Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 30 - Mineral Resources last revised: Feb 13, 2025
§ 917.16 - Required regulatory program amendments.

(a)-(b) [Reserved]

(c) Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17, Kentucky is required, prior to implementation of the following statutory amendments, to submit to the Director proposed regulations to implement the amendments, and to receive the Director's approval of the regulations:

(1)-(3) [Reserved]

(d) Pursuant to 30 CFR 732.17, Kentucky is required to submit for OSM's approval the following proposed amendments by the dates specified:

(1)-(5) [Reserved]

(e)-(m) [Reserved]

(n) By October 5, 1998, Kentucky shall amend the Kentucky program, or provide a written description of an amendment together with a timetable for enactment which is consistent with established administrative or legislative procedures in the State, to delete the term “haul roads” at sections 1(7)(b) of 405 KAR 16:200 and 18:200.

(o)-(p) [Reserved]

[50 FR 23687, June 5, 1985] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 917.16, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
authority: 30 U.S.C. 1201
cite as: 30 CFR 917.16