Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 17 - Commodity and Securities Exchanges last revised: Oct 08, 2024
§ 1.10 - Financial reports of futures commission merchants and introducing brokers.

(a) Application for registration. (1) Except as otherwise provided, a futures commission merchant or an applicant for registration as a futures commission merchant, in order to satisfy any requirement in this part that it file a Form 1-FR, must file a Form 1-FR-FCM, and any reference in this part to Form 1-FR with respect to a futures commission merchant or applicant therefor shall be deemed to be a reference to Form 1-FR-FCM. Except as otherwise provided, an introducing broker or an applicant for registration as an introducing broker, in order to satisfy any requirement in this part that it file a Form 1-FR, must file a Form 1-FR-IB, and any reference in this part to Form 1-FR with respect to an introducing broker or applicant therefor shall be deemed to be a reference to Form 1-FR-IB.

(2) (i) (A) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3) and (h) of this section, each person who files an application for registration as a futures commission merchant and who is not so registered at the time of such filing, must, concurrently with the filing of such application, file either:

(1) A Form 1-FR-FCM certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than 45 days prior to the date on which such report is filed; or

(2) A Form 1-FR-FCM as of a date not more than 17 business days prior to the date on which such report is filed and a Form 1-FR-FCM certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than one year prior to the date on which such report is filed.

(B) Each such person must include with such financial report a statement describing the source of his current assets and representing that his capital has been contributed for the purpose of operating his business and will continue to be used for such purpose.

(ii) (A) Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(3) and (h) of this section, each person who files an application for registration as an introducing broker and who is not so registered at the time of such filing, must, concurrently with the filing of such application, file either:

(1) A Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than 45 days prior to the date on which such report is filed;

(2) A Form 1-FR-IB as of a date not more than 17 business days prior to the date on which such report is filed and a Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than one year prior to the date on which such report is filed;

(3) A Form 1-FR-IB as of a date not more than 17 business days prior to the date on which such report is filed, Provided, however, that such applicant shall be subject to a review by the applicant's designated self-regulatory organization within six months of registration; or

(4) A guarantee agreement.

(B) Each person filing in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2)(ii)(A) (1), (2) or (3) of this section must include with such financial report a statement describing the source of his current assets and representing that his capital has been contributed for the purpose of operating his business and will continue to be used for such purpose.

(3)(i) The provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of this section do not apply to any person succeeding to and continuing the business of another futures commission merchant. Each such person who files an application for registration as a futures commission merchant and who is not so registered in that capacity at the time of such filing must file a Form 1-FR-FCM as of the first month end following the date on which his registration is approved. Such report must be filed with the National Futures Association, the Commission and the designated self-regulatory organization, if any, not more than 17 business days after the date for which the report is made.

(ii) The provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of this section do not apply to any person succeeding to and continuing the business of another introducing broker.

(A) Each such person who succeeds to and continues the business of an introducing broker which was not operating pursuant to a guarantee agreement, or which was operating pursuant to a guarantee agreement and was also a securities broker or dealer at the time of succession, who files an application for registration as an introducing broker, and who is not so registered in that capacity at the time of such filing, must file with the National Futures Association either a guarantee agreement with his application for registration or a Form 1-FR-IB as of the first month end following the date on which his registration is approved. Such Form 1-FR-IB must be filed not more than 17 business days after the date for which the report is made.

(B) Each such person who succeeds to and continues the business of an introducing broker which was operating pursuant to a guarantee agreement and which was not also a securities broker or dealer at the time of succession, who files an application for registration as an introducing broker, and who is not so registered in that capacity at the time of such filing, must file with the National Futures Association either a guarantee agreement or a Form 1-FR-IB with his application for registration. If such person files a Form 1-FR-IB with his application for registration, such person must also file a Form 1-FR-IB, certified by an independent public accountant, as of a date no later than the end of the month registration is granted. The Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant must be filed with the National Futures Association not more than 45 days after the date for which the report is made.

