§ 53713.
In General.—
The Secretary or Administrator shall charge and collect from the obligor fees the Secretary or Administrator considers reasonable for processing the application and monitoring the loan guarantee, including for—
investigating an application for a guarantee;
appraising property offered as security for a guarantee;
issuing a commitment;
inspecting property during construction, reconstruction, or reconditioning; and
monitoring and providing services related to the obligor’s compliance with any terms related to the obligations, the guarantee, or maintenance of the Secretary or Administrator’s security interests under this chapter.
([Pub. L. 109–304, § 8(c)], Oct. 6, 2006, [120 Stat. 1612]; [Pub. L. 109–163, div. C, title XXXV, § 3507(a)(1)(D)], Jan. 6, 2006, [119 Stat. 3555]; [Pub. L. 110–181, div. C, title XXXV, § 3522(a)(10)(B)], (b), Jan. 28, 2008, [122 Stat. 598]; [Pub. L. 116–92, div. C, title XXXV, § 3506(h)], Dec. 20, 2019, [133 Stat. 1973].)