§ 300ff–33.
Description of compliant States
For purposes of subsection (a), the laws or regulations of a State are in accordance with this subsection if, under such laws or regulations (including programs carried out pursuant to the discretion of State officials), both of the policies described in paragraph (1) are in effect, or both of the policies described in paragraph (2) are in effect, as follows:
Voluntary opt-out testing of pregnant women.
Universal testing of newborns.
Voluntary opt-out testing of clients at sexually transmitted disease clinics.
Voluntary opt-out testing of clients at substance abuse treatment centers.
The Secretary shall periodically ensure that the applicable policies are being carried out and recertify compliance.
([July 1, 1944, ch. 373], title XXVI, § 2625, as added [Pub. L. 104–146, § 7(b)(3)], May 20, 1996, [110 Stat. 1369]; amended [Pub. L. 106–345, title II, § 212(a)], Oct. 20, 2000, [114 Stat. 1339]; [Pub. L. 109–415, title II, § 209], title VII, § 703, Dec. 19, 2006, [120 Stat. 2802], 2820; [Pub. L. 111–87, § 2(a)(1)], (3)(A), Oct. 30, 2009, [123 Stat. 2885].)