(b) Filing of financial reports. (1)(i) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) and (h) of this section, each person registered as a futures commission merchant must file a Form 1-FR-FCM as of the close of business each month. Each Form 1-FR-FCM must be filed no later than 17 business days after the date for which the report is made.

(ii) In addition to the monthly financial reports required by paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, each person registered as a futures commission merchant must file a Form 1-FR-FCM as of the close of its fiscal year, which must be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16, and must be filed no later than 60 days after the close of the futures commission merchant's fiscal year: Provided, however, that a registrant which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer must file this report not later than the time permitted for filing an annual audit report under § 240.17a-5(d)(5) of this title.

(2)(i) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) and (h) of this section, and except for an introducing broker operating pursuant to a guarantee agreement which is not also a securities broker or dealer, each person registered as an introducing broker must file a Form 1-FR-IB semiannually as of the middle and the close of each fiscal year. Each Form 1-FR-IB must be filed no later than 17 business days after the date for which the report is made.

(ii)(A) In addition to the financial reports required by paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, each person registered as an introducing broker must file a Form 1-FR-IB as of the close of its fiscal year which must be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 no later than 90 days after the close of each introducing broker's fiscal year: Provided, however, that a registrant which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer must file this report not later than the time permitted for filing an annual audit report under § 240.17a-5(d)(5) of this title.

(B) If an introducing broker has filed previously a Form 1-FR-IB, certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (a)(2)(ii) or (j)(8) of this section and § 1.16 of this part, as of a date not more than one year prior to the close of such introducing broker's fiscal year, it need not have certified by an independent public accountant the Form 1-FR-IB filed as of the introducing broker's first fiscal year-end following the as of date of its initial certified Form 1-FR-IB. In such a case, the introducing broker's Form 1-FR-IB filed as of the close of the second fiscal year-end following the as of date of its initial certified Form 1-FR-IB must cover the period of time between those two dates and must be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 of this part.

(3) The provisions of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section may be met by any person registered as a futures commission merchant or as an introducing broker who is a member of a designated self-regulatory organization and conforms to minimum financial standards and related reporting requirements set by such designated self-regulatory organization in its bylaws, rules, regulations, or resolutions and approved by the Commission pursuant to Section 4f(b) of the Act and § 1.52: Provided, however, That each such registrant shall promptly file with the Commission a true and exact copy of each financial report which it files with such designated self-regulatory organization.

(4) Upon receiving written notice from any representative of the National Futures Association, the Commission or any self-regulatory organization of which it is a member, an applicant or registrant, except an applicant for registration as an introducing broker which has filed concurrently with its application for registration a guarantee agreement and which is not also a securities broker or dealer, must, monthly or at such times as specified, furnish the National Futures Association, the Commission or the self-regulatory organization requesting such information a Form 1-FR or such other financial information as requested by the National Futures Association, the Commission or the self-regulatory organization. Each such Form 1-FR or such other information must be furnished within the time period specified in the written notice, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section.

(5) Each futures commission merchant must file with the Commission the measure of the future commission merchant's leverage as of the close of the business each month. For purpose of this section, the term “leverage” shall be defined by a registered futures association of which the futures commission merchant is a member. The futures commission merchant is required to file the leverage information with the Commission within 17 business days of the close of the futures commission merchant's month end.

(c) Where to file reports. (1) Form 1-FR filed by an introducing broker pursuant to paragraph (b)(2) of this section need be filed only with, and will be considered filed when received by, the National Futures Association. Other reports or information provided for in this section will be considered filed when received by the Regional office of the Commission with jurisdiction over the state in which the registrant's principal place of business is located (as set forth in § 140.02 of this chapter) and by the designated self-regulatory organization, if any; and reports or other information required to be filed by this section by an applicant for registration will be considered filed when received by the National Futures Association. Any report or information filed with the National Futures Association pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed for all purposes to be filed with, and to be the official record of, the Commission.

