Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 423.44 - Involuntary disenrollment from Part D coverage.

(a) General rule. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section, a PDP sponsor may not—

(1) Involuntarily disenroll an individual from any PDP it offers; or

(2) Orally or in writing, or by any action or inaction, request or encourage an individual to disenroll.

(b) Basis for disenrollment—(1) Optional involuntary disenrollment. A PDP sponsor may disenroll an individual from a PDP it offers in any of the following circumstances:

(i) Any monthly premium is not paid on a timely basis, as specified under paragraph (d)(1) of this section; or

(ii) The individual has engaged in disruptive behavior, as specified under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(iii) The individual provides fraudulent information on his or her election form or permits abuse of his or her enrollment card as specified in paragraph (d)(9) of this section.

(2) Required involuntary disenrollment. A PDP sponsor must disenroll an individual from a PDP it offers in any of the following circumstances:

(i) The individual no longer resides in the PDP's service area.

(ii) The individual loses eligibility for Part D.

(iii) Death of the individual.

(iv) The PDP sponsor's contract is terminated by CMS or by a PDP or through mutual consent. The PDP sponsor must disenroll affected enrollees in accordance with the procedures for disenrollment set forth at § 423.507 through § 423.510.

(v) The individual materially misrepresents information, as determined by CMS, to the PDP sponsor that the individual has or expects to receive reimbursement for third-party coverage.

(vi) The individual is not lawfully present in the United States.

(c) Notice requirement. (1) If the disenrollment is for any of the reasons specified in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2)(i), or (b)(2)(iv) of this section (that is, other than death or loss of Part D eligibility, the PDP sponsor must give the individual timely notice of the disenrollment with an explanation of why the PDP is planning to disenroll the individual.

(2) Notices for reasons specified in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(iii) of this section must—

(i) Be provided to the individual before submission of the disenrollment notice to CMS; and

(ii) Include an explanation of the individual's right to file a grievance under the PDP's grievance procedures.

(d) Process for disenrollment—(1) Except as specified in paragraph (d)(1)(v) of this section, a PDP sponsor may disenroll an individual from the PDP for failure to pay any monthly premium under the following circumstances:

(i) The PDP sponsor can demonstrate to CMS that it made reasonable efforts to collect the unpaid premium amount.

(ii) The PDP sponsor gives the enrollee notice of disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

(iii) The PDP sponsor provides the individual with a grace period, that is, an opportunity to pay past due premiums in full. The grace period must—

(A) Be at least 2 whole calendar months; and

(B) Begin on the first day of the month for which the premium is unpaid or the first day of the month following the date on which premium payment is requested, whichever is later.

(iv) Reenrollment in the PDP. If an individual is disenrolled from the PDP for failure to pay monthly PDP premiums, the PDP sponsor has the option to decline future enrollment by the individual in any of its PDPs until the individual has paid any past premiums due to the PDP sponsor.

(v) A PDP sponsor may not disenroll either of the following:

(A) An individual who had monthly premiums withheld per § 423.293(a) and (e) of this part or who is in premium withhold status, as defined by CMS.

(B) A member or initiate the disenrollment process if the sponsor has been notified that an SPAP, or other payer, is paying the Part D portion of the premium, and the sponsor has not yet coordinated receipt of the premium payments with the SPAP or other payer.

(vi) Extension of grace period for good cause and reinstatement. When an individual is disenrolled for failure to pay the plan premium, CMS (or a third party to which CMS has assigned this responsibility, such as a Part D sponsor) may reinstate enrollment in the PDP, without interruption of coverage, if the individual does all of the following:

(A) Submits a request for reinstatement for good cause within 60 calendar days of the disenrollment effective date.

(B) Has not previously requested reinstatement for good cause during the same 60-day period following the involuntary disenrollment.

(C) Shows good cause for failure to pay within the initial grace period.

(D) Pays all overdue premiums within 3 calendar months after the disenrollment date.

(E) Establishes by a credible statement that failure to pay premiums within the initial grace period was due to circumstances for which the individual had no control, or which the individual could not reasonably have been expected to foresee.

(vii) No extension of grace period. A beneficiary's enrollment in the PDP may not be reinstated if the only basis for such reinstatement is a change in the individual's circumstances subsequent to the involuntary disenrollment for non-payment of premiums.

