U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 290c.
Advanced Research Projects Agency–Health
In general
In general
There shall be within ARPA–H—
an Office of the Director;
not more than 8 program offices; and
such special project offices as the Director may establish.
Exemption from certain policies of NIH
In general
Goals and functions
The goals of ARPA–H shall be to—
foster the development of novel, breakthrough, and broadly applicable capabilities and technologies to accelerate transformative innovation in biomedical science and medicine in a manner that cannot be readily accomplished through traditional Federal biomedical research and development programs or commercial activity;
revolutionize the detection, diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment, and cure of diseases and health conditions by overcoming long-term and significant technological and scientific barriers to developing transformative health technologies;
promote high-risk, high-reward innovation to enable the advancement of transformative health technologies; and
contribute to ensuring the United States—
pursues initiatives that aim to maintain global leadership in science and innovation; and
improves the health and wellbeing of its citizens by supporting the advancement of biomedical science and innovation.
ARPA–H shall achieve the goals specified in paragraph (1) by addressing specific scientific or technical questions by involving high-impact transformative, translational, applied, and advanced research in relevant areas of science, by supporting—
discovery, identification, and promotion of revolutionary advancements in science;
translation of scientific discoveries into transformative health technologies with potential application for biomedical science and medicine;
creation of platform capabilities that draw on multiple disciplines;
delivery of proofs of concept that demonstrate meaningful advances with potential clinical application;
development of new capabilities and methods to identify potential targets and technological strategies for early disease detection and intervention, such as advanced computational tools and predictive models; and
acceleration of transformational health technological advances in areas with limited technical certainty.
In general
is especially qualified to advise the Secretary on, and manage—
research and development programs; and
large-scale, high-risk initiatives with respect to health research and technology development across multiple sectors, including identifying and supporting potentially transformative health technologies; and
has a demonstrated ability to identify and develop partnerships to address strategic needs in meeting the goals described in subsection (b)(1).
The duties of the Director shall include the following:
Establish strategic goals, objectives, and priorities for ARPA–H to advance the goals described in subsection (b)(1).
Approve the projects and programs of ARPA–H and restructure, expand, or terminate any project or program within ARPA–H that is not achieving its goals.
Develop funding criteria and assess the success of programs through the establishment of technical milestones.
Request that applications for funding disclose current and previous research and development efforts related to such applications, as appropriate, and identify any challenges associated with such efforts, including any scientific or technical barriers encountered in the course of such efforts or challenges in securing sources of funding, as applicable.
Coordinate with the heads of relevant Federal departments and agencies to facilitate sharing of data and information, as applicable and appropriate, and ensure that research supported by ARPA–H is informed by and supplements, not supplants, the activities of such departments and agencies and is free of unnecessary duplication of effort.
Ensure ARPA–H does not provide funding for a project unless the program manager determines that the project aligns with the goals described in subsection (b)(1).
Prioritize investments based on considerations such as—
scientific opportunity and potential impact, especially in areas that fit within the strategies and operating practices of ARPA–H and require public-private partnerships to effectively advance research and development activities; and
the potential applications that an innovation may have to address areas of currently unmet need in medicine and health, including health disparities and the potential to prevent progression to serious disease.
Encourage strategic collaboration and partnerships with a broad range of entities, which may include institutions of higher education, minority-serving institutions (defined, for the purposes of this section, as institutions and programs described in section 1063b(e)(1) of title 20 and institutions described in section 1067q(a) of title 20), industry, nonprofit organizations, Federally funded research and development centers, or consortia of such entities.
Notwithstanding section 284(a)(2) of this title, the Director—
shall be appointed for a 4-year term; and
may be reappointed for 1 consecutive 4-year term.
Autonomy of Agency regarding recommendations and testimony
Deputy Director
Nonapplication of certain provision
Application of certain flexibilities
Protection of information
No authorization for disclosure
If there have been requests under section 522 1
 So in original. Probably should be “section 552”.
of title 5 or the Secretary has used such authority to withhold information within the preceding year, not later than 1 year after December 29, 2022, and annually thereafter, the Director shall report to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives on—
the number of instances in which the Secretary has used the authority under this subsection to withhold information from disclosure; and
the nature of any request under section 552 of title 5 or section 1905 of title 18 that was denied using such authority.
