U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 1436a.
Restriction on use of assisted housing by non-resident aliens
Conditions for assistance
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the applicable Secretary may not make financial assistance available for the benefit of any alien unless that alien is a resident of the United States and is—
an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence as an immigrant as defined by section 1101(a)(15) and (20) of title 8, excluding, among others, alien visitors, tourists, diplomats, and students who enter the United States temporarily with no intention of abandoning their residence in a foreign country;
an alien who entered the United States prior to June 30, 1948, or such subsequent date as is enacted by law, has continuously maintained his or her residence in the United States since then, and is not ineligible for citizenship, but who is deemed to be lawfully admitted for permanent residence as a result of an exercise of discretion by the Attorney General pursuant to section 1259 of title 8;
an alien who is lawfully present in the United States pursuant to an admission under section 1157 of title 8 or pursuant to the granting of asylum (which has not been terminated) under section 1158 of title 8;
an alien who is lawfully present in the United States as a result of an exercise of discretion by the Attorney General for emergent reasons or reasons deemed strictly in the public interest pursuant to section 1182(d)(5) of title 8;
an alien who is lawfully present in the United States as a result of the Attorney General’s withholding deportation pursuant to section 1231(b)(3) of title 8;
an alien lawfully admitted for temporary or permanent residence under section 1255a of title 8; or
an alien who is lawfully resident in the United States and its territories and possessions under section 141 of the Compacts of Free Association between the Government of the United States and the Governments of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia (48 U.S.C. 1901 note) and Palau (48 U.S.C. 1931 note) while the applicable section is in effect: Provided, That, within Guam any any 1
 So in original.
citizen or national of the United States shall be entitled to a preference or priority in receiving financial assistance before any such alien who is otherwise eligible for assistance.
“Financial assistance” defined
For purposes of this section the term “financial assistance” means financial assistance made available pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937 [42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.], section 1715z or 1715z–1 of title 12, the direct loan program under section 1472 of this title or section 1472(c)(5)(D), 1474, 1490a(a)(2)(A), or 1490r of this title, subtitle A of title III of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act [42 U.S.C. 12851 et seq.], or section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 [12 U.S.C. 1701s].
If the eligibility for financial assistance of at least one member of a family has been affirmatively established under the program of financial assistance and under this section, and the ineligibility of one or more family members has not been affirmatively established under this section, any financial assistance made available to that family by the applicable Secretary shall be prorated, based on the number of individuals in the family for whom eligibility has been affirmatively established under the program of financial assistance and under this section, as compared with the total number of individuals who are members of the family.
Preservation of families; students
If, following completion of the applicable hearing process, financial assistance for any individual receiving such assistance on February 5, 1988, is to be terminated, the public housing agency or other local governmental entity involved (in the case of public housing or assistance under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [42 U.S.C. 1437f]) or the applicable Secretary (in the case of any other financial assistance) shall take one of the following actions:
Permit the continued provision of financial assistance, if necessary to avoid the division of a family in which the head of household or spouse is a citizen of the United States, a national of the United States, or an alien resident of the United States described in any of paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (a). For purposes of this paragraph, the term “family” means a head of household, any spouse, any parents of the head of household, any parents of the spouse, and any children of the head of household or spouse. Financial assistance continued under this subparagraph for a family may be provided only on a prorated basis, under which the amount of financial assistance is based on the percentage of the total number of members of the family that are eligible for that assistance under the program of financial assistance and under this section.
Defer the termination of financial assistance, if necessary to permit the orderly transition of the individual and any family members involved to other affordable housing.
Except as provided in clause (iii), any deferral under this subparagraph shall be for a 6-month period and may be renewed by the public housing agency or other entity involved for an aggregate period of 18-months. At the beginning of each deferral period, the public housing agency or other entity involved shall inform the individual and family members of their ineligibility for financial assistance and offer them other assistance in finding other affordable housing.
