A description of the past and present activities of the Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness and knowledge of the public with respect to different types of cancer, including gynecologic cancers.
A description of the past and present activities of the Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness and knowledge of health care providers with respect to different types of cancer, including gynecologic cancers.
For each activity described pursuant to clause (i) or (ii), a description of the following:
The funding for such activity for fiscal year 2006 and the cumulative funding for such activity for previous fiscal years.
The background and history of such activity, including—
the goals of such activity;
the communications objectives of such activity;
the identity of each agency within the Department of Health and Human Services responsible for any aspect of the activity; and
how such activity is or was expected to result in change.
How long the activity lasted or is expected to last.
The outcomes observed and the evaluation methods, if any, that have been, are being, or will be used with respect to such activity.
For each such outcome or evaluation method, a description of the associated results, analyses, and conclusions.