U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
§ 1635j.
Mandatory reporting for swine
The Secretary shall establish a program of swine price information reporting that will—
provide timely, accurate, and reliable market information;
facilitate more informed marketing decisions; and
promote competition in the swine slaughtering industry.
General reporting provisions applicable to packers and the Secretary
In general
Packer-owned swine
Packer-sold swine
If information regarding the type of purchase is required under this section, the information shall be reported according to the numbers and percentages of each type of purchase comprising—
packer-sold swine; and
all other swine.
Additional information
Outdated information
After public notice and an opportunity for comment, subject to subparagraph (C), the Secretary shall promulgate regulations that specify additional information that shall be reported under this section if the Secretary determines under the review under subparagraph (A) that—
information that is currently required no longer accurately reflects the methods by which swine are valued and priced by packers; or
packers that slaughter a significant majority of the swine produced in the United States no longer use backfat or lean percentage factors as indicators of price.
Under subparagraph (B), the Secretary may not require packers to provide any new or additional information that—
is not generally available or maintained by packers; or
would be otherwise unduly burdensome to provide.
Daily reporting; barrows and gilts
Prior day report
In general
The corporate officers or officially designated representatives of each packer processing plant that processes barrows or gilts shall report to the Secretary, for each business day of the packer, such information as the Secretary determines necessary and appropriate to—
comply with the publication requirements of this section; and
provide for the timely access to the information by producers, packers, and other market participants.
Reporting deadline and plants required to report
A packer required to report under subparagraph (A) shall—
not later than 7:00 a.m. Central Time on each reporting day, report information regarding all barrows and gilts purchased or priced, and
not later than 9:00 a.m. Central Time on each reporting day, report information regarding all barrows and gilts slaughtered,
during the prior business day of the packer.
Information required
The information from the prior business day of a packer required under this paragraph shall include—
all purchase data, including—
the total number of—
barrows and gilts purchased; and
barrows and gilts scheduled for delivery; and
the base price and purchase data for slaughtered barrows and gilts for which a price has been established;
all slaughter data for the total number of barrows and gilts slaughtered, including—
including any sum deducted from the price per hundredweight paid to a producer that reflects the repayment of a balance owed by the producer to the packer or the accumulation of a balance to later be repaid by the packer to the producer; and
excluding any sum earlier paid to a producer that must later be repaid to the packer;
information concerning the average net price, which shall be equal to the quotient (stated per hundred pounds of carcass weight of barrows and gilts) obtained by dividing—
the total amount paid for the barrows and gilts slaughtered at a packing plant during the applicable reporting period, including all premiums and discounts, and including any sum deducted from the price per hundredweight paid to a producer that reflects the repayment of a balance owed by the producer to the packer, or the accumulation of a balance to later be repaid by the packer to the producer, less all discounts; by
the total carcass weight (in hundred pound increments) of the barrows and gilts;
information concerning the lowest net price, which shall be equal to the lowest net price paid for a single lot or a group of barrows or gilts slaughtered at a packing plant during the applicable reporting period per hundred pounds of carcass weight of barrows and gilts;
information concerning the highest net price, which shall be equal to the highest net price paid for a single lot or group of barrows or gilts slaughtered at a packing plant during the applicable reporting period per hundred pounds of carcass weight of barrows and gilts;
the average carcass weight, which shall be equal to the quotient obtained by dividing—
the total carcass weight of the barrows and gilts slaughtered at the packing plant during the applicable reporting period, by
the number of the barrows and gilts described in item (aa),
the average sort loss, which shall be equal to the average discount (in dollars per hundred pounds carcass weight) for barrows and gilts slaughtered during the applicable reporting period, resulting from the fact that the barrows and gilts did not fall within the individual packer’s established carcass weight or lot variation range;
the average backfat, which shall be equal to the average of the backfat thickness (in inches) measured between the third and fourth from the last ribs, 7 centimeters from the carcass split (or adjusted from the individual packer’s measurement to that reference point using an adjustment made by the Secretary) of the barrows and gilts slaughtered during the applicable reporting period;
the average lean percentage, which shall be equal to the average percentage of the carcass weight comprised of lean meat for the barrows and gilts slaughtered during the applicable reporting period, except that when a packer is required to report the average lean percentage under this subclause, the packer shall make available to the Secretary the underlying data, applicable methodology and formulae, and supporting materials used to determine the average lean percentage, which the Secretary may convert to the carcass measurements or lean percentage of the barrows and gilts of the individual packer to correlate to a common percent lean measurement; and
the total slaughter quantity, which shall be equal to the total number of barrows and gilts slaughtered during the applicable reporting period, including all types of purchases and barrows and gilts that qualify as packer-owned swine; and
  adjusted for special slaughter situations (such as skinning or foot removal), as the Secretary determines necessary to render comparable carcass weights;
packer purchase commitments, which shall be equal to the number of barrows and gilts scheduled for delivery to a packer for slaughter for each of the next 14 calendar days.