(2)(i) All filings or other notices prepared by a futures commission merchant pursuant to this section must be submitted to the Commission in electronic form using a form of user authentication assigned in accordance with procedures established by or approved by the Commission, and otherwise in accordance with instructions issued by or approved by the Commission, if the futures commission merchant or a designated self-regulatory organization has provided the Commission with the means necessary to read and to process the information contained in such report. A Form 1-FR required to be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 which is filed by a futures commission merchant must be filed electronically.

(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section, all filings or other notices or applications prepared by an introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker or futures commission merchant pursuant to this section must be filed electronically in accordance with electronic filing procedures established by the National Futures Association. In the case of a Form 1-FR-IB that is required to be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16, a paper copy of any such filing with the original manually signed certification must be maintained by the introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker in accordance with § 1.31.

(3) Any information required of a registrant by a self-regulatory organization pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section need be furnished only to such self-regulatory organization and the Commission, and any information required of an applicant by the National Futures Association pursuant to paragraph (b)(4) of this section need be furnished only to the National Futures Association and the Commission.

(4) Any guarantee agreement entered into between a futures commission merchant and an introducing broker in accordance with the provisions of this section need be filed only with, and will be considered filed when received by, the National Futures Association.

(d) Contents of financial reports. (1) Each Form 1-FR filed pursuant to this § 1.10 which is not required to be certified by an independent public accountant must be completed in accordance with the instructions to the form and contain:

(i) A statement of financial condition as of the date for which the report is made;

(ii) Statements of income (loss) and a statement of changes in ownership equity for the period between the date of the most recent statement of financial condition filed with the Commission and the date for which the report is made;

(iii) A statement of changes in liabilities subordinated to claims of general creditors for the period between the date of the most recent statement of financial condition filed with the Commission and the date for which the report is made;

(iv) A statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17 as of the date for which the report is made;

(v) For a futures commission merchant only, the statements of segregation requirements and funds in segregation for customers trading on U.S. commodity exchanges and for customers' dealer options accounts, the statement of secured amounts and funds held in separate accounts for 30.7 customers (as defined in § 30.1 of this chapter) in accordance with § 30.7 of this chapter, and the statement of cleared swaps customer segregation requirements and funds in cleared swaps customer accounts under section 4d(f) of the Act as of the date for which the report is made; and

(vi) In addition to the information expressly required, such futher material information as may be necessary to make the required statements and schedules not misleading.

(2) Each Form 1-FR filed pursuant to this § 1.10 which is required to be certified by an independent public accountant must be completed in accordance with the instructions to the form and contain:

(i) A statement of financial condition as of the date for which the report is made;

(ii) Statements of income (loss), cash flows, changes in ownership equity, and changes in liabilities subordinated to claims of general creditors, for the period between the date of the most recent certified statement of financial condition filed with the Commission and the date for which the report is made: Provided, That for an applicant filing pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section the period must be the year ending as of the date of the statement of financial condition;

(iii) A statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17 as of the date for which the report is made;

(iv) For a futures commission merchant only, the statements of segregation requirements and funds in segregation for customers trading on U.S. commodity exchanges and for customers' dealer options accounts, the statement of secured amounts and funds held in separate accounts for 30.7 customers (as defined in § 30.1 of this chapter) in accordance with § 30.7 of the chapter, and the statement of cleared swaps customers segregation requirements and funds in cleared swaps customer accounts under section 4d(f) of the Act as of the date for which the report is made;

(v) Appropriate footnote disclosures;

(vi) A reconciliation, including appropriate explanations, of the statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17 and, for a futures commission merchant only, the statements of segregation requirements and funds in segregation for customers trading on U.S. commodity exchanges and for customers' dealer option accounts, the statement of secured amounts and funds held in separate accounts for 30.7 customers (as defined in § 30.1 of this chapter) in accordance with § 30.7 of this chapter, and the statement of cleared swaps customer segregation requirements and funds in cleared swaps customer accounts under section 4d(f) of the Act, in the certified Form 1-FR with the applicant's or registrant's corresponding uncertified most recent Form 1-FR filing when material differences exist or, if no material differences exist, a statement so indicating; and

(vii) In addition to the information expressly required, such further material information as may be necessary to make the required statements not misleading.

