2018, or
one half of the sum of—
the aggregate described in clause (i) determined as of the close of the last taxable year of each such specified foreign corporation which ends before November 2, 2017, plus
the aggregate described in clause (i) determined as of the close of the taxable year of each such specified foreign corporation which precedes the taxable year referred to in subclause (I).
Cash position
For purposes of this paragraph, the cash position of any specified foreign corporation is the sum of—
cash held by such foreign corporation,
the net accounts receivable of such foreign corporation, plus
the fair market value of the following assets held by such corporation:
Personal property which is of a type that is actively traded and for which there is an established financial market.
Commercial paper, certificates of deposit, the securities of the Federal government and of any State or foreign government.
Any foreign currency.
Any obligation with a term of less than one year.
Any asset which the Secretary identifies as being economically equivalent to any asset described in this subparagraph.
Net accounts receivable
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “net accounts receivable” means, with respect to any specified foreign corporation, the excess (if any) of—
such corporation’s accounts receivable, over
such corporation’s accounts payable (determined consistent with the rules of section 461).
Prevention of double counting
Cash positions of certain non-corporate entities taken into account
Deferred foreign income corporation; accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income
For purposes of this section—
Deferred foreign income corporation
Accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income
The term “accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income” means the post-1986 earnings and profits except to the extent such earnings—
are attributable to income of the specified foreign corporation which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States and subject to tax under this chapter, or
in the case of a controlled foreign corporation, if distributed, would be excluded from the gross income of a United States shareholder under section 959.
To the extent provided in regulations or other guidance prescribed by the Secretary, in the case of any controlled foreign corporation which has shareholders which are not United States shareholders, accumulated post-1986 deferred foreign income shall be appropriately reduced by amounts which would be described in subparagraph (B) if such shareholders were United States shareholders.
Post-1986 earnings and profits
The term “post-1986 earnings and profits” means the earnings and profits of the foreign corporation (computed in accordance with sections 964(a) and 986, and by only taking into account periods when the foreign corporation was a specified foreign corporation) accumulated in taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986, and determined—
as of the date referred to in paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (a), whichever is applicable with respect to such foreign corporation, and
without diminution by reason of dividends distributed during the taxable year described in subsection (a) other than dividends distributed to another specified foreign corporation.
Specified foreign corporation
In general
For purposes of this section, the term “specified foreign corporation” means—
any controlled foreign corporation, and
any foreign corporation with respect to which one or more domestic corporations is a United States shareholder.
Application to certain foreign corporations
Exclusion of passive foreign investment companies
Determinations of pro rata share
In general
Special rules
The portion which is included in the income of a United States shareholder under section 951(a)(1) by reason of subsection (a) which is equal to the deduction allowed under subsection (c) by reason of such inclusion—
shall be treated as income exempt from tax for purposes of sections 705(a)(1)(B) and 1367(a)(1)(A), and
shall not be treated as income exempt from tax for purposes of determining whether an adjustment shall be made to an accumulated adjustment account under section 1368(e)(1)(A).
Disallowance of foreign tax credit, etc.
In general
Applicable percentage
For purposes of this subsection, the term “applicable percentage” means the amount (expressed as a percentage) equal to the sum of—
0.771 multiplied by the ratio of—
the excess to which subsection (c)(1)(A) applies, divided by
the sum of such excess plus the amount to which subsection (c)(1)(B) applies, plus
0.557 multiplied by the ratio of—
the amount to which subsection (c)(1)(B) applies, divided by
the sum described in subparagraph (A)(ii).
Denial of deduction
Coordination with section 78
With respect to the taxes treated as paid or accrued by a domestic corporation with respect to amounts which are includible in gross income of such domestic corporation by reason of this section, section 78 shall apply only to so much of such taxes as bears the same proportion to the amount of such taxes as—
the excess of—
the amounts which are includible in gross income of such domestic corporation by reason of this section, over
the deduction allowable under subsection (c) with respect to such amounts, bears to
such amounts.
Election to pay liability in installments
In general
In the case of a United States shareholder of a deferred foreign income corporation, such United States shareholder may elect to pay the net tax liability under this section in 8 installments of the following amounts:
8 percent of the net tax liability in the case of each of the first 5 of such installments,
15 percent of the net tax liability in the case of the 6th such installment,
20 percent of the net tax liability in the case of the 7th such installment, and
25 percent of the net tax liability in the case of the 8th such installment.
Date for payment of installments
Acceleration of payment
Proration of deficiency to installments
Net tax liability under this section
For purposes of this subsection—
In general
The net tax liability under this section with respect to any United States shareholder is the excess (if any) of—
such taxpayer’s net income tax for the taxable year in which an amount is included in the gross income of such United States shareholder under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section, over
such taxpayer’s net income tax for such taxable year determined—
without regard to this section, and
without regard to any income or deduction properly attributable to a dividend received by such United States shareholder from any deferred foreign income corporation.
Net income tax
Special rules for S corporation shareholders
In general
Triggering event
In general
In the case of any shareholder’s net tax liability under this section with respect to any S corporation, the triggering event with respect to such liability is whichever of the following occurs first:
Such corporation ceases to be an S corporation (determined as of the first day of the first taxable year that such corporation is not an S corporation).