In general
The Secretary shall publish the information obtained under this paragraph in a prior day report—
in the case of information regarding barrows and gilts purchased or priced, not later than 8:00 a.m. Central Time, and
in the case of information regarding barrows and gilts slaughtered, not later than 10:00 a.m. Central Time,
 on the reporting day on which the information is received from the packer.
Price distributions
The information published by the Secretary under clause (i) shall include—
a distribution of net prices in the range between and including the lowest net price and the highest net price reported;
a delineation of the number of barrows and gilts at each reported price level or, at the option of the Secretary, the number of barrows and gilts within each of a series of reasonable price bands within the range of prices; and
the total number and weighted average price of barrows and gilts purchased through negotiated purchases and negotiated formula purchases.
Morning report
In general
The corporate officers or officially designated representatives of each packer processing plant that processes barrows or gilts shall report to the Secretary not later than 10:00 a.m. Central Time each reporting day—
the packer’s best estimate of the total number of barrows and gilts, and barrows and gilts that qualify as packer-owned swine, expected to be purchased throughout the reporting day through each type of purchase;
the total number of barrows and gilts, and barrows and gilts that qualify as packer-owned swine, purchased up to that time of the reporting day through each type of purchase;
the base price paid for all base market hogs purchased up to that time of the reporting day through negotiated purchases; and
the base price paid for all base market hogs purchased through each type of purchase other than negotiated purchase up to that time of the reporting day, unless such information is unavailable due to pricing that is determined on a delayed basis.
Afternoon report
In general
The corporate officers or officially designated representatives of each packer processing plant that processes barrows or gilts shall report to the Secretary not later than 2:00 p.m. Central Time each reporting day—
the packer’s best estimate of the total number of barrows and gilts, and barrows and gilts that qualify as packer-owned swine, expected to be purchased throughout the reporting day through each type of purchase;
the total number of barrows and gilts, and barrows and gilts that qualify as packer-owned swine, purchased up to that time of the reporting day through each type of purchase;
the base price paid for all base market hogs purchased up to that time of the reporting day through negotiated purchases; and
the base price paid for all base market hogs purchased up to that time of the reporting day through each type of purchase other than negotiated purchase, unless such information is unavailable due to pricing that is determined on a delayed basis.
Late in the day report information
Daily reporting; sows and boars
Prior day report
The corporate officers or officially designated representatives of each packer of sows and boars shall report to the Secretary, for each business day of the packer, such information reported by hog class as the Secretary determines necessary and appropriate to—
comply with the publication requirements of this section; and
provide for the timely access to the information by producers, packers, and other market participants.
Information required
The information from the prior business day of a packer required under this subsection shall include all purchase data, including—
the total number of sows purchased and the total number of boars purchased, each divided into at least three reasonable and meaningful weight classes specified by the Secretary;
the number of sows that qualify as packer-owned swine;
the number of boars that qualify as packer-owned swine;
the average price paid for all sows;
the average price paid for all boars;
the average price paid for sows in each weight class specified by the Secretary under subparagraph (A);
the average price paid for boars in each weight class specified by the Secretary under subparagraph (A);
the number of sows and the number of boars for which prices are determined, by each type of purchase;
the average prices for sows and the average prices for boars for which prices are determined, by each type of purchase; and
such other information as the Secretary considers appropriate to carry out this subsection.
Price calculations without packer-owned swine
Reporting exception: public auction purchases
Electronic submission of information
Weekly noncarcass merit premium report
In general
Not later than 4:00 p.m. Central Time on the first reporting day of each week, the corporate officers or officially designated representatives of each packer processing plant shall report to the Secretary a noncarcass merit premium report that lists—
each category of standard noncarcass merit premiums used by the packer in the prior slaughter week; and
the amount (in dollars per hundred pounds of carcass weight) paid to producers by the packer, by category.
Premium list
(Aug. 14, 1946, ch. 966, title II, § 232, as added Pub. L. 106–78, title IX, § 911(2), Oct. 22, 1999, 113 Stat. 1195; amended Pub. L. 109–296, §§ 3, 4, Oct. 5, 2006, 120 Stat. 1465, 1468; Pub. L. 114–54, title I, § 102(b), Sept. 30, 2015, 129 Stat. 514.)
cite as: 7 USC 1635j