(3) The statements required by paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (d)(2)(ii) of this section may be presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the certified reports filed as of the close of the registrant's fiscal year pursuant to paragraphs (b)(1)(ii) or (b)(2)(ii) of this section or accompanying the application for registration pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, rather than in the format specifically prescribed by these regulations: Provided, the statement of financial condition is presented in a format as consistent as possible with the Form 1-FR and a reconciliation is provided reconciling such statement of financial condition to the statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17. Such reconciliation must be certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16.

(4) Attached to each Form 1-FR filed pursuant to this section must be an oath or affirmation that to the best knowledge and belief of the individual making such oath or affirmation the information contained in the Form 1-FR is true and correct. The individual making such oath or affirmation must be:

(i) If the registrant or applicant is a sole proprietorship, the proprietor; if a partnership, any general partner; if a corporation, the chief executive officer or chief financial officer; and, if a limited liability company or limited liability partnership, the chief executive officer, the chief financial officer, the manager, the managing member, or those members vested with the management authority for the limited liability company or limited liability partnership; or

(ii) If the registrant or applicant is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer, the representative authorized under § 240.17a-5 of this title to file for the securities broker or dealer its Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, part II, part IIA, or part II CSE.

(iii) In the case of a Form 1-FR filed via electronic transmission in accordance with procedures established by or approved by the Commission, such transmission must be accompanied by the user authentication assigned to the authorized signer under such procedures, and the use of such user authentication will constitute and become a substitute for the manual signature of the authorized signer for the purpose of making the oath or affirmation referred to in this paragraph.

(e) Election of fiscal year. (1) An applicant wishing to establish a fiscal year other than the calendar year may do so by notifying the National Futures Association of its election of such fiscal year, in writing, concurrently with the filing of the Form 1-FR pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, but in no event may such fiscal year end more than one year from the date of the Form 1-FR filed pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section. An applicant that does not so notify the National Futures Association will be deemed to have elected the calendar year as its fiscal year.

(2) (i) A registrant must continue to use its elected fiscal year, calendar or otherwise, unless a change in such fiscal year has been approved pursuant to this paragraph (e)(2).

(ii) Futures commission merchant registrants. (A) A futures commission merchant may file with its designated self-regulatory organization an application to change its fiscal year, a copy of which the registrant must file with the Commission. The application shall be approved or denied in writing by the designated self-regulatory organization. The registrant must file immediately with the Commission a copy of any notice it receives from the designated self-regulatory organization to approve or deny the registrant's application to change its fiscal year. A written notice of approval shall become effective upon the filing by the registrant of a copy with the Commission, and a written notice of denial shall be effective as of the date of the notice.

(B) A futures commission merchant that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer may file with its designated self-regulatory organization copies of any notice or application filed with its designated examining authority, pursuant to § 240.17a-5(d)(1)(i) of this title, for a change in fiscal year or “as of” date for its annual audited financial statement. The registrant must also file immediately with the designated self-regulatory organization and the Commission copies of any notice it receives from its designated examining authority to approve or deny the registrant's request for change in fiscal year or “as of” date. Upon the receipt by the designated self-regulatory organization and the Commission of copies of any such notice of approval, the change in fiscal year or “as of” date referenced in the notice shall be deemed approved under this paragraph (e)(2).

(C) Any copy that under this paragraph (e)(2) is required to be filed with the Commission shall be filed with the regional office of the Commission with jurisdiction over the state in which the registrant's principal place of business is located, and any copy or application to be filed with the designated self-regulatory organization shall be filed at its principal place of business.

(iii) Introducing broker registrants. (A) An introducing broker may file with the National Futures Association an application to change its fiscal year, which shall be approved or denied in writing.