A liquidation or sale of substantially all the assets of such S corporation (including in a title 11 or similar case), a cessation of business by such S corporation, such S corporation ceases to exist, or any similar circumstance.
A transfer of any share of stock in such S corporation by the taxpayer (including by reason of death, or otherwise).
Partial transfers of stock
Transfer of liability
Net tax liability
Election to pay deferred liability in installments
In the case of a taxpayer which elects to defer payment under paragraph (1)—
subsection (h) shall be applied separately with respect to the liability to which such election applies,
an election under subsection (h) with respect to such liability shall be treated as timely made if made not later than the due date for the return of tax for the taxable year in which the triggering event with respect to such liability occurs,
the first installment under subsection (h) with respect to such liability shall be paid not later than such due date (but determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return), and
if the triggering event with respect to any net tax liability is described in paragraph (2)(A)(ii), an election under subsection (h) with respect to such liability may be made only with the consent of the Secretary.
Joint and several liability of S corporation
Extension of limitation on collection
Annual reporting of net tax liability
In general
Deferred net tax liability
Failure to report
Any election under paragraph (1)—
shall be made by the shareholder of the S corporation not later than the due date for such shareholder’s return of tax for the taxable year which includes the close of the taxable year of such S corporation in which the amount described in subsection (a) is taken into account, and
shall be made in such manner as the Secretary shall provide.
Reporting by S corporation
Extension of limitation on assessment
Recapture for expatriated entities
In general
If a deduction is allowed under subsection (c) to a United States shareholder and such shareholder first becomes an expatriated entity at any time during the 10-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 1
 See References in Text note below.
(with respect to a surrogate foreign corporation which first becomes a surrogate foreign corporation during such period), then—
the tax imposed by this chapter shall be increased for the first taxable year in which such taxpayer becomes an expatriated entity by an amount equal to 35 percent of the amount of the deduction allowed under subsection (c), and
no credits shall be allowed against the increase in tax under subparagraph (A).
Expatriated entity
Surrogate foreign corporation
Special rules for United States shareholders which are real estate investment trusts
In general
If a real estate investment trust is a United States shareholder in 1 or more deferred foreign income corporations—
any amount required to be taken into account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section shall not be taken into account as gross income of the real estate investment trust for purposes of applying paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 856(c) to any taxable year for which such amount is taken into account under section 951(a)(1), and
if the real estate investment trust elects the application of this subparagraph, notwithstanding subsection (a), any amount required to be taken into account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section shall, in lieu of the taxable year in which it would otherwise be included in gross income (for purposes of the computation of real estate investment trust taxable income under section 857(b)), be included in gross income as follows:
8 percent of such amount in the case of each of the taxable years in the 5-taxable year period beginning with the taxable year in which such amount would otherwise be included.
15 percent of such amount in the case of the 1st taxable year following such period.
20 percent of such amount in the case of the 2nd taxable year following such period.
25 percent of such amount in the case of the 3rd taxable year following such period.
Rules for trusts electing deferred inclusion
Special rules
If an election under paragraph (1)(B) is in effect with respect to any real estate investment trust, the following rules shall apply:
Application of participation exemption
For purposes of subsection (c)(1)—
the aggregate amount to which subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (c)(1) applies shall be determined without regard to the election,
each such aggregate amount shall be allocated to each taxable year described in paragraph (1)(B) in the same proportion as the amount included in the gross income of such United States shareholder under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section is allocated to each such taxable year.
No installment payments.—
The real estate investment trust may not make an election under subsection (g) for any taxable year described in paragraph (1)(B).
Acceleration of inclusion
Election not to apply net operating loss deduction
In general
If a United States shareholder of a deferred foreign income corporation elects the application of this subsection for the taxable year described in subsection (a), then the amount described in paragraph (2) shall not be taken into account—
in determining the amount of the net operating loss deduction under section 172 of such shareholder for such taxable year, or
in determining the amount of taxable income for such taxable year which may be reduced by net operating loss carryovers or carrybacks to such taxable year under section 172.
Amount described
The amount described in this paragraph is the sum of—
the amount required to be taken into account under section 951(a)(1) by reason of this section (determined after the application of subsection (c)), plus
in the case of a domestic corporation which chooses to have the benefits of subpart A of part III of subchapter N for the taxable year, the taxes deemed to be paid by such corporation under subsections (a) and (b) of section 960 for such taxable year with respect to the amount described in subparagraph (A) which are treated as a dividends 2
 So in original.
under section 78.
The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations or other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this section, including—
regulations or other guidance to provide appropriate basis adjustments, and
regulations or other guidance to prevent the avoidance of the purposes of this section, including through a reduction in earnings and profits, through changes in entity classification or accounting methods, or otherwise.
(Added Pub. L. 108–357, title IV, § 422(a), Oct. 22, 2004, 118 Stat. 1514; amended Pub. L. 109–135, title IV, § 403(q), Dec. 21, 2005, 119 Stat. 2627; Pub. L. 115–97, title I, § 14103(a), Dec. 22, 2017, 131 Stat. 2195.)
cite as: 26 USC 965