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U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
All Titles
Title 42
Chapter 19B
Subchapter IV
§ 1962d-5f. Beach nourishment...
§ 1962d-6. Feasibility studies; ...
§ 1962d-5f. Beach nourishment...
§ 1962d-6. Feasibility studies; ...
U.S. Code
§ 1962d–5g.
Hydroelectric power resources
Study; plan
The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized and directed to conduct a study of the most efficient methods of utilizing the hydroelectric power resources at water resource development projects under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Army and to prepare a plan based upon the findings of such study. Such study shall include, but not be limited to, an analysis of—
the physical potential for hydroelectric development, giving consideration to the economic, social, environmental and institutional factors which will affect the realization of physical potential;
the magnitude and regional distribution of needs for hydroelectric power;
the integration of hydroelectric power generation with generation from other types of generating facilities;
measures necessary to assure that generation from hydroelectric projects will efficiently contribute to meeting the national electric energy demands;
the timing of hydroelectric development to properly coincide with changes in the demand for electric energy;
conventional hydroelectric potential, both high head and low head projects utilizing run-of-rivers and possible advances in mechanical technology, and pumped storage hydroelectric potential at sites which evidence such potential;
the feasibility of adding or reallocating storage and modifying operation rules to increase power production at corps projects with existing hydroelectric installations;
measures deemed necessary or desirable to insure that the potential contribution of hydroelectric resources to the overall electric energy supply are realized to the maximum extent possible; and
any other pertinent factors necessary to evaluate the development and operation of hydroelectric projects of the Corps of Engineers.
Transmittal of plan to Congressional committees
Authorization of appropriation
Feasibility studies of specific hydroelectric power installations; authorization of appropriations
Pub. L. 94–587, § 167
Oct. 22, 1976
90 Stat. 2935
Pub. L. 103–437, § 15(e)(1)
Nov. 2, 1994
108 Stat. 4592
cite as:
42 USC 1962d-5g
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