(B) An introducing broker that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer may file with the National Futures Association copies of any notice or application filed with its designated examining authority, pursuant to § 240.17a-5(d)(1)(i) of this title, for a change in fiscal year or “as of” date for its annual audited financial statement. The registrant must also file immediately with the National Futures Association copies of any notice it receives from its designated examining authority to approve or deny the registrant's request for change in fiscal year or “as of” date. Upon the receipt by the National Futures Association of copies of any such notice of approval, the change in fiscal year or “as of” date referenced in the notice shall be deemed approved under this paragraph (e)(2).

(f) Extension of time for filing uncertified reports. (1) In the event a registrant finds that it cannot file its Form 1-FR, or, in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section, its Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Part II, Part IIA, or Part IIC (FOCUS report), for any period within the time specified in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) or (b)(2)(i) of this section without substantial undue hardship, it may request approval for an extension of time, as follows:

(i) Futures commission merchant registrants. (A) A futures commission merchant may file with its designated self-regulatory organization an application for extension of time, a copy of which the registrant must file with the Commission. The application shall be approved or denied in writing by the designated self-regulatory organization. The registrant must file immediately with the Commission a copy of any notice it receives from the designated self-regulatory organization to approve or deny the registrant's request for extension of time. A written notice of approval shall become effective upon the filing by the registrant of a copy with the Commission, and a written notice of denial shall be effective as of the date of the notice.

(B) A futures commission merchant that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer may file with its designated self-regulatory organization a copy of any application that the registrant has filed with its designated examining authority, pursuant to § 240.17-a5(l)(5) of this title, for an extension of time to file its FOCUS report. The registrant must also file immediately with the designated self-regulatory organization and the Commission copies of any notice it receives from its designated examining authority to approve or deny the requested extension of time. Upon receipt by the designated self-regulatory organization and the Commission of copies of any such notice of approval, the requested extension of time referenced in the notice shall be deemed approved under this paragraph (f)(1).

(C) Any copy that under this subparagraph (f)(1)(i) is required to be filed with the Commission shall be filed with the regional office of the Commission with jurisdiction over the state in which the registrant's principal place of business is located.

(ii) Introducing broker registrants. (A) An introducing broker may file with the National Futures Association an application for extension of the time, which shall be approved or denied in writing.

(B) An introducing broker that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer may file with the National Futures Association copies of any application that the registrant has filed with its designated examining authority, pursuant to § 240.17-a5(l)(5) of this title, for an extension of time to file its FOCUS report. The registrant must also file immediately with the National Futures Association copies of any notice it receives from its designated examining authority to approve or deny the requested extension of time. Upon the receipt by the National Futures Association of a copy of any such notice of approval, the requested extension of time referenced in the notice shall be deemed approved under this paragraph (f)(1)(ii).

(2) In the event an applicant finds that it cannot file its report for any period within the time specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section without substantial undue hardship, it may file with the National Futures Association an application for an extension of time to a specified date which may not be more than 90 days after the date as of which the financial statements were to have been filed. The application must state the reasons for the requested extension and must contain an agreement to file the report on or before the specified date. The application must be received by the National Futures Association before the time specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section for filing the report. Notice of such application must be filed with the regional office of the Commission with jurisdiction over the state in which the applicant's principal place of business is located concurrently with the filing of such application with the National Futures Association. Within ten calendar days after receipt of the application for an extension of time, the National Futures Association shall:

(i) Notify the applicant of the grant or denial of the requested extension; or

(ii) Indicate to the applicant that additional time is required to analyze the request, in which case the amount of time needed will be specified.

(g) Public availability of reports. (1) Forms 1-FR filed pursuant to this section, and FOCUS reports filed in lieu of Forms 1-FR pursuant to paragraph (h) of this section, will be treated as exempt from mandatory public disclosure for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act and the Government in the Sunshine Act and parts 145 and 147 of this chapter, except for the information described in paragraph (g)(2) of this section.

