§ 13.
Research laboratory for utilization of anthracite coal; establishment and maintenance
The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the United States Bureau of Mines, is authorized and directed to establish, equip, and maintain a research laboratory in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania to conduct researches and investigations on the mining, preparation, and utilization of anthracite coal and to develop new scientific, chemical, and technical uses and new and extended markets and outlets for anthracite coal and its products. Such laboratory shall be planned as a center for information and assistance in matters pertaining to conserving resources for national defense; to the more efficient mining, preparation, and utilization of anthracite coal; and pertaining to safety, health, and sanitation in mining operations and other matters relating to problems of the anthracite industry.
([Dec. 18, 1942, ch. 764, § 1], [56 Stat. 1056].)