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U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
All Titles
Title 7
Chapter 115
Subchapter I
§ 9011. Definitions...
§ 9013. Payment yields...
§ 9011. Definitions...
§ 9013. Payment yields...
U.S. Code
§ 9012.
Base acres
Retention or 1-time reallocation of base acres
Election required
Notice of election opportunity
As soon as practicable after
February 7, 2014
, the Secretary shall provide notice to the owners of a farm regarding their opportunity to make an election, in the manner provided in this subsection—
to retain base acres, including any generic base acres, as provided in paragraph (2); or
in lieu of retaining base acres, to reallocate base acres, other than any generic base acres, as provided in paragraph (3).
Content of notice
The notice under subparagraph (A) shall include the following:
Information that the opportunity of an owner to make the election is being provided only once.
Information regarding the manner in which the owner must make the election and the manner of notifying the Secretary of the election.
Information regarding the deadline before which the owner must notify the Secretary of the election to be in effect beginning with the 2014 crop year.
Effect of failure to make election
Retention of base acres
Election to retain
Treatment of generic base acres
Reallocation of base acres
Election to reallocate
Reallocation formula
The reallocation of base acres among covered commodities on a farm shall be in proportion to the ratio of—
the 4-year average of—
the acreage planted on the farm to each covered commodity for harvest, grazing, haying, silage, or other similar purposes for the 2009 through 2012 crop years; and
any acreage on the farm that the producers were prevented from planting during the 2009 through 2012 crop years to that covered commodity because of drought, flood, or other natural disaster, or other condition beyond the control of the producers, as determined by the Secretary; to
the 4-year average of—
the acreage planted on the farm to all covered commodities for harvest, grazing, haying, silage, or other similar purposes for such crop years; and
any acreage on the farm that the producers were prevented from planting during such crop years to covered commodities because of drought, flood, or other natural disaster, or other condition beyond the control of the producers, as determined by the Secretary.
Treatment of generic base acres
Inclusion of all 4 years in average
Treatment of multiple planting or prevented planting
Application of election to all covered commodities
Adjustment of base acres
In general
Notwithstanding the election made under subsection (a), the Secretary shall provide for an adjustment, as appropriate, in the base acres for covered commodities for a farm and any generic base acres for the farm whenever any of the following circumstances occur:
A conservation reserve contract entered into under section 1231 of the Food Security Act of 1985 (
16 U.S.C. 3831
) with respect to the farm expires or is voluntarily terminated.
Cropland is released from coverage under a conservation reserve contract by the Secretary.
The producer has eligible oilseed acreage as the result of the Secretary designating additional oilseeds, which shall be determined in the same manner as eligible oilseed acreage under
section 8711(a)(1)(D) of this title
Special conservation reserve acreage payment rules
Prevention of excess base acres
Required reduction
Other acreage
For purposes of paragraph (1), the Secretary shall include the following:
Any acreage on the farm enrolled in—
the conservation reserve program established under subchapter B of chapter 1 of subtitle D of title XII of the Food Security Act of 1985 (
16 U.S.C. 3831
et seq.); or
a wetland reserve easement under section 1265C of the Food Security Act of 1985 (
16 U.S.C. 3865c
Any other acreage on the farm enrolled in a Federal conservation program for which payments are made in exchange for not producing an agricultural commodity on the acreage.
If the Secretary designates additional oilseeds, any eligible oilseed acreage, which shall be determined in the same manner as eligible oilseed acreage under subsection (b)(1)(C).
Selection of acres
Exception for double-cropped acreage
Reduction in base acres
Reduction at option of owner
In general
Effect of reduction
Required action by Secretary
In general
The Secretary shall proportionately reduce base acres, including any generic base acres, on a farm for land that has been subdivided and developed for multiple residential units or other nonfarming uses if the size of the tracts and the density of the subdivision is such that the land is unlikely to return to the previous agricultural use, unless the producers on the
remains devoted to commercial agricultural production; or
is likely to be returned to the previous agricultural use.
Treatment of base acres on farms entirely planted to grass or pasture
In general
Prohibition on reconstitution of farm
Pub. L. 113–79, title I, § 1112
Feb. 7, 2014
128 Stat. 661
Pub. L. 115–334, title I, § 1102
Dec. 20, 2018
132 Stat. 4501
cite as:
7 USC 9012
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