(2) The following information in Forms 1-FR, and the same or equivalent information in FOCUS reports filed in lieu of Forms 1-FR, will be publicly available:

(i) The amount of the applicant's or registrant's adjusted net capital; the amount of its minimum net capital requirement under § 1.17 of this chapter; and the amount of its adjusted net capital in excess of its minimum net capital requirement; and

(ii) The following statements and footnote disclosures thereof: the Statement of Financial Condition in the certified annual financial reports of futures commission merchants and introducing brokers; the Statements (to be filed by a futures commission merchant only) of Segregation Requirements and Funds in Segregation for customers trading on U.S. commodity exchanges and for customers' dealer options accounts, the Statement (to be filed by a futures commission merchant only) of Secured Amounts and Funds held in Separate Accounts for 30.7 Customers (as defined in § 30.1 of this chapter) in accordance with § 30.7 of this chapter, and the Statement (to be filed by futures commission merchants only) of Cleared Swaps Customer Segregation Requirements and Funds in Cleared Swaps Customer Accounts under section 4d(f) of the Act.

(3) [Reserved]

(4) All information that is exempt from mandatory public disclosure under paragraph (g)(1) of this section will, however, be available for official use by any official or employee of the United States or any State, by any self-regulatory organization of which the person filing such report is a member, by the National Futures Association in the case of an applicant, and by any other person to whom the Commission believes disclosure of such information is in the public interest. Nothing in this paragraph (g) will limit the authority of any self-regulatory organization to request or receive any information relative to its members' financial condition.

(5) The independent accountant's opinion and a guarantee agreement filed pursuant to this section will be deemed public information.

(h) Filing option available to a futures commission merchant or an introducing broker that is also a securities broker or dealer. Any applicant or registrant which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a securities broker or dealer, a security-based swap dealer, or a major security-based market participant may comply with the requirements of this section by filing (in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (j) of this section) a copy, as applicable, of its Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Part II, Part IIA, Part IIC, or Part II CSE (FOCUS Report), in lieu of Form 1-FR; Provided, however, That all information which is required to be furnished on and submitted with Form 1-FR is provided with such FOCUS Report; and Provided, further, That a certified FOCUS Report filed by an introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker in lieu of a certified Form 1-FR-IB must be filed according to National Futures Association rules, either in paper form or electronically, in accordance with procedures established by the National Futures Association, and if filed electronically, a paper copy of such filing with the original manually signed certification must be maintained by such introducing broker or applicant in accordance with § 1.31.

(i) Filing option available to an introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker which is also a country elevator. Any introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker which is also a country elevator but which is not also a securities broker or dealer may comply with the requirements of this section by filing (in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section) a copy of a financial report prepared by a grain commission firm which has been authorized by the Deputy Vice President of the Commodity Credit Corporation of the United States Department of Agriculture to provide a compilation report of financial statements of warehousemen for purposes of Uniform Grain Storage Agreements, and which complies with the standards for independence set forth in § 1.16(b)(2) with respect to the registrant or applicant: Provided, however, That all information which is required to be furnished on and submitted with Form 1-FR is provided with such financial report, including a statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17: And, provided further, That the balance sheet is presented in a format as consistent as possible with the Form 1-FR and a reconciliation is provided reconciling such balance sheet to the statement of the computation of the minimum capital requirements pursuant to § 1.17. Attached to each financial report filed pursuant to this paragraph (i) must be an oath or affirmation that to the best knowledge and belief of the individual making such oath or affirmation the information contained therein is true and correct. If the applicant or registrant is a sole proprietorship, then the oath or affirmation must be made by the proprietor; if a partnership, by a general partner; or if a corporation, by the chief executive officer or chief financial officer.

