Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 69.13 - Title V conditional exemption.

(a) Conditional exemption. In response to a petition submitted by the Governor of Guam and pursuant to section 325(a) of the Clean Air Act (Act), the Administrator of the United States EPA (EPA) grants the following conditional exemptions:

(1) Guam is exempted from the requirement to develop, submit for approval, and implement an operating permit program under title V of the Clean Air Act on the condition that Guam meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section and subject to the provisions of paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section.

(2) Except for sources listed under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, owners or operators of sources located in Guam subject to the operating permit requirements of title V of the Clean Air Act are exempt from the requirement to apply for and obtain a title V operating permit, on the condition that the owner or operator of each such source must apply for and obtain an operating permit under an EPA approved alternate program that meets the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section and subject to the provisions of paragraphs (c) through (e) of this section. The owner or operator of each such source shall apply for and obtain a permit under the alternate operating permit program by the deadlines set forth in the approved program, but in any event shall obtain a permit no later than January 13, 2003. If the owner or operator of any source has not obtained an operating permit under an alternate operating program approved by EPA for Guam by January 13, 2003, the exemption for such source shall expire and the owner or operator of such source shall become subject to the permitting requirements of 40 CFR part 71 on that date, consistent with paragraph (d)(4) of this section.

(3) Upon EPA approval of an alternate operating permit program adopted by Guam in accordance with this § 69.13, a person shall not violate any permit condition or term in a permit that has been issued under such alternate permit program.

(4) This exemption does not apply to owners or operators of major sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) as defined under section 112 of the Clean Air Act or to owners or operators of solid waste incinerators subject to the title V requirements of section 129(e) of the Act. Owners or operators of major sources of HAPs or solid waste incinerators shall be subject to the requirements of 40 CFR part 71 and shall apply for and obtain a part 71 permit by the deadlines specified in 40 CFR part 71. Any owner or operator of a major source of HAPs subject to 40 CFR part 63, subpart B, shall submit a timely part 71 permit application as required by 40 CFR part 71 and 40 CFR part 63, subpart B, requesting a case-by-case section 112(g) or 112(j) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) determination.

(b) Requirements for the alternate operating program. Guam shall develop and submit an alternate operating permit program (the program) to EPA for approval. Upon approval by EPA, Guam shall implement the program. The program, including the necessary statutory and regulatory authority, must be submitted by January 13, 1999 for approval. The submittal shall include the following elements:

(1) The program must contain regulations that ensure that:

(i) The permits shall include emission limits and standards, and other terms or conditions necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable federal requirements, as defined under 40 CFR 70.2.

(ii) The limitations, controls, and requirements in the permits shall be permanent, quantifiable, and otherwise enforceable as a practical matter.

(iii) Permits shall contain monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable federal requirements during the reporting period.

(iv) The program shall require that the owner or operator of each source submit permit applications with compliance certifications describing the source's compliance status with all applicable requirements. The program shall also provide that each permit contain a requirement that the owner or operator of a source submit annual compliance certifications. The compliance certification shall contain a compliance plan, and shall contain a schedule for expeditiously achieving compliance if the source is not in compliance with all applicable requirements. The program must provide that approval of a permit with a compliance plan and schedule does not sanction noncompliance.

(v) If the program chooses to accept electronic documents it must satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR part 3—(Electronic reporting).

(2) The program shall provide for the collection of fees from permitted sources or other revenues in an amount that will pay for the cost of operation of such a program and ensure that these funds are used solely to support the program.

(3) The program shall provide for public notice and a public comment period of at least 30 days for each permit, significant permit modification, and permit renewal, and shall include submittal to EPA of each permit, significant permit modification, and permit renewal.

(4) The program shall provide EPA at least 45 days from receipt of a permit, modification, or renewal for EPA review and objection prior to issuance. The program shall provide that if EPA objects to a permit sent to EPA for review, Guam cannot issue such permit until the permit is revised in a manner that resolves EPA's objections. The program shall provide that Guam will have no more than 180 days to resolve EPA's objections and that if the objections are not resolved within that time period, EPA shall issue the permit under 40 CFR part 71.

(5) The program shall provide that all documents other than confidential business information will be made available to the public.

(6) The program shall provide Guam with the authority to enforce permits, including the authority to assess civil and criminal penalties up to $10,000 per day per violation and to enjoin activities that are in violation of the permit, the program, or the Act without first revoking the permit.

(7) The program shall require that owners or operators of nonmajor sources of hazardous air pollutants that are required to obtain title V permits, and owners or operators of major sources of all other air pollutants as defined at 40 CFR 70.2 that are exempted from 40 CFR part 71 under paragraph (a) of this section, obtain an operating permit under the approved program. The program shall include a schedule for issuing permits to all subject sources within three years of EPA approval of the program.

(8) The program shall include a system of regular inspections of permitted sources, a system to identify any unpermitted major sources, and guidelines for appropriate responses to violations.

(9) The program shall provide for the issuance of permits with a fixed term that shall not exceed five years.

(10) The program shall allow Guam or the EPA to reopen a permit for cause. The program shall provide that if EPA provides Guam with written notice that a permit must be reopened for cause, Guam shall issue a revised permit within 180 days (including public notice and comment) that sufficiently addresses EPA's concerns. The program shall provide that if Guam fails to issue a permit that resolves EPA's concerns within 180 days, then EPA will terminate, modify, or revoke and reissue the permit under part 71 after providing the permittee and the public with notice and opportunity for comment.

