Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 405.1857 - Subpoenas.

(a) Time limits. (1) The Board may issue a subpoena—

(i) To a party to a Board appeal or to a nonparty other than CMS or the Secretary or any Federal agency, requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of documents for inspection and copying, provided the Board makes a preliminary finding of its jurisdiction over the matters at issue in accordance with § 405.1840(a) of this subpart.

(ii) At the request of a party for purposes of discovery (as described in § 405.1853 of this subpart) or an oral hearing (as described in § 405.1845 of this subpart); and

(iii) On its own motion solely for purposes of a hearing.

(2) The date of receipt by the Board of a party's subpoena request may not be any later than for subpoenas requested for purposes of—

(i) Discovery, 120 days before the initially scheduled starting date of the Board hearing; and

(ii) An oral hearing, 45 days before the scheduled starting date of the Board hearing.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4) of this section, the Board may not issue a subpoena any later than for purposes of—

(i) Discovery, 90 days before the initially scheduled starting date of the Board hearing; and

(ii) An oral hearing, whether issued at a party's request or on the Board's own motion, 30 days before the scheduled starting date of the Board hearing.

(4) The Board may extend the deadlines specified in paragraphs (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section provided the Board gives each party to the appeal and any nonparty subject to the subpoena request or subpoena a reasonable period of time to comment on any proposed extension. If the Board extends a deadline, it retains the discretion to reschedule the hearing date.

(b) Criteria—(1) Discovery subpoenas. The Board may issue a subpoena for purposes of discovery if all of the following are applicable:

(i) The subpoena was requested in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section.

(ii) The party's discovery request complies with the applicable provisions of § 405.1853(e) of this part.

(iii) A subpoena is necessary and appropriate to compel a response to the discovery request.

(2) Hearing subpoenas. The Board may issue a subpoena for purposes of an oral hearing if—

(i) The party's subpoena request meets the requirements of paragraph (c)(1) of this section;

(ii) A subpoena is necessary and appropriate to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses or the production of documents for inspection or copying, provided the testimony or documents are relevant and material to a matter at issue in the appeal but not unduly repetitious (as described in § 405.1855 of this subpart); and

(iii) The subpoena does not compel the disclosure of matter that is privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure for reasons such as case preparation, confidentiality, or undue burden.

(iv) The subpoena does not impose undue burden or expense on the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena, and is not otherwise unreasonable or inappropriate.

(3) Guiding principles. In determining whether to issue, quash, or modify a subpoena under this section, the Board uses the applicable provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Rules 401 and 501 of the Federal Rules of Evidence for guidance.

(c) Procedures— (1) Subpoena requests. The requesting party must send any subpoena request submitted to the Board promptly to the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena, and to any other party to the Board appeal. If the subpoena request is being sent to a nonparty subject to the subpoena, then the subpoena request must be sent by certified mail. The request must—

(i) Identify with particularity any witnesses (and their addresses, if known) or any documents (and their location, if known) sought by the subpoena, and the means, time, or location for securing any witness testimony or documents;

(ii) Describe specifically, in the case of a hearing subpoena, the facts any witnesses, documents, or tangible materials are expected to establish, and why those facts cannot be established without a subpoena; and

(iii) Explain why a subpoena is appropriate under the criteria prescribed in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) Contents of subpoenas. A subpoena issued by the Board, whether on its own motion or at the request of a party, must be in writing and either sent promptly by the Board to the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena by certified mail or overnight delivery (and to any other party and affected nonparty to the appeal by regular mail), or hand-delivered. Each subpoena must—

(i) Be issued in the name of the Board, and include the case number and name of the appeal;

(ii) Provide notice that—

(A) The subpoena is issued in accordance with section 1878(e) of the Act and § 405.1857 of this subpart; and

(B) CMS must pay the fees and the mileage of any witnesses, as provided in section 205(d) of the Act.

(iii) If applicable, require named witnesses to attend a particular proceeding at a certain time and location and to testify on specific subjects; and

(iv) If applicable, require the production of specific documents for inspection or copying at a certain time and location.

(3) Rights of nonparties. If a nonparty to the Board appeal is subject to the subpoena or subpoena request, the nonparty has the rights any party has in responding to a subpoena or subpoena request. The rights of the nonparty include, but are not limited to, the right to select and use any attorney or other representative, and to submit responses, objections, motions, or any other pertinent materials to the Board regarding the subpoena or subpoena request.

(4) Board action on subpoena requests and motions. After issuing a subpoena or receiving a subpoena request, the Board must do the following:

(i) Give the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena or subpoena request a reasonable period of time for the submission of any responses, objections, or motions.

(ii) Consider the subpoena or subpoena request, and any responses, objections, or motions related thereto, under the criteria specified in paragraph (b) of this section.

(iii)(A) Issue in writing and send promptly to each party and any affected nonparty an order granting or denying any motion to quash or modify a subpoena, or granting or denying any subpoena request in whole or in part; and

(B) Issue, if applicable, an original or modified subpoena in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section.

(d) Reviewability—(1) General rules. (i) If the Board issues, quashes, or modifies, or refuses to issue, quash, or modify, a subpoena under paragraphs (c)(2) or (c)(4) of this section, the Board's action is not subject to immediate review by the Administrator (as described in § 405.1875(a)(3) of this subpart).

(ii) Any Board action on a subpoena may be reviewed solely during the course of Administrator review of one of the Board decisions specified in § 405.1875(a)(2) of this subpart, or of judicial review of a final agency decision as described in § 405.1877(a) and (c)(3) of this subpart, as applicable.

(2) Exception. (i) To the extent a subpoena compels disclosure of a matter for which an objection based on privilege, or other protection from disclosure such as case preparation, confidentiality, or undue burden, was made before the Board, the Administrator may review immediately that portion of the subpoena in accordance with § 405.1875(a)(3)(ii) of this subpart.

(ii) Upon notice to the Board that a party or nonparty, as applicable, intends to seek Administrator review of the subpoena, the Board must stay all proceedings affected by the subpoena.

(iii) The Board determines the length of the stay under the circumstances of a given case, but in no event may the stay be less than 15 days after the day on which the Board received notice of the party or nonparty's intent to seek Administrator review.

(iv) If the Administrator grants a request for review, or takes own motion review, of the subpoena, the subpoena or portion of the subpoena, as applicable, is stayed until such time as the Administrator issues a written decision that affirms, reverses, modifies, or remands the Board's action on the subpoena.

(v) If the Administrator does not grant review or take own motion review within the time allotted for the stay, the stay is lifted and the Board's action is not immediately reviewable.

(e) Enforcement. (i) If the Board determines, whether on its own motion or at the request of a party, that a party or nonparty subject to a subpoena issued under this section has refused to comply with the subpoena, the Board may request the Administrator to seek enforcement of the subpoena in accordance with section 205(e) of the Act.

(ii) Any enforcement request by the Board must consist of a written notice to the Administrator describing in detail the Board's findings of noncompliance and its specific request for enforcement, and providing a copy of the subpoena and evidence of its receipt by certified mail by the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena.

(iii) The Board must promptly mail a copy of the notice and related documents to the party or nonparty subject to the subpoena, and to any other party and affected nonparty to the appeal.

[73 FR 30258, May 23, 2008; 73 FR 49356, Aug. 21, 2008; 85 FR 59019, Sept. 18, 2020]
cite as: 42 CFR 405.1857