Cooperation with the Food and Drug Administration
In general
In general
In carrying out this section, the Director may—
award grants and cooperative agreements, which shall include requirements to publicly report indirect facilities and administrative costs, broken out by fixed capital costs, administrative overhead, and labor costs;
award contracts, which may include multi-year contracts subject to section 3903 of title 41;
award cash prizes, utilizing the authorities and processes established under section 3719 of title 15; and
enter into other transactions, as defined by section 247d–7e(a)(3) of this title, subject to paragraph (2).
Limitations on entering into other transactions
Use of competitive procedures
Written determination required
The authority of paragraph (1)(D) may be exercised for a project if the program manager—
submits a request to the Director for each individual use of such authority before conducting or supporting a program, including an explanation of why the use of such authority is essential to promoting the success of the project;
receives approval for the use of such authority from the Director; and
for each year in which the program manager has used such authority in accordance with this paragraph, submits a report to the Director on the activities of the program related to such project.
Exemptions from certain requirements
Facilities authority
In general
The Director is authorized, for administrative purposes, to—
acquire (by purchase, lease, condemnation or otherwise), construct, improve, repair, operate, and maintain such real and personal property as are necessary to carry out this section; and
lease an interest in property for not more than 20 years, notwithstanding section 1341(a)(1) of title 31.
In general
Number of locations
In determining the location of each office or facility, the Director shall make a fair and open consideration of—
the characteristics of the intended location; and
the extent to which such location will facilitate advancement of the goals and functions specified in subsection (b).
In general
The Director may—
appoint and remove scientific, engineering, medical, and professional personnel, which may include temporary or term-limited appointments as determined by the Director to fulfill the mission of ARPA–H, without regard to any provision in title 5 governing appointments and removals under the civil service laws;
notwithstanding any other provision of law, including any requirement with respect to General Schedule pay rates under subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, fix the base pay compensation of such personnel at a rate to be determined by the Director, up to the amount of annual compensation (excluding expenses) specified in section 102 of title 3; and
contract with private recruiting firms for assistance in identifying highly qualified candidates for technical positions needed to carry out this section.
Support staff
Number of personnel
Clarification on previous positions
In general
Nonapplication of provision
Additional considerations
In appointing personnel under this subsection, the Director—
may contract with private entities for the purposes of recruitment services;
shall make efforts to recruit a diverse workforce, including individuals underrepresented in science, engineering, and medicine, including racial and ethnic minorities, provided such efforts do not conflict with applicable Federal civil rights law, and individuals with a variety of professional experiences or backgrounds; and
shall recruit program managers with demonstrated expertise in a wide range of scientific disciplines and management skills.
Use of Intergovernmental Personnel Act
Authority to accept Federal detailees
Program managers
In general
A program manager shall—
establish, in consultation with the Director, research and development goals for programs, including timelines and milestones, and make such goals available to the public;
manage applications and proposals, through the appropriate officials, for making awards as described in subsection (g) for activities consistent with the goals and functions described in subsection (b);
issue funding opportunity announcements, using uniform administrative processes, as appropriate;
select, on the basis of merit, each of the projects to be supported under a program carried out by ARPA–H, and taking into consideration—
the scientific, technical merit, and novelty of the proposed project;
the ability of the applicant to successfully carry out the proposed project;
the potential future commercial applications of the project proposed by the applicant, including whether such applications may have the potential to address areas of currently unmet need within biomedicine and improve health outcomes;
the degree to which the proposed project has the potential to transform biomedicine and addresses a scientific or technical question pursuant to subsection (b);
the potential for the project to take an interdisciplinary approach; and
such other criteria as established by the Director;
provide project oversight and management of strategic initiatives to advance the program, including by conducting project reviews not later than 18 months after the date of funding awards to identify and monitor progress of milestones with respect to each project and prior to disbursement of additional funds;
provide recommendations to the Director with respect to advancing the goals and functions specified in subsection (b);
encourage research collaborations and cultivate opportunities for the application or utilization of successful projects, including through identifying and supporting applicable public-private partnerships or partnerships between or among award recipients;
provide recommendations to the Director to establish, expand, restructure, or terminate partnerships or projects; and
communicate and collaborate with leaders and experts within the health care and biomedical research and development fields, including from both the public and private sectors and, as necessary, through the convening of workshops and meetings, to identify research and development gaps and opportunities and solicit stakeholder input on programs and goals.