(2) Disruptive behavior—(i) Definition. A PDP enrollee is disruptive if his or her behavior substantially impairs the plans ability to arrange or provide for services to the individual or other plan members. An individual cannot be considered disruptive if the behavior is related to the use of medical services or compliance (or noncompliance) with medical advice or treatment.

(ii) Basis of disenrollment for disruptive behavior. A PDP may disenroll an individual whose behavior is disruptive as defined in § 423.44(d)(2)(i) only after the PDP sponsor meets the requirements described in this section and after CMS has reviewed and approved the request.

(iii) Effort to resolve the problem. The PDP sponsor must make a serious effort to resolve the problems presented by the individual, including providing reasonable accommodations, as determined by CMS, for individuals with mental or cognitive conditions, including mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, and developmental disabilities. In addition, the PDP sponsor must inform the individual of the right to use the PDP's grievance procedures, through the notices described in paragraph (d)(2)(viii) of this section. The individual has a right to submit any information or explanation that he or she may wish to the PDP.

(iv) Documentation. The PDP sponsor—

(A) Must document the enrollee's behavior, its own efforts to resolve any problems, as described in paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this section, and any extenuating circumstances;

(B) May request from CMS the ability to decline future enrollment by the individual; and

(C) Must submit the following:

(1) The information specified in paragraph (d)(2)(iv)(A) of this section.

(2) Any documentation received by the individual to CMS.

(3) Dated copies of the notices required in paragraph (d)(2)(viii) of this section.

(v) CMS review of the proposed disenrollment. CMS reviews the information submitted by the PDP sponsor and any information submitted by the individual (which the PDP sponsor has submitted to CMS) to determine if the PDP sponsor has fulfilled the requirements to request disenrollment for disruptive behavior. If the PDP sponsor has fulfilled the necessary requirements, CMS reviews the information and make a decision to approve or deny the request for disenrollment, including conditions on future enrollment, within 20 working days. During the review, CMS ensures that staff with appropriate clinical or medical expertise reviews the case before making a final decision. The PDP sponsor is required to provide a reasonable accommodation, as determined by CMS, for the individual in exceptional circumstances that CMS deems necessary. CMS notifies the PDP sponsor within 5 working days after making its decision.

(vi) Exception for fallback prescription drug plans. CMS reserves the right to deny a request from a fallback prescription drug plan as defined in § 423.855 to disenroll an individual for disruptive behavior.

(vii) Effective date of disenrollment. If CMS permits a PDP to disenroll an individual for disruptive behavior, the termination is effective the first day of the calendar month after the month in which the PDP gives the individual written notice of the disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

(viii) Required notices. The PDP sponsor must provide the individual two notices prior to submitting the request for disenrollment to CMS.

(A) The first notice, the advance notice, informs the member that continued disruptive behavior could lead to involuntary disenrollment and provides the individual an opportunity to cease the behavior in order to avoid the disenrollment action.

(1) If the disruptive behavior ceases after the member receives the advance notice and then later resumes, the sponsor must begin the process again.

(2) The sponsor must wait at least 30 days after sending the advance notice before sending the second notice, during which 30-day period the individual has the opportunity to cease their behavior.

(B) The second notice, the notice of intent to request CMS permission to disenroll the member, notifies the member that the PDP sponsor requests CMS permission to involuntarily disenroll the member.

(1) This notice must be provided prior to submission of the request to CMS.

(2) These notices are in addition to the disenrollment submission notice required under § 423.44(c).

(3) Loss of Part D eligiblity. If an individual is no longer eligible for Part D, CMS notifies the PDP that the disenrollment is effective the first day of the calendar month following the last month of Part D eligibility.

(4) Death of the individual. If the individual dies, disenrollment is effective the first day of the calendar month following the month of death.

(5) Individual no longer resides in the PDP service area—Basis for disenrollment. (i) Basis for disenrollment. The PDP must disenroll an individual, and must document the basis for such action, if the PDP establishes, on the basis of a written statement from the individual or other evidence acceptable to CMS, that the individual has permanently moved out of the PDP service area and must give the individual a written notice of the disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section within 10 calendar days of the plan's confirmation of the individual's residence outside of the plan service area.

