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U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
All Titles
Title 7
Chapter 38
Subchapter II
Part E
Part D - Lamb Reporting...
§ 1636a. Unlawful acts...
Part D - Lamb Reporting...
§ 1636a. Unlawful acts...
U.S. Code
§ 1636.
General provisions
The Secretary shall make available to the public information, statistics, and documents obtained from, or submitted by, packers, retail entities, and other persons under this subchapter in a manner that ensures that confidentiality is preserved regarding—
the identity of persons, including parties to a contract; and
proprietary business information.
Disclosure by Federal Government employees
In general
Information obtained by the Secretary under this subchapter may be disclosed—
to agents or employees of the Department of Agriculture in the course of their official duties under this subchapter;
as directed by the Secretary or the Attorney General, for enforcement purposes; or
by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Disclosure under Freedom of Information Act
Reporting by packers
Regional reporting and aggregation
The Secretary shall make information obtained under this subchapter available to the public only in a manner that—
ensures that the information is published on a national and a regional or statewide basis as the Secretary determines to be appropriate;
ensures that the identity of a reporting person is not disclosed; and
conforms to aggregation guidelines established by the Secretary.
Electronic reporting and publishing
In general
Improvements and education
Enhanced electronic publishing
The Secretary shall develop and implement an enhanced system of electronic publishing to disseminate information collected pursuant to this subchapter. Such system shall—
present information in a format that can be readily understood by producers, packers, and other market participants;
adhere to the publication deadlines in this subchapter;
present information in charts and graphs, as appropriate;
present comparative information for prior reporting periods, as the Secretary considers appropriate; and
be updated as soon as practicable after information is reported to the Secretary.
The Secretary shall carry out a market news education program to educate the public and persons in the livestock and meat industries about—
usage of the system developed under subparagraph (A); and
interpreting and understanding information collected and disseminated through such system.
Reporting of activities on weekends and holidays
In general
Limitation on reporting by packers
Effect on other laws
Nothing in this subchapter, the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999, or amendments made by that Act restricts or modifies the authority of the Secretary to—
administer or enforce the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 (
7 U.S.C. 181
et seq.);
administer, enforce, or collect voluntary reports under this chapter or any other law; or
access documentary evidence as provided under sections 49 and 50 of title 15.
Aug. 14, 1946, ch. 966
, title II, § 251, as added
Pub. L. 106–78, title IX, § 911(2)
Oct. 22, 1999
113 Stat. 1200
; amended
Pub. L. 110–234, title XI, § 11001(a)(1)
May 22, 2008
122 Stat. 1350
Pub. L. 110–246, § 4(a)
, title XI, § 11001(a)(1),
June 18, 2008
122 Stat. 1664
, 2112.)
cite as:
7 USC 1636
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