Neither the State, in the case of a plan (or portion thereof) approved under this subsection, nor the Administrator, in the case of a plan (or portion thereof) promulgated under subsection (c), shall be required to revise an applicable implementation plan because one or more exemptions under
section 7418 of this title (relating to Federal facilities), enforcement orders under section 7413(d)
See References in Text note below.
of this title, suspensions under subsection (f) or (g) (relating to temporary energy or economic authority), orders under
section 7419 of this title (relating to primary nonferrous smelters), or extensions of compliance in decrees entered under section 7413(e) of this title (relating to iron- and steel-producing operations) have been granted, if such plan would have met the requirements of this section if no such exemptions, orders, or extensions had been granted.