(j) Requirements for guarantee agreement. (1) A guarantee agreement filed pursuant to this section must be signed in a manner sufficient to be a binding guarantee under local law by an appropriate person on behalf of the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer and the introducing broker, and each signature must be accompanied by evidence that the signatory is authorized to enter the agreement on behalf of the futures commission merchant, retail foreign exchange dealer, or introducing broker and is such an appropriate person. For purposes of this paragraph (j), an appropriate person shall be the proprietor, if the firm is a sole proprietorship; a general partner, if the firm is a partnership; and either the chief executive officer or the chief financial officer, if the firm is a corporation; and, if the firm is a limited liability company or limited liability partnership, either the chief executive officer, the chief financial officer, the manager, the managing member, or those members vested with the management authority for the limited liability company or limited liability partnership.

(2) No futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer may enter into a guarantee agreement if:

(i) It knows or should have known that its adjusted net capital is less than the amount set forth in § 1.12(b) of this part or § 5.6(b) of this chapter, as applicable; or

(ii) There is filed against the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer an adjudicatory proceeding brought by or before the Commission pursuant to the provisions of sections 6(c), 6(d), 6c, 6d, 8a or 9 of the Act or § 3.55, 3.56 or 3.60 of this chapter.

(3) A retail foreign exchange dealer may enter into a guarantee agreement only with an introducing broker as defined in § 5.1(f)(1) of this chapter. A retail foreign exchange dealer may not enter into a guarantee agreement with an introducing broker as defined in § 1.3 of this part.

(4) A guarantee agreement filed in connection with an application for initial registration as an introducing broker in accordance with the provisions of § 3.10(a) of this chapter shall become effective upon the granting of registration or, if appropriate, a temporary license, to the introducing broker. A guarantee agreement filed other than in connection with an application for initial registration as an introducing broker shall become effective as of the date agreed to by the parties.

(5)(i) If the registration of the introducing broker is suspended, revoked, or withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the guarantee agreement shall expire as of the date of such suspension, revocation or withdrawal.

(ii) If the registration of the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer is suspended or revoked, the guarantee agreement shall expire 30 days after such suspension or revocation, or at such earlier time as may be approved by the Commission, the introducing broker, and the introducing broker's designated self-regulatory organization.

(6) A guarantee agreement may be terminated at any time during the term thereof:

(i) By mutual written consent of the parties, signed by an appropriate person on behalf of each party, with prompt written notice thereof, signed by an appropriate person on behalf of each party, to the Commission and to the designated self-regulatory organizations of the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer and the introducing broker;

(ii) For good cause shown, by either party giving written notice of its intention to terminate the agreement, signed by an appropriate person, to the other party to the agreement, to the Commission, and to the designated self-regulatory organizations of the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer and the introducing broker; or

(iii) By either party giving written notice of its intention to terminate the agreement, signed by an appropriate person, at least 30 days prior to the proposed termination date, to the other party to the agreement, to the Commission, and to the designated self-regulatory organizations of the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer and the introducing broker.

(7) The termination of a guarantee agreement by a futures commission merchant, retail foreign exchange dealer or an introducing broker, or the expiration of such an agreement, shall not relieve any party from any liability or obligation arising from acts or omissions which occurred during the term of the agreement.

(8) An introducing broker may not simultaneously be a party to more than one guarantee agreement: Provided, however, That the provisions of this paragraph (j)(8) shall not be deemed to preclude an introducing broker from entering into a guarantee agreement with another futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer if the introducing broker, futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer which is a party to the existing agreement has provided notice of termination of the existing agreement in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(6) of this section, and the new guarantee agreement does not become effective until the day following the date of termination of the existing agreement: And, provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph (j)(8) shall not be deemed to preclude an introducing broker from entering into a guarantee agreement with another futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer if the futures commission merchant or retail foreign exchange dealer which is a party to the existing agreement ceases to remain registered and the existing agreement would therefore expire in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(6)(ii) of this section.

