Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Oct 09, 2024
§ 679.7 - Prohibitions.

In addition to the general prohibitions specified in § 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:

(a) Groundfish of the GOA and BSAI—(1) Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP). (i) Fish for groundfish in the BSAI or GOA with a vessel of the United States that does not have on board a legible copy of a valid FFP issued under § 679.4.

(ii) Conduct directed fishing for Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, or pollock with pot, hook-and-line, or trawl gear from a vessel of the United States that does not have on board a legible copy of a valid FFP issued under § 679.4 and endorsed for Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, or pollock under § 679.4(b).

(2) Conduct any fishing contrary to notification of inseason action, closure, or adjustment issued under § 679.20, § 679.21, § 679.22, § 679.25.

(3) Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program. (i) Fish or process groundfish except in compliance with the terms of the Groundfish and Halibut Observer Program as provided by subpart E of this part.

(ii) Except where observer services are provided by a NMFS employee or other individuals authorized by NMFS under § 679.51(c) or § 679.51(d)(1)(ii), deploy observers in the full observer coverage category at § 679.51(a)(2) and (b)(2) without an observer provider permit issued under § 679.52(a).

(4) Pollock roe. Retain pollock roe on board a vessel in violation of § 679.20(g).

(5) Rockfish by catcher vessels using hook-and-line, jig, or pot gear.

(i) For any person, to discard rockfish from a catcher vessel required to have a Federal fisheries permit that is fishing for groundfish or IFQ or CDQ halibut using hook-and-line, jig, or pot gear in the BSAI or GOA until that fish has been landed.

(ii) Exceed the maximum commerce allowance amount established under § 679.20(j).

(6) Gear. Deploy any trawl, longline, longline pot, pot-and-line, or jig gear in an area when directed fishing for, or retention of, all groundfish by operators of vessels using that gear type is prohibited in that area, except that this paragraph (a)(6) shall not prohibit:

(i) Deployment of fixed gear, as defined in § 679.2 under “Authorized fishing gear,” by an operator of a vessel fishing for IFQ halibut during the fishing period prescribed in the annual management measures published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 300.62 of this title.

(ii) Deployment of pot gear by operators of vessels fishing for crab during seasons governed by the State of Alaska.

(iii) Deployment of jig gear by operators of vessels fishing for salmon during seasons governed by the State of Alaska.

(7) Inshore/offshore. (i) Operate a vessel in the “inshore component in the GOA” as defined in § 679.2 without a valid Inshore Processing endorsement on the vessel's FFP or FPP.

(ii) Operate a vessel as a “stationary floating processor” in the “inshore component in the GOA” as defined in § 679.2, and as a catcher/processor in the BSAI during the same fishing year.

(iii) Operate a vessel as a “stationary floating processor” in the “inshore component in the GOA” as defined in § 679.2, and as an AFA mothership in the BSAI during the same fishing year.

(iv) Operate any vessel in the GOA in more than one of the three categories included in the definition of “inshore component in the GOA,” in §§ 679.2, during any fishing year.

(v) Operate any vessel in the GOA under both the “inshore component in the GOA” and the “offshore component in the GOA” definitions in §§ 679.2 during the same fishing year.

(vi) Except as provided in paragraph (k)(3)(iv) of this section, use a stationary floating processor with a GOA inshore processing endorsement to process pollock harvested in the GOA or Pacific cod harvested in the Eastern GOA in a directed fishery for those species in more than one single geographic location in the GOA during a fishing year.

(vii) Operate a vessel in the “inshore component of the GOA” as defined in § 679.2 during a calendar year if that vessel is used to directed fish for Pacific cod under the authority of a groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement in the regulatory area listed in Table 49 to part 679.

(viii) Use a vessel operating under the authority of a groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement to directed fish for Pacific cod in the Eastern GOA apportioned to the inshore component of the GOA as specified under § 679.20(a)(6) if that vessel has directed fished for Pacific cod in the Eastern GOA apportioned to the offshore component of the Eastern GOA during that calendar year.

(ix) Use a vessel operating under the authority of a groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement to directed fish for Pacific cod in the Eastern GOA apportioned to the offshore component of the Eastern GOA as specified under § 679.20(a)(6) if that vessel has directed fished for Pacific cod in the Eastern GOA apportioned to the inshore component of the GOA during that calendar year.

