§ 5116g.
National network for community-based family resource programs
The Secretary may allocate such sums as may be necessary from the amount provided under the State allotment to support the activities of the lead entity in the State—
to create, operate, and maintain a peer review process;
to create, operate, and maintain an information clearinghouse;
to fund a yearly symposium on State system change efforts that result from the operation of the community-based and prevention-focused programs and activities designed to strengthen and support families to prevent child abuse and neglect;
to create, operate, and maintain a computerized communication system between lead entities; and
to fund State-to-State technical assistance through bi-annual conferences.
([Pub. L. 93–247, title II, § 207], formerly § 208, as added [Pub. L. 104–235, title I, § 121], Oct. 3, 1996, [110 Stat. 3086]; amended [Pub. L. 108–36, title I, § 128], June 25, 2003, [117 Stat. 817]; renumbered § 207 and amended [Pub. L. 111–320, title I], §§ 138, 141, Dec. 20, 2010, [124 Stat. 3481], 3482.)