§ 1395w–27a.
Repealed. [Pub. L. 111–148, title X, § 10327(c)(1)], Mar. 23, 2010, [124 Stat. 964]
Computation of applicable MA region-specific non-drug monthly benchmark amounts
Computation for regions
2 components
For purposes of paragraph (1), the 2 components described in this paragraph for an MA region and a year are the following:
Statutory component
The product of the following:
Statutory region-specific non-drug amount
Statutory national market share
Plan-bid component
The product of the following:
Weighted average of MA plan bids in region
Non-statutory market share
Statutory region-specific non-drug amount
For purposes of paragraph (2)(A)(i), the term “statutory region-specific non-drug amount” means, for an MA region and year, an amount equal the sum (for each MA local area within the region) of the product of—
the number of MA eligible individuals residing in the local area, divided by the total number of MA eligible individuals residing in the region.
Computation of statutory market share percentage
Reference month defined
Determination of weighted average MA bids for a region
In general
Monthly MA statutory non-drug bid amount
Plan’s share of MA enrollment in region
Plan’s share of MA enrollment in region
Equal division among multiple plans in year in which plans are first available
In the case of an MA region in the first year in which any MA regional plan is offered, if more than one MA regional plan is offered in such year, the factor described in this subparagraph for a plan shall (as specified by the Secretary) be equal to—
1 divided by the number of such plans offered in such year; or
a factor for such plan that is based upon the organization’s estimate of projected enrollment, as reviewed and adjusted by the Secretary to ensure reasonableness and as is certified by the Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Counting of individuals
([Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531], title XVIII, § 1858, as added [Pub. L. 108–173, title II, § 221(c)], Dec. 8, 2003, [117 Stat. 2181]; amended [Pub. L. 109–432, div. B, title III, § 301], Dec. 20, 2006, [120 Stat. 2990]; [Pub. L. 110–48, § 3], July 18, 2007, [121 Stat. 244]; [Pub. L. 110–173, title I, § 110], Dec. 29, 2007, [121 Stat. 2497]; [Pub. L. 110–275, title I, § 166], July 15, 2008, [122 Stat. 2575]; [Pub. L. 111–8, div. G, title I, § 1301(f)], Mar. 11, 2009, [123 Stat. 829]; [Pub. L. 111–148, title III, § 3201(a)(2)(C)], (f)(2), title X, § 10327(c)(1), Mar. 23, 2010, [124 Stat. 444], 450, 964; [Pub. L. 111–152, title I, § 1102(a)], Mar. 30, 2010, [124 Stat. 1040].)