(8) Fishing in Donut Hole. Except as authorized by permit issued pursuant to the section of the Donut Hole Convention implementing legislation authorizing NMFS to issue Donut Hole fishing permits (Public Law 104-43, section 104(d)), it is unlawful for any person to:

(i) Fish in the Donut Hole from a vessel for which a Federal fisheries permit has been issued pursuant to § 679.4 during the year for which the permit was issued.

(ii) Possess within the EEZ fish harvested from the Donut Hole on board a vessel for which a Federal fisheries permit has been issued pursuant to § 679.4 during the year for which the permit was issued.

(9) Authorized fishing gear. Retain groundfish taken with other than authorized fishing gear as defined in § 679.2, except that groundfish incidentally taken by pot gear by a vessel while participating in an open crab season governed by the State of Alaska may be retained for use as unprocessed bait on board that vessel.

(10) Recordkeeping and reporting. (i) Fail to comply with or fail to ensure compliance with requirements in §§ 679.4 or 679.5.

(ii) Alter, erase, mutilate, or forge any permit or document issued under §§ 679.4 or 679.5.

(iii) Fail to submit or submit inaccurate information on, any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(iv) Intentionally submit false information on any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(11) Buying station or tender vessel—(i) Tender vessel. Use a catcher vessel or catcher/processor as a tender vessel before offloading all groundfish or groundfish product harvested or processed by that vessel.

(ii) Associated processor. Function as a tender vessel or buying station without an associated processor.

(iii) Tender vessel. Use a catcher vessel or catcher/processor to harvest groundfish while operating as a tender vessel.

(12) Prohibited species donation program. Retain or possess prohibited species, defined at § 679.21(a)(1), except as permitted to do so under the PSD program as provided by § 679.26, or as authorized by other applicable law.

(13) Halibut. With respect to halibut caught with fixed gear, as defined in § 679.2 under the definition of “Authorized fishing gear,” deployed from a vessel fishing for groundfish, except for vessels fishing for halibut as prescribed in the annual management measures published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 300.62 of this title:

(i) Fail to release the halibut outboard a vessel's rails.

(ii) Release halibut caught with longline gear by any method other than—

(A) Cutting the gangion.

(B) Positioning the gaff on the hook and twisting the hook from the halibut.

(C) Straightening the hook by using the gaff to catch the bend of the hook and bracing the gaff against the vessel or any gear attached to the vessel.

(iii) Puncture the halibut with a gaff or other device.

(iv) Allow halibut caught with longline gear to contact the vessel, if such contact causes, or is capable of causing, the halibut to be stripped from the hook.

(14) Trawl gear performance standard—(i) BSAI. Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, use a vessel to participate in a directed fishery for pollock using trawl gear and have on board the vessel, at any particular time, 20 or more crabs of any species that have a carapace width of more than 1.5 inches (38 mm) at the widest dimension.

(ii) GOA. Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, use a vessel to participate in a directed fishery for pollock using trawl gear when directed fishing for pollock with nonpelagic trawl gear is closed and have on board the vessel, at any particular time, 20 or more crabs of any species that have a carapace width of more than 1.5 inches (38 mm) at the widest dimension.

(15) Federal processor permit (FPP). (i) Receive, purchase or arrange for purchase, discard, or process groundfish harvested in the GOA or BSAI by a shoreside processor or SFP and in the Western and Central GOA regulatory areas, including Federal reporting areas 610, 620, and 630, that does not have on site a legible copy of a valid FPP issued pursuant to § 679.4(f).

(ii) Receive, purchase or arrange for purchase, discard, or process groundfish harvested in the GOA by a CQE floating processor that does not have on site a legible copy of a valid FPP issued pursuant to § 679.4(f).

(16) Retention of groundfish bycatch species. Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, exceed the maximum retainable amount established under § 679.20(e).

(17) [Reserved]

(18) Pollock, Pacific Cod, and Atka Mackerel Directed Fishing and VMS. Operate a vessel in any Federal reporting area when a vessel is authorized under § 679.4(b) to participate in the Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, or pollock directed fisheries and the vessel's authorized species and gear type is open to directed fishing, unless the vessel carries an operable NMFS-approved Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and complies with the requirements in § 679.28(f).

(19) Atka mackerel directed fishing in the Bering Sea reporting areas. Conduct directed fishing for Atka mackerel in the Bering Sea subarea and adjacent State waters with a vessel required to be Federally permitted.

(20) Anchoring in a habitat protection area. Anchor any federally permitted vessel in any habitat protection area described in Tables 22, 23, and 26 of this part.

(21) VMS on vessels in the Aleutian Islands subarea. Operate a federally permitted vessel in the Aleutian Islands subarea without an operable VMS and without complying with the requirements at § 679.28(f).

