- Effective Date: Oct 01, 2016
- Period of Review: Apr 01, 2014 to Mar 31, 2015
On 09/30/2016, the U.S. Court of International Trade issued a preliminary injunction (PI) enjoining liquidation of entries identified in paragraph 2 which are subject to the antidumping duty order on certain activated carbon from the People's Republic of China (PRC) (A-570-904) for the period 04/01/2014 through 03/31/2015.
This PI was issued in connection with court number 16-00185.
This PI enjoins liquidation of entries which are subject to the administrative determination in Certain Activated Carbon From the People's Republic of China: Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review; 2014–2015, 81 Fed. Reg. 62,088 (Dep't of Commerce Sept. 8, 2016); and were entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015; and were exported from the PRC to the United States by Jacobi Carbons AB and/or Jacobi Carbons Industry (Tianjin) Co. Ltd (case number A-570-904-091).
Effective 10/01/2016 (the day after the Court issued the PI), no liquidation may be made for entries referred to in paragraph 2 which remain unliquidated as of
Any such entries that are set for liquidation must be unset immediately.
Continue to suspend liquidation of these entries until liquidation instructions are issued.
Effective immediately, CBP is instructed to follow the terms of the PI.
The TRO/PI applies to the liquidation instructions in message number 6271312, dated 09/27/2016.
If there are any questions by the importing public regarding this message, please contact the Call Center for the Office of AD/CVD Operations, Enforcement and Compliance, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce at (202) 482-0984.
CBP ports should submit their inquiries through authorized CBP channels only.
(This message was generated by OV:
There are no restrictions on the release of this information.
Alexander Amdur