The time period described in clause (ii) shall not apply in the case of a refugee under section 1157 of title 8 or an individual seeking asylum under section 1158 of title 8.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the applicable Secretary may not make financial assistance available for the benefit of—
any alien who—
has a residence in a foreign country that such alien has no intention of abandoning;
is a bona fide student qualified to pursue a full course of study; and
is admitted to the United States temporarily and solely for purposes of pursuing such a course of study at an established institution of learning or other recognized place of study in the United States, particularly designated by such alien and approved by the Attorney General after consultation with the Department of Education of the United States, which institution or place of study shall have agreed to report to the Attorney General the termination of attendance of each nonimmigrant student (and if any such institution of learning or place of study fails to make such reports promptly the approval shall be withdrawn); and
the alien spouse and minor children of any alien described in subparagraph (A), if accompanying such alien or following to join such alien.
Conditions for provision of financial assistance for individuals
The following conditions apply with respect to financial assistance being or to be provided for the benefit of an individual:
There must be a declaration in writing by the individual (or, in the case of an individual who is a child, by another on the individual’s behalf), under penalty of perjury, stating whether or not the individual is a citizen or national of the United States, and, if that individual is not a citizen or national of the United States, that the individual is in a satisfactory immigration status. If the declaration states that the individual is not a citizen or national of the United States and that the individual is younger than 62 years of age, the declaration shall be verified by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. If the declaration states that the individual is a citizen or national of the United States, the applicable Secretary, or the agency administering assistance covered by this section, may request verification of the declaration by requiring presentation of documentation that the applicable Secretary considers appropriate, including a United States passport, resident alien card, alien registration card, social security card, or other documentation.
In this subsection, the term “satisfactory immigration status” means an immigration status which does not make the individual ineligible for financial assistance.
If such an individual is not a citizen or national of the United States, is not 62 years of age or older, and is receiving financial assistance on September 30, 1996, or applying for financial assistance on or after September 30, 1996, there must be presented either—
alien registration documentation or other proof of immigration registration from the Immigration and Naturalization Service that contains the individual’s alien admission number or alien file number (or numbers if the individual has more than one number), or
such other documents as the applicable Secretary determines constitutes reasonable evidence indicating a satisfactory immigration status.
In the case of an individual applying for financial assistance on or after September 30, 1996, the applicable Secretary may not provide any such assistance for the benefit of that individual before documentation is presented and verified under paragraph (3) or (4).
If the documentation described in paragraph (2)(A) is presented, the applicable Secretary shall utilize the individual’s alien file or alien admission number to verify with the Immigration and Naturalization Service the individual’s immigration status through an automated or other system (designated by the Service for use with States) that—
utilizes the individual’s name, file number, admission number, or other means permitting efficient verification, and
protects the individual’s privacy to the maximum degree possible.
In the case of such an individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States, is not 62 years of age or older, and is receiving financial assistance on September 30, 1996, or applying for financial assistance on or after September 30, 1996, if, at the time of application or recertification for financial assistance, the statement described in paragraph (1) is submitted but the documentation required under paragraph (2) is not presented or if the documentation required under paragraph (2)(A) is presented but such documentation is not verified under paragraph (3)—
the applicable Secretary—
shall provide a reasonable opportunity, not to exceed 30 days, to submit to the applicable Secretary evidence indicating a satisfactory immigration status, or to appeal to the Immigration and Naturalization Service the verification determination of the Immigration and Naturalization Service under paragraph (3),
in the case of any individual receiving assistance on September 30, 1996, may not delay, deny, reduce, or terminate the eligibility of that individual for financial assistance on the basis of the immigration status of that individual until the expiration of that 30-day period; and
in the case of any individual applying for financial assistance on or after September 30, 1996, may not deny the application for such assistance on the basis of the immigration status of that individual until the expiration of that 30-day period; and
if any documents or additional information are submitted as evidence under subparagraph (A), or if appeal is made to the Immigration and Naturalization Service with respect to the verification determination of the Service under paragraph (3)—
the applicable Secretary shall transmit to the Immigration and Naturalization Service photostatic or other similar copies of such documents or additional information for official verification,
pending such verification or appeal, the applicable Secretary may not—
in the case of any individual receiving assistance on September 30, 1996, delay, deny, reduce, or terminate the eligibility of that individual for financial assistance on the basis of the immigration status of that individual; and
in the case of any individual applying for financial assistance on or after September 30, 1996, deny the application for such assistance on the basis of the immigration status of that individual; and
the applicable Secretary shall not be liable for the consequences of any action, delay, or failure of the Service to conduct such verification.