(9)(i)(A) An introducing broker that is a party to a guarantee agreement that has been terminated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(6) of this section, or that is due to expire in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(5)(ii) of this section, must cease doing business as an introducing broker on or before the effective date of such termination or expiration unless, on or before 10 days prior to the effective date of such termination or expiration or such other period of time as the Commission or the designated self-regulatory organization may allow for good cause shown, the introducing broker files with its designated self-regulatory organization either a new guarantee agreement effective as of the day following the date of termination of the existing agreement, or, in the case of a guarantee agreement that is due to expire in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(4)(ii) of this section, a new guarantee agreement effective on or before such expiration, or either:

(1) A Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than 45 days prior to the date on which the report is filed; or

(2) A Form 1-FR-IB as of a date not more than 17 business days prior to the date on which the report is filed and a Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than one year prior to the date on which the report is filed: Provided, however, that an introducing broker as defined in § 5.1(f)(1) of this chapter that is party to a guarantee agreement that has been terminated or that has expired must cease doing business as an introducing broker on or before the effective date of such termination or expiration unless, on or before 10 days prior to the effective date of such termination or expiration or such other period of time as the Commission or the designated self-regulatory organization may allow for good cause shown, the introducing broker files with its designated self-regulatory organization a new guarantee agreement effective on or before the termination or expiration date of the terminating or expiring guarantee agreement.

(B) Each person filing a Form 1-FR-IB in accordance with this section must include with the financial report a statement describing the source of his current assets and representing that his capital has been contributed for the purpose of operating his business and will continue to be used for such purpose.

(ii)(A) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (j)(9)(i) of this section or of § 1.17(a), an introducing broker that is a party to a guarantee agreement that has been terminated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (j)(6)(ii) of this section shall not be deemed to be in violation of the minimum adjusted net capital requirement of § 1.17(a)(1)(iii) or (a)(2) for 30 days following such termination. Such an introducing broker must cease doing business as an introducing broker on or after the effective date of such termination, and may not resume doing business as an introducing broker unless and until it files a new agreement or either:

(1) A Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than 45 days prior to the date on which the report is filed; or

(2) A Form 1-FR-IB as of a date not more than 17 business days prior to the date on which the report is filed and a Form 1-FR-IB certified by an independent public accountant in accordance with § 1.16 as of a date not more than one year prior to the date on which the report is filed: Provided, however, that an introducing broker as defined in § 5.1(f)(1) of this chapter that is party to a guarantee agreement that has been terminated must cease doing business as an introducing broker from and after the effective date of such termination, and may not resume doing business as an introducing broker as defined in § 5.1(f)(1) of this chapter unless and until it files a new guarantee agreement.

(B) Each person filing a Form 1-FR-IB in accordance with this section must include with the financial report a statement describing the source of his current assets and representing that his capital has been contributed for the purpose of operating his business and will continue to be used for such purpose.

(k) Filing option available to an introducing broker. (1) Any introducing broker or applicant for registration as an introducing broker which is not operating or intending to operate pursuant to a guarantee agreement may comply with the requirements of this section by filing (in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section) a Form 1-FR-IB in lieu of a Form 1-FR-FCM.

(2) If an introducing broker or applicant therefor avails itself of the filing option available under paragraph (k)(1) of this section, the report required to be filed in accordance with § 1.16(c)(5) of this part must be filed as of the date of the Form 1-FR-IB being filed, and such an introducing broker or applicant therefor must maintain its financial records and make its monthly formal computation of its adjusted net capital, as required by § 1.18 of this part, in a manner consistent with Form 1-FR-IB.

(The information collection requirements contained in § 1.10 were approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 3038-0024; in paragraphs (a) and (b) under control number 3038-0023; and in paragraph (f) under control number 3038-0003.) [43 FR 39967, Sept. 8, 1978] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 1.10, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1a,2,5,6,6a,6b,6c,6d,6e,6f,6g,6h,6i,6k,6l,6m,6n,6o,6p,6r,6s,7,7a-1,7a-2,7b,7b-3,8,9,10a,12,12a,12c,13a,13a-1,16,16a,19,21,23, and24 (2012)
source: 41 FR 3194, Jan. 21, 1976, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 17 CFR 1.10