(c) State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittal. In conjunction with the submittal of the alternative operating permit program, Guam shall, no later than January 13, 1999 submit a revision to its SIP that provides that a person shall not violate a permit condition or term in an operating permit that has been issued under an EPA approved alternate operating permit program adopted by Guam pursuant to the exemption authorized in this § 69.13.

(d) Expiration and revocation of the exemption. This exemption shall expire or may be revoked under the following circumstances:

(1) If Guam fails to submit an alternate operating permit program by January 13, 1999, the exemption shall automatically expire with no further rulemaking and 40 CFR part 71 shall become effective for all subject sources in Guam on that date.

(2) In the event that EPA disapproves Guam's alternate operating permit program because the program does not meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, EPA will revoke the exemption by rulemaking.

(3) If, by January 13, 2003, the owner or operator of any subject source has not obtained a federally enforceable operating permit under an EPA approved program, the exemption shall automatically expire for such source and such source shall be subject to the permitting requirements of 40 CFR part 71. Guam will work with EPA to identify such sources prior to expiration of the exemption under this paragraph (d).

(4) EPA shall revoke the exemption in its entirety through rulemaking if Guam does not adequately administer and enforce an alternate operating permit program approved by EPA.

(5) EPA shall revoke the exemption by rulemaking with respect to the owner or operator of any source if, during the 45-day review period, EPA objects to issuance of a permit and Guam fails to resolve EPA's objections within 180 days. EPA shall also revoke the exemption by rulemaking for the owner or operator of any source in the event that EPA reopens a permit for cause and Guam does not issue a permit that resolves the concerns as set forth in EPA's notice to reopen within 180 days.

(6) EPA reserves its authority to revoke or modify this exemption in whole or in part.

(e) Scope of the exemption. This exemption applies solely to the requirement that an owner or operator obtain an operating permit under title V of the Clean Air Act and the requirement that Guam implement a title V permit program. In addition, this exemption does not apply to owners or operators of sources set forth in paragraph (a)(4) of this section. Owners and operators of air pollutant sources are required to comply with all other applicable requirements of the Clean Air Act. For purposes of complying with any applicable requirement that is triggered or implemented by the approval of a title V permit program, the approval date for owners or operators to which this exemption applies shall be the date that EPA approves the alternate program for each territory or, for owners or operators of sources that are subject to 40 CFR part 71, the approval date shall be the effective date of 40 CFR part 71, which is July 31, 1996.

(f) Final approval of alternate permit program.

(1) The following sections of Guam's Air Pollution Control Standards and Regulations are granted final approval as Guam's alternate permit program:

1101.1(a) Administrator

1101.1(d) Air pollutant

1101.1(e) Air pollution

1101.1(i) Air pollution emission source

1101.1(r) CFR

1101.1(s) Clean Air Act

1101.1(t) Commenced

1101.1(v) Compliance Plan

1101.1(aa) Emission

1101.1(cc) Emissions unit

1101.1(ii) Fugitive Emissions

1101.1(jj) GEPA

1101.1(kk) Hazardous air pollutant

1101.1(xx) Owner or operator

1101.1(zz) Permit

1101.1(bbb) Person

1101.1(eee) Potential to emit

1101.1(iii) Regulated air pollutant

1101.1(jjj) Responsible official

1101.1(ooo) Source

1101.1(uuu) USEPA

1101.1(vvv) USEPA Administrator

1102.3 Certification

1102.7 Public Access to Information

1102.9 Prompt Reporting of Deviations

1104.1 Definitions

(a) Administrative Permit Amendment

(b) AP-42

(c) Applicable requirement

(d) Federal oversight source

(e) Insignificant source

(f) Insignificant sources—Type I

(g) Insignificant sources—Type II

(h) Major source

(i) Minor source

(j) Modification

(k) Pollution prevention

(l) Significant modification

(m) Transition period

1104.2 Applicability

1104.3 General conditions for considering applications

1104.4 Holding and transfer of permit

1104.5(a) Cancellation of Air Pollution Control Permit

1104.6 Air Pollution Control Permit Application

1104.7 Duty to Supplement or Correct Permit Applications

1104.8 Compliance Plan

1104.9 Compliance Certification of Air Pollution Emission Sources

1104.10 Transition Period and Deadlines to Submit First Applications

1104.11 Permit Term

1104.12 Permit Content

1104.13 Inspections

1104.14 Federally-Enforceable Permit Terms and Conditions

1104.15 Transmission of Information to USEPA

1104.16 USEPA Oversight

1104.17 Emergency Provision

1104.18 Permit Termination, Suspension, Reopening, and Amendment

1104.19 Public Participation

1104.20 Administrative Permit Amendment

1104.21 General Fee Provisions

1104.22 Air Pollution Control Special Fund

1104.23 Application Fees for Air Pollution Emission Sources

1104.24 Annual Fees for Air Pollution Emission Sources

1104.25 Penalties and Remedies

1106 Standards of Performance for Air Pollution Emission Sources

(2) SIP Revision. Guam shall adopt, pursuant to required procedures, and submit to EPA a revision to Guam's SIP that provides that a person shall not violate a permit condition or term in an operating permit that has been issued under an EPA approved alternate operating permit program adopted by Guam pursuant the exemption authorized in this § 69.13.

[61 FR 58289, Nov. 13, 1996; 61 FR 66077, Dec. 16, 1996, as amended at 68 FR 1167, Jan. 9, 2003; 70 FR 59887, Oct. 13, 2005; 71 FR 9719, Feb. 27, 2006]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 7545(c), (g) and (i), and 7625-1
source: 50 FR 25577, June 20, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 69.13