If the applicable Secretary determines, after complying with the requirements of paragraph (4), that such an individual is not in a satisfactory immigration status, the applicable Secretary shall—
deny the application of that individual for financial assistance or terminate the eligibility of that individual for financial assistance, as applicable;
provide that the individual may request a fair hearing during the 30-day period beginning upon receipt of the notice under subparagraph (C); and
provide to the individual written notice of the determination under this paragraph, the right to a fair hearing process, and the time limitation for requesting a hearing under subparagraph (C).
The applicable Secretary shall terminate the eligibility for financial assistance of an individual and the members of the household of the individual, for a period of not less than 24 months, upon determining that such individual has knowingly permitted another individual who is not eligible for such assistance to reside in the public or assisted housing unit of the individual. This provision shall not apply to a family if the ineligibility of the ineligible individual at issue was considered in calculating any proration of assistance provided for the family.
For purposes of this subsection, the term “applicable Secretary” means the applicable Secretary, a public housing agency, or another entity that determines the eligibility of an individual for financial assistance.
Regulatory actions against entities for erroneous determinations regarding eligibility based upon citizenship or immigration status
The applicable Secretary shall not take any compliance, disallowance, penalty, or other regulatory action against an entity with respect to any error in the entity’s determination to make an individual eligible for financial assistance based on citizenship or immigration status—
if the entity has provided such eligibility based on a verification of satisfactory immigration status by the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
because the entity, under subsection (d)(4)(A)(ii) (or under any alternative system for verifying immigration status with the Immigration and Naturalization Service authorized in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99–603
)), was required to provide a reasonable opportunity to submit documentation, or
because the entity, under subsection (d)(4)(B)(ii) (or under any alternative system for verifying immigration status with the Immigration and Naturalization Service authorized in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Public Law 99–603)), was required to wait for the response of the Immigration and Naturalization Service to the entity’s request for official verification of the immigration status of the individual, or the response from the Immigration and Naturalization Service to the appeal of that individual.
Verification system; liability of State or local government agencies or officials; prior consent agreements, court decrees or court orders unaffected
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no agency or official of a State or local government shall have any liability for the design or implementation of the Federal verification system described in subsection (d) if the implementation by the State or local agency or official is in accordance with Federal rules and regulations.
The verification system of the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall not supersede or affect any consent agreement entered into or court decree or court order entered prior to February 5, 1988.
Reimbursement for costs of implementation
“Applicable Secretary” defined
For purposes of this section, the term “applicable Secretary” means—
the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, with respect to financial assistance administered by such Secretary and financial assistance under subtitle A of title III of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act [42 U.S.C. 12851 et seq.]; and
the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to financial assistance administered by such Secretary.
Verification of eligibility
In general
Rules applicable to public housing agencies
A public housing agency (as that term is defined in section 3 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [42 U.S.C. 1437a])—
may, notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, elect not to affirmatively establish and verify eligibility before providing financial assistance 2
 So in original. Probably should be followed by “; and”.
in carrying out subsection (d)—
may initiate procedures to affirmatively establish or verify the eligibility of an individual or family under this section at any time at which the public housing agency determines that such eligibility is in question, regardless of whether or not that individual or family is at or near the top of the waiting list of the public housing agency;
may affirmatively establish or verify the eligibility of an individual or family under this section in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 1324a(b)(1) of title 8; and
shall have access to any relevant information contained in the SAVE system (or any successor thereto) that relates to any individual or family applying for financial assistance.
Eligibility of families
(Pub. L. 96–399, title II, § 214, Oct. 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 1637; Pub. L. 97–35, title III, § 329(a), Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 408; Pub. L. 99–603, title I, § 121(a)(2), Nov. 6, 1986, 100 Stat. 3386; Pub. L. 100–242, title I, § 164(a)–(f)(1), Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1860–1863; Pub. L. 104–193, title IV, § 441(a), Aug. 22, 1996, 110 Stat. 2276; Pub. L. 104–208, div. C, title III, § 308(g)(7)(D)(ii), title V, §§ 572–576, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009–624, 3009–684, 3009–685, 3009–687; Pub. L. 105–276, title V, § 592(a), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2653; Pub. L. 106–504, § 3(b), Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2312; Pub. L. 114–201, title I, § 113, July 29, 2016, 130 Stat. 804.)
cite as: 42 USC 1436a