Reports and evaluation
Annual report
In general
Beginning not later than 1 year after December 29, 2022, as part of the annual budget request submitted for each fiscal year, the Director shall submit a report on the actions undertaken, and the results generated, by ARPA–H, including—
a description of projects supported by ARPA–H in the previous fiscal year and whether such projects are meeting the goals developed by the Director pursuant to subsection (c)(4)(A);
a description of projects terminated in the previous fiscal year, and the reason for such termination;
a description of planned programs starting in the next fiscal year, pending the availability of funding;
activities conducted in coordination with other Federal departments and agencies;
a description of any successes with, or barriers to, coordinating with other Federal departments and agencies to achieve the goals and functions under subsection (b);
aggregated demographic information, if available, of direct recipients and performers in funded projects and of the ARPA–H workforce (consistent with the reporting requirements under paragraph (3)); and
a summary of award recipient compliance with section 242v of this title.
Submission to Congress
The report under subparagraph (A) shall be submitted to—
the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives; and
the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate.
In general
Submission of results
Reporting related to ARPA–H personnel
In general
The Director shall establish and maintain records regarding the use of the authority under subsection (i)(1)(A), including—
the number of positions filled through such authority;
the types of appointments of such positions;
the titles, occupational series, and grades of such positions;
the number of positions publicly noticed to be filled under such authority;
the number of qualified applicants who apply for such positions;
the qualification criteria for such positions; and
the demographic information of individuals appointed to such positions.
Reports to Congress
GAO report
Not later than 2 years after December 29, 2022, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a report on the use of the authority provided under subsection (i)(1)(A). Such report shall, in a manner that protects personal privacy, to the extent required by applicable Federal and State privacy law, at a minimum, include information on—
the number of positions publicly noticed and filled under the authority under subsection (i);
the occupational series, grades, and types of appointments of such positions;
how such positions related to advancing the goals and functions of ARPA–H;
how the Director made appointment decisions under subsection (i);
a summary of sources used to identify candidates for filling such positions, as applicable;
the number of individuals appointed;
aggregated demographic information related to individuals appointed; and
any challenges, limitations, or gaps related to the use of the authority under subsection (i) and any related recommendations to address such challenges, limitations, or gaps.
Strategic plan
Independent review
Not later than 1 year after December 29, 2022, and every 4 years thereafter, the Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct, and submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives, an independent review of the biomedical research and development portfolio of the Department of Health and Human Services, including ARPA–H, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority—
to assess the degree of any potential duplication of existing Federal programs and projects; and
to make any recommendations regarding any potential reorganization, consolidation, or termination of such programs and projects.
In general
The Director shall—
prioritize awarding grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, prizes, and other transaction awards to entities that will conduct funded work in the United States;
as appropriate and practicable, encourage nondomestic recipients of any grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, prizes, and other transactions under this section to collaborate with a domestic entity;
not make awards under this section to nondomestic entities organized under the laws of a covered foreign country (as defined in section 3059 of title 50); and
in accordance with the requirements of chapter 33 of title 41 and the Federal Acquisition Regulation, not make awards under this section to entities that have more than 3 ongoing concurrent awards under this section.
Additional consultation
In carrying out this section, the Director may consult with—
the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology;
representatives of professional or scientific organizations, including academia and industry, with expertise in specific technologies under consideration or development by ARPA–H;
an existing advisory committee providing advice to the Secretary or the head of any operating or staff division of the Department;
the advisory committee established under subsection (p); and
any other entity the Director may deem appropriate.
Advisory Committee
In general
The Advisory Committee established under paragraph (1) shall consist of the heads of the following agencies or their designees:
The National Institutes of Health.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Food and Drug Administration.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
The Office of Science of the Department of Energy.
The National Science Foundation.
Any other agency or office with subject matter expertise that the Director of ARPA–H determines appropriate to advance programs or projects under this section.
Nonapplicability of FACA
Advisory nature
Performance measures framework
In general
Availability of performance measures
Rule of construction
Transformative health technology defined
In this section, the term “transformative health technology” means a novel, broadly applicable capability or technology—
that has potential to revolutionize the detection, diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, cure, or treatment of a disease or health condition that can cause severe health outcomes and which is an area of currently unmet need; and
for which—
significant scientific or technical challenges exist; or
incentives in the commercial market are unlikely to result in the adequate or timely development of such capability or technology.
Authorization of appropriations
Additional budget clarification
(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title IV, § 499A, as added Pub. L. 117–328, div. FF, title II, § 2331(a), Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5770.)
cite as: 42 USC 290c