U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 340.
Significantly viewed signals permitted to be carried
Significantly viewed stations
In addition to the broadcast signals that subscribers may receive under section 1
 So in original. Probably should be “sections”.
338 and 339 of this title, a satellite carrier is also authorized to retransmit to a subscriber located in a community the signal of any station located outside the local market in which such subscriber is located, to the extent such signal—
has, before December 8, 2004, been determined by the Federal Communications Commission to be a signal a cable operator may carry as significantly viewed in such community, except to the extent that such signal is prevented from being carried by a cable system in such community under the Commission’s network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity rules; or
is, after December 8, 2004, determined by the Commission to be significantly viewed in such community in accordance with the same standards and procedures concerning shares of viewing hours and audience surveys as are applicable under the rules, regulations, and authorizations of the Commission to determining with respect to a cable system whether signals are significantly viewed in a community.
Service limited to subscribers taking local-into-local service
Service limitations
Limitation not applicable where no network affiliates
Authority to grant station-specific waivers
Publication and modifications of lists; regulations
In general
The Commission shall—
within 60 days after December 8, 2004
publish a list of the stations that are eligible for retransmission under subsection (a)(1) and the communities in which such stations are eligible for such retransmission; and
commence a rulemaking proceeding to implement this section by publication of a notice of proposed rulemaking;
adopt rules pursuant to such rulemaking within 1 year after December 8, 2004.
Public availability of list
In addition to cable operators and television broadcast station licensees, the Commission shall permit a satellite carrier to petition for decisions and orders—
by which stations may be added to those that are eligible for retransmission under subsection (a), and by which communities may be added in which such stations are eligible for such retransmission; and
by which network nonduplication or syndicated exclusivity regulations are applied to the retransmission in accordance with subsection (e).
Effect on other obligations and rights
No effect on carriage obligations
Retransmission consent rights not affected
Network nonduplication and syndicated exclusivity
Not applicable except as provided by commission regulations
Orders and damages
Upon complaint, the Commission shall issue a cease and desist order to any satellite carrier found to have violated this section in carrying any television broadcast station. Such order may, if a complaining station requests damages—
provide for the award of damages to a complaining station that establishes that the violation was committed in bad faith, in an amount up to $50 per subscriber, per station, per day of the violation; and
provide for the award of damages to a prevailing satellite carrier if the Commission determines that the complaint was frivolous, in an amount up to $50 per subscriber alleged to be in violation, per station alleged, per day of the alleged violation.
Commission decision
Remedies in addition
No effect on copyright proceedings
Notices concerning significantly viewed stations
Each satellite carrier that proposes to commence the retransmission of a station pursuant to this section in any local market shall—
not less than 60 days before commencing such retransmission, provide a written notice to any television broadcast station in such local market of such proposal; and
designate on such carrier’s website all significantly viewed signals carried pursuant to section 340 of this title and the communities in which the signals are carried.
Additional corresponding changes in regulations
Community-by-community elections
The Commission shall, no later than October 30, 2005, revise section 76.66 of its regulations (47 CFR 76.66), concerning satellite broadcast signal carriage, to permit (at the next cycle of elections under section 325 of this title) a television broadcast station that is located in a local market into which a satellite carrier retransmits a television broadcast station pursuant to section 338 of this title, to elect, with respect to such satellite carrier, between retransmission consent pursuant to such section 325 of this title and mandatory carriage pursuant to section 338 of this title separately for each county within such station’s local market, if—
the satellite carrier has notified the station, pursuant to paragraph (3), that it intends to carry another affiliate of the same network pursuant to this section during the relevant election period in the station’s local market; or
on the date notification under paragraph (3) was due, the satellite carrier was retransmitting into the station’s local market pursuant to this section an affiliate of the same television network.
Unified negotiations
Additional provisions
The Commission shall, no later than October 30, 2005, revise its regulations to provide the following:
Notifications by satellite carrier
A satellite carrier’s retransmission of television broadcast stations pursuant to this section shall be subject to the following limitations:
In any local market in which the satellite carrier provides service pursuant to section 338 of this title on December 8, 2004, the carrier may notify a television broadcast station in that market, at least 60 days prior to any date on which the station must thereafter make an election under section 76.66 of the Commission’s regulations (47 CFR 76.66), of—
each affiliate of the same television network that the carrier reserves the right to retransmit into that station’s local market pursuant to this section during the next election cycle under such section of such regulations; and
for each such affiliate, the communities into which the satellite carrier reserves the right to make such retransmissions.
In any local market in which the satellite carrier commences service pursuant to section 338 of this title after December 8, 2004, the carrier may notify a station in that market, at least 60 days prior to the introduction of such service in that market, and thereafter at least 60 days prior to any date on which the station must thereafter make an election under section 76.66 of the Commission’s regulations (47 CFR 76.66), of each affiliate of the same television network that the carrier reserves the right to retransmit into that station’s local market during the next election cycle under such section of such regulations.
Beginning with the 2005 election cycle, a satellite carrier may only retransmit pursuant to this section during the pertinent election period a signal—
as to which it has provided the notifications set forth in clauses (i) and (ii); or
that it was retransmitting into the local market under this section as of the date such notifications were due.
Harmonization of elections and retransmission consent agreements
As used in this section:
Local market; satellite carrier; subscriber; television broadcast station
Network station; television network
The term “community” means—
a county or a cable community, as determined under the rules, regulations, and authorizations of the Commission applicable to determining with respect to a cable system whether signals are significantly viewed; or
a satellite community, as determined under such rules, regulations, and authorizations (or revisions thereof) as the Commission may prescribe in implementing the requirements of this section.
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title III, § 340, as added Pub. L. 108–447, div. J, title IX [title II, § 202(a)], Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3409; amended Pub. L. 111–175, title II, §§ 203(a), 204(c), May 27, 2010, 124 Stat. 1245, 1250.)
cite as: 47 USC 340