In general
The responsibilities of the Secretary relating to cybersecurity and infrastructure security shall include the following:
To access, receive, and analyze law enforcement information, intelligence information, and other information from Federal Government agencies, State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies, including law enforcement agencies, and private sector entities, and to integrate that information, in support of the mission responsibilities of the Department, in order to—
identify and assess the nature and scope of terrorist threats to the homeland;
detect and identify threats of terrorism against the United States; and
understand those threats in light of actual and potential vulnerabilities of the homeland.
To carry out comprehensive assessments of the vulnerabilities of the key resources and critical infrastructure of the United States, including the performance of risk assessments to determine the risks posed by particular types of terrorist attacks within the United States, including an assessment of the probability of success of those attacks and the feasibility and potential efficacy of various countermeasures to those attacks. At the discretion of the Secretary, such assessments may be carried out in coordination with Sector-Specific Agencies.
To integrate relevant information, analysis, and vulnerability assessments, regardless of whether the information, analysis, or assessments are provided or produced by the Department, in order to make recommendations, including prioritization, for protective and support measures by the Department, other Federal Government agencies, State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies and authorities, the private sector, and other entities regarding terrorist and other threats to homeland security.
To ensure, pursuant to
section 122 of this title, the timely and efficient access by the Department to all information necessary to discharge the responsibilities under this subchapter, including obtaining that information from other Federal Government agencies.
To develop, in coordination with the Sector-Specific Agencies with available expertise, a comprehensive national plan for securing the key resources and critical infrastructure of the United States, including power production, generation, and distribution systems, information technology and telecommunications systems (including satellites), electronic financial and property record storage and transmission systems, emergency communications systems, and the physical and technological assets that support those systems.
To recommend measures necessary to protect the key resources and critical infrastructure of the United States in coordination with other Federal Government agencies, including Sector-Specific Agencies, and in cooperation with State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies and authorities, the private sector, and other entities.
To review, analyze, and make recommendations for improvements to the policies and procedures governing the sharing of information relating to homeland security within the Federal Government and between Federal Government agencies and State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies and authorities.
To disseminate, as appropriate, information analyzed by the Department within the Department to other Federal Government agencies with responsibilities relating to homeland security and to State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies and private sector entities with those responsibilities in order to assist in the deterrence, prevention, or preemption of, or response to, terrorist attacks against the United States.
To consult with State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies and private sector entities to ensure appropriate exchanges of information, including law enforcement-related information, relating to threats of terrorism against the United States.
To ensure that any material received pursuant to this chapter is protected from unauthorized disclosure and handled and used only for the performance of official duties.
To request additional information from other Federal Government agencies, State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies, and the private sector relating to threats of terrorism in the United States, or relating to other areas of responsibility assigned by the Secretary, including the entry into cooperative agreements through the Secretary to obtain such information.
To establish and utilize, in conjunction with the Chief Information Officer of the Department, a secure communications and information technology infrastructure, including data-mining and other advanced analytical tools, in order to access, receive, and analyze data and information in furtherance of the responsibilities under this section, and to disseminate information acquired and analyzed by the Department, as appropriate.
To coordinate training and other support to the elements and personnel of the Department, other Federal Government agencies, and State, local, tribal, and territorial government agencies that provide information to the Department, or are consumers of information provided by the Department, in order to facilitate the identification and sharing of information revealed in their ordinary duties and the optimal utilization of information received from the Department.
To coordinate with Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies, and the private sector, as appropriate.
To exercise the authorities and oversight of the functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities of those components transferred to the Department pursuant to
section 121(g) of this title.
To carry out the functions of the national cybersecurity and communications integration center under
section 659 of this title.
To carry out the requirements of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program established under subchapter XVI and the secure handling of ammonium nitrate program established under part J of subchapter VIII, or any successor programs.
To encourage and build cybersecurity awareness and competency across the United States and to develop, attract, and retain the cybersecurity workforce necessary for the cybersecurity related missions of the Department, including by—
overseeing elementary and secondary cybersecurity education and awareness related programs at the Agency;
leading efforts to develop, attract, and retain the cybersecurity workforce necessary for the cybersecurity related missions of the Department;
encouraging and building cybersecurity awareness and competency across the United States; and
carrying out cybersecurity related workforce development activities, including through—
increasing the pipeline of future cybersecurity professionals through programs focused on elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, and workforce development; and
building awareness of and competency in cybersecurity across the civilian Federal Government workforce.