Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025

Title 23 - Highways last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 230.413 - Review reports.

(a) General. (1) The Compliance Specialist shall maintain detailed notes from the beginning of the review from which a comprehensive compliance review report can be developed.

(2) The completed compliance review report shall contain documentary evidence to support the determination of a contractor's or subcontractor's compliance status.

(3) Findings, conclusions, and recommendations shall be explicitly stated and, when necessary, supported by documentary evidence.

(4) The compliance review report shall contain at least the following information. 1 (Action R-20)

1 The Federal Highway Administration will accept completed Form FHWA-86 for the purpose. The form is available at the offices listed in 49 CFR part 7, appendix D.

(i) Complete name and address of contractor.

(ii) Project(s) identification.

(iii) Basis for the review, i.e., area work force, project work force, home office work force, and target area work force.

(iv) Identification of Federal or Federal-aid contract(s).

(v) Date of review.

(vi) Employment data by job craft, classification, or occupation by race and sex in accordance with (iii) above. This shall be the data verified during the onsite.

(vii) Identification of local unions involved with contractor, when applicable.

(viii) Determination of compliance status: compliance or noncompliance.

(ix) Copy of show cause notice or compliance notification sent to contractor.

(x) Name of the Compliance Specialist who conducted the review and whether that person is a State, division or regional Compliance Specialist.

(xi) Concurrences at appropriate levels.

(5) Each contractor (joint venture is one contractor) will be reported separately. When a project review is conducted, the reports should be attached, with the initial report being that of the prime contractor followed by the reports of each subcontractor.

(6) Each review level is responsible for ensuring that required information is contained in the report.

(7) When a project review is conducted, the project work force shall be reported. When an areawide review is conducted (all Federal-aid, Federal, and non-Federal projects in an area), then areawide work force shall be reported. When a home office review is conducted, only home office work force shall be reported. Other information required by regional offices shall be detached before forwarding the reports to the Washington Headquarters, OCR.

(8) The Washington Headquarters, OCR, shall be provided all of the following:

(i) The compliance review report required by § 230.413(a)(4).

(ii) Corrective action plans.

(iii) Show cause notices or compliance notifications.

(iv) Show cause recissions.

While other data and information should be kept by regional offices (including progress reports, correspondence, and similar review backup material), it should not be routinely forwarded to the Washington Headquarters, OCR.

(b) Administrative requirements—(1) State conducted reviews. (i) Within 15 days from the completion of the onsite verification and exit conference, the State Compliance Specialist will:

(A) Prepare the compliance review report, based on information obtained;

(B) Determine the contractor's compliance status;

(C) Notify the contractor of the compliance determination, i.e., send the contractor either notification of compliance or show cause notice; and

(D) Forward three copies of the compliance review report, and the compliance notification or show cause notice to the FHWA division EEO Specialist.

(ii) Within 10 days of receipt, the FHWA division EEO Specialist shall:

(A) Analyze the State's report, ensure that it is complete and accurate;

(B) Resolve nonconcurrence, if any;

(C) Indicate concurrence, and, where appropriate, prepare comments; and

(D) Forward two copies of the compliance review report, and the compliance notification or show cause notice to the Regional Civil Rights Director.

(iii) Within 15 days of receipt, the FHWA Regional Civil Rights Director shall:

(A) Analyze the report, ensure that it is complete and accurate;

(B) Resolve nonconcurrence, if any;

(C) Indicate concurrence, and, where appropriate, prepare comments; and

(D) Forward one copy of the compliance review report, and the compliance notification or show cause notice to the Washington Headquarters, OCR.

(2) FHWA division conducted reviews. (i) Within 15 days from the completion of the onsite verification and exit conference, the division EEO Specialist shall:

(A) Prepare compliance review report, based on information obtained;

(B) Determine the contractor's compliance status;

(C) Notify the State to send the contractor the compliance determination, i.e., either notification of compliance or show cause notice; and

(D) Forward two copies of the compliance review report and the compliance notification or show cause notice to the Regional Civil Rights Director.

(ii) Within 15 days of receipt, the FHWA Regional Civil Rights Director will take the steps outlined in § 230.413(b)(1)(iii).

(3) FHWA region conducted reviews. (i) Within 15 days from the completion of the onsite verification and exit conference the regional EEO Specialist shall:

(A) Prepare the compliance review report, based on information obtained;

(B) Determine the contractor's compliance status;

(C) Inform the appropriate division to notify the State to send the contractor the compliance determination i.e., either notification of compliance or show cause notice; and

(D) Forward one copy of the compliance review report, and the compliance notification or show cause notice to the Washington Headquarters, OCR.

(4) Upon receipt of compliance review reports, the Washington Headquarters, OCR, shall review, resolve any nonconcurrences, and record them for the purpose of:

(i) Providing ongoing technical assistance to FHWA regional and division offices and SHA's;

(ii) Gathering a sufficient data base for program evaluation;

(iii) Ensuring uniform standards are being applied in the compliance review process;

(iv) Initiating appropriate changes in FHWA policy and implementing regulations; and

(v) Responding to requests from the General Accounting Office, Office of Management and Budget, Senate Subcommittee on Public Roads, and other agencies and organizations.

source: 40 FR 28053, July 3, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 23 CFR 230.413