(ii) Special rule. If the individual has not moved from the PDP service area, but has been determined by the PDP sponsor to be absent from the service area for more than 12 consecutive months, the PDP sponsor must disenroll the individual from the plan, and document the basis for such action, effective on the first day of the 13th month after the individual left the service area and must give the individual a written notice of the disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section within the first 10 calendar days of the 12th month of an individual's temporary absence from the plan service area or, if the sponsor learns of the individual's temporary absence from the plan service area after the expiration of the 12 month period, within 10 calendar days of the sponsor learning of the absence. The individual is considered to be temporarily absent from the plan service area when one or more of the required materials and content referenced in § 423.2267(e), if provided by mail, is returned to the Part D plan sponsor by the U.S. Postal Service as undeliverable and a forwarding address is not provided.

(iii) Incarceration. The PDP must disenroll an individual if the PDP establishes, on the basis of evidence acceptable to CMS, that the individual is incarcerated and does not reside in the service area of the PDP as specified at § 423.4 or when notified of an incarceration by CMS as specified in paragraph (d)(5)(iv) of this section.

(iv) Notification by CMS of incarceration. When CMS notifies the PDP of the disenrollment due to the individual being incarcerated and not residing in the service area of the PDP as per § 423.4, disenrollment is effective the first of the month following the start of incarceration, unless otherwise specified by CMS.

(6) Plan termination. (i) When a PDP contract terminates as provided in § 423.507 through § 423.510, the PDP sponsor must give each affected PDP enrollee notice of the effective date of the plan termination and a description of alternatives for obtaining prescription drug coverage under Part D, as specified by CMS.

(ii) The notice must be sent before the effective date of the plan termination or area reduction, and in the timeframes specified by CMS.

(7) Misrepresentation of third-party reimbursement. (i) If CMS determines an individual has materially misrepresented information to the PDP sponsor as described under § 423.44(b)(2)(v), the termination is effective the first day of the calendar month after the month in which the PDP sponsor gives the individual written notice of the disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

(ii) Reenrollment in the PDP. Once an individual is disenrolled from the PDP for misrepresentation of third party reimbursement, the PDP sponsor has the option to decline future enrollment by the individual in any of its PDPs for a period of time CMS specifies.

(8) Individual is not lawfully present in the United States. Disenrollment is effective the first day of the month following notice by CMS that the individual is ineligible in accordance with § 423.30(a)(1)(iii).

(9) Individual commits fraud or permits abuse of enrollment card—(i) Basis for disenrollment. A PDP may disenroll the individual from a Part D plan if the individual—

(A) Knowingly provides, on the election form, fraudulent information that materially affects the individual's eligibility to enroll in the PDP; or

(B) Intentionally permits others to use his or her enrollment card to obtain drugs under the PDP.

(ii) Notice of disenrollment. The Part D plan must give the individual a written notice of the disenrollment that meets the requirements set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.

(iii) Report to CMS. The Part D plan must report to CMS any disenrollment based on fraud or abuse by the individual.

(e) Involuntary disenrollment by CMS—(1) General rule. CMS will disenroll individuals who fail to pay the Part D income related monthly adjustment amount (Part D—IRMAA) specified in § 423.286(d)(4) and § 423.293(d) of this part.

(2) Initial grace period. For all Part D—IRMAA amounts directly billed to an enrollee in accordance with § 423.293(d)(2), the grace period ends with the last day of the third month after the billing month.

(3) Extension of grace period for good cause and reinstatement. When an individual is disenrolled for failing to pay the Part D—IRMAA within the initial grace period specified in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, CMS (or an entity acting on behalf of CMS) may reinstate enrollment, without interruption of coverage, if the individual shows good cause as specified in § 423.44(d)(1)(vi), pays all Part D—IRMAA arrearages, and any overdue premiums due the Part D plan sponsor within 3 calendar months after the disenrollment date.

(4) Notice of termination. Where CMS has disenrolled an individual in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the Part D plan sponsor must provide notice of termination in a form and manner determined by CMS.

(5) Effective date of disenrollment. After a grace period and notice of termination has been provided in accordance with paragraphs (e)(2) and (4) of this section, the effective date of disenrollment is the first day following the last day of the initial grace period.

[70 FR 4525, Jan. 28, 2005, as amended at 74 FR 1543, Jan. 12, 2009; 75 FR 19816, Apr. 15, 2010; 76 FR 21570, Apr. 15, 2011; 79 FR 29962, May 23, 2014; 80 FR 7962, Feb. 12, 2015; 89 FR 30831, Apr. 23, 2024; 89 FR 63827, Aug. 6, 2024]
source: 70 FR 4525, Jan. 28, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 423.44