U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 554.
Equal employment opportunity
Entities within scope of coverage
Discrimination prohibited
Equal opportunity programs; establishment; maintenance; execution; terms
Any entity specified in subsection (a) shall establish, maintain, and execute a positive continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure equal opportunity in every aspect of its employment policies and practices. Under the terms of its program, each such entity shall—
define the responsibility of each level of management to ensure a positive application and vigorous enforcement of its policy of equal opportunity, and establish a procedure to review and control managerial and supervisory performance;
inform its employees and recognized employee organizations of the equal employment opportunity policy and program and enlist their cooperation;
communicate its equal employment opportunity policy and program and its employment needs to sources of qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, or sex, and solicit their recruitment assistance on a continuing basis;
conduct a continuing program to exclude every form of prejudice or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, or sex, from its personnel policies and practices and working conditions; and
conduct a continuing review of job structure and employment practices and adopt positive recruitment, training, job design, and other measures needed to ensure genuine equality of opportunity to participate fully in all its organizational units, occupations, and levels of responsibility.
Revision of rules; required provisions; annual statistical report; notice and comment on amendments
Not later than 270 days after the date of enactment of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, and after notice and opportunity for hearing, the Commission shall prescribe revisions in the rules under this section in order to implement the amendments made to this section by such Act. Such revisions shall be designed to promote equality of employment opportunities for females and minorities in each of the job categories itemized in paragraph (3).
Such rules shall specify the terms under which an entity specified in subsection (a) shall, to the extent possible—
disseminate its equal opportunity program to job applicants, employees, and those with whom it regularly does business;
use minority organizations, organizations for women, media, educational institutions, and other potential sources of minority and female applicants, to supply referrals whenever jobs are available in its operation;
evaluate its employment profile and job turnover against the availability of minorities and women in its franchise area;
undertake to offer promotions of minorities and women to positions of greater responsibility;
encourage minority and female entrepreneurs to conduct business with all parts of its operation; and
analyze the results of its efforts to recruit, hire, promote, and use the services of minorities and women and explain any difficulties encountered in implementing its equal employment opportunity program.
Such rules also shall require an entity specified in subsection (a) with more than 5 full-time employees to file with the Commission an annual statistical report identifying by race, sex, and job title the number of employees in each of the following full-time and part-time job categories:
Corporate officers.
General Manager.
Chief Technician.
General Sales Manager.
Production Manager.
Sales Personnel.
Office and Clerical Personnel.
Skilled Craftspersons.
Semiskilled Operatives.
Unskilled Laborers.
Service Workers.
The report required by subparagraph (A) shall be made on separate forms, provided by the Commission, for full-time and part-time employees. The Commission’s rules shall sufficiently define the job categories listed in clauses (i) through (vi) of such subparagraph so as to ensure that only employees who are principal decisionmakers and who have supervisory authority are reported for such categories. The Commission shall adopt rules that define the job categories listed in clauses (vii) through (xv) in a manner that is consistent with the Commission policies in effect on June 1, 1990. The Commission shall prescribe the method by which entities shall be required to compute and report the number of minorities and women in the job categories listed in clauses (i) through (x) and the number of minorities and women in the job categories listed in clauses (i) through (xv) in proportion to the total number of qualified minorities and women in the relevant labor market. The report shall include information on hiring, promotion, and recruitment practices necessary for the Commission to evaluate the efforts of entities to comply with the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection. The report shall be available for public inspection at the entity’s central location and at every location where 5 or more full-time employees are regularly assigned to work. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as prohibiting the Commission from collecting or continuing to collect statistical or other employment information in a manner that it deems appropriate to carry out this section.
The Commission may amend such rules from time to time to the extent necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. Any such amendment shall be made after notice and opportunity for comment.
Annual certification of compliance; periodic investigation of employment practices
On an annual basis, the Commission shall certify each entity described in subsection (a) as in compliance with this section if, on the basis of information in the possession of the Commission, including the report filed pursuant to subsection (d)(3), such entity was in compliance, during the annual period involved, with the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d).
The Commission shall, periodically but not less frequently than every five years, investigate the employment practices of each entity described in subsection (a), in the aggregate, as well as in individual job categories, and determine whether such entity is in compliance with the requirements of subsections (b), (c), and (d), including whether such entity’s employment practices deny or abridge women and minorities equal employment opportunities. As part of such investigation, the Commission shall review whether the entity’s reports filed pursuant to subsection (d)(3) accurately reflect employee responsibilities in the reported job classifications.
Substantial failure to comply; penalties; notice to public and franchising authorities
If the Commission finds after notice and hearing that the entity involved has willfully or repeatedly without good cause failed to comply with the requirements of this section, such failure shall constitute a substantial failure to comply with this subchapter. The failure to obtain certification under subsection (e) shall not itself constitute the basis for a determination of substantial failure to comply with this title. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “repeatedly”, when used with respect to failures to comply, refers to 3 or more failures during any 7-year period.
Any person who is determined by the Commission, through an investigation pursuant to subsection (e) or otherwise, to have failed to meet or failed to make best efforts to meet the requirements of this section, or rules under this section, shall be liable to the United States for a forfeiture penalty of $500 for each violation. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense. Any entity defined in subsection (a) shall not be liable for more than 180 days of forfeitures which accrued prior to notification by the Commission of a potential violation. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit the forfeiture imposed on any person as a result of any violation that continues subsequent to such notification. In addition, any person liable for such penalty may also have any license under this chapter for cable auxiliary relay service suspended until the Commission determines that the failure involved has been corrected. Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or submits documentation which he knows to be false, pursuant to an application for certification under this section shall be in violation of this section.
The provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4), and the last 2 sentences of paragraph (2), of section 503(b) of this title shall apply to forfeitures under this subsection.
The Commission shall provide for notice to the public and appropriate franchising authorities of any penalty imposed under this section.
Discrimination complaints; investigation; enforcement
“Cable operator” defined; owners of multiple unit dwellings
For purposes of this section, the term “cable operator” includes any operator of any satellite master antenna television system, including a system described in section 522(7)(A) of this title and any multichannel video programming distributor.
Such term does not include any operator of a system which, in the aggregate, serves fewer than 50 subscribers.
In any case in which a cable operator is the owner of a multiple unit dwelling, the requirements of this section shall only apply to such cable operator with respect to its employees who are primarily engaged in cable telecommunications.
Regulatory powers of States and franchising authorities; nonexclusive nature of remedies and enforcement provisions; covered franchises
Nothing in this section shall affect the authority of any State or any franchising authority—
to establish or enforce any requirement which is consistent with the requirements of this section, including any requirement which affords equal employment opportunity protection for employees;
to establish or enforce any provision requiring or encouraging any cable operator to conduct business with enterprises which are owned or controlled by members of minority groups (as defined in section 309(i)(3)(C)(ii) of this title) or which have their principal operations located within the community served by the cable operator; or
to enforce any requirement of a franchise in effect on the effective date of this subchapter.
The remedies and enforcement provisions of this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, those available under this or any other law.
The provisions of this section shall apply to any cable operator, whether operating pursuant to a franchise granted before, on, or after October 30, 1984.
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 634, as added Pub. L. 98–549, § 2, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2797; amended Pub. L. 102–385, § 22(b)–(e), Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1498, 1499; Pub. L. 103–414, title III, § 303(a)(24), Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4295.)
cite as: 47 USC 554