(22) VMS for non-pelagic trawl and dredge gear vessels in the GOA. Operate a federally permitted vessel in the GOA with non-pelagic trawl or dredge gear onboard without an operable VMS and without complying with the requirements at § 679.28(f).

(b) Prohibitions specific to the GOA—(1) Southeast outside trawl closure. Use trawl gear in the GOA east of 140° W long.

(2) Catcher vessel harvest limit for pollock. (i) Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, retain more than 300,000 lb (136 mt) of unprocessed pollock on board a catcher vessel issued a FFP at any time during a fishing trip as defined at § 679.2;

(ii) Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, land more than 300,000 lb (136 mt) of unprocessed pollock harvested in any GOA reporting area from a catcher vessel issued a FFP to any processor or tender vessel during a calendar day as defined at § 679.2; and

(iii) Except for catcher vessels in the trawl EM category, land a cumulative amount of unprocessed pollock harvested from any GOA reporting area from a catcher vessel issued a FFP during a directed fishery that exceeds the amount in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section multiplied by the number of calendar days that occur during the time period the directed fishery is open in that reporting area.

(3) Tender vessel restrictions for pollock. (i) Operate as a tender vessel east of 157°00′ W long. for pollock harvested in the GOA.

(ii) Operate as a tender vessel west of 157°00′ W long. while retaining on board at any time more than 600,000 lb (272 mt) of unprocessed pollock.

(4) Catcher vessel restrictions. (i) Deliver Pacific cod harvested in the Western GOA or Central GOA regulatory area including Federal reporting areas 610, 620, or 630, to a vessel for processing in a GOA regulatory area other than the area in which the harvest occurred.

(ii) Deliver Pacific cod harvested in the Western GOA or Central GOA regulatory area, including Federal reporting areas 610, 620, or 630, to another vessel for processing unless the processing vessel carries an operable NMFS-approved Vessel Monitoring System that complies with the requirements in § 679.28(f).

(iii) Deliver Pacific cod harvested in the Western GOA or adjacent waters parallel directed fishery to a vessel for processing in excess of the processing limits established at § 679.20(a)(12)(iv) or (v), unless the processing vessel meets the definition of a stationary floating processor at § 679.2.

(iv) Deliver Pacific cod harvested in the Central GOA or adjacent waters parallel directed fishery in excess of the processing limits established at § 679.20(a)(12)(v), unless the processing vessel meets the definition of a stationary floating processor at § 679.2.

(v) Deliver Pacific cod harvested in the Central GOA or adjacent waters parallel directed fishery to a vessel for processing, unless that vessel is endorsed as a CQE floating processor or stationary floating processor.

(vi) Eligible catcher/processor LLP license holders electing to add a catcher vessel endorsement for the Western or Central GOA under § 679.4 (k)(10)(vii)(B) and (C) of this part are prohibited from catching and processing Pacific cod onboard a vessel under the authority of that groundfish license in the directed Pacific cod fishery in Federal reporting areas 610, 620, or 630.

(5) Stationary floating processor restrictions. (i) Except as provided in paragraph (k)(3)(iv) of this section, to use a stationary floating processor to process Pacific cod at more than one single geographic location in the GOA during a fishing year if the Pacific cod was harvested in a Western or Central GOA directed fishery within Federal reporting areas 610, 620, or 630.

(ii) Operate as a stationary floating processor in the GOA and as a catcher/processor in the GOA during the same calendar year.

(iii) Operate as a stationary floating processor in the GOA and as a CQE floating processor or mothership in the GOA during the same calendar year.

(6) Parallel fisheries. Use a vessel designated or required to be designated on an FFP to directed fish for Pacific cod from waters adjacent to the GOA when Pacific cod caught by that vessel is deducted from the Federal TAC specified under § 679.20(a)(12)(i)(A)(2) through (6) of this part for the Western GOA and § 679.20(a)(12)(i)(B)(2) through (7) of this part for the Central GOA unless:

(i) That non-trawl vessel is designated on both:

(A) An LLP license issued under § 679.4(k) of this part, unless that vessel is using jig gear and exempt from the LLP license requirement under § 679.4(k)(2)(iii) of this part. Each vessel required to have an LLP license must be designated with the following endorsements:

(1) The GOA area designation adjacent to the parallel waters fishery where the harvest occurred; and

(2) A Pacific cod endorsement.

(B) An FFP issued under § 679.4(b) of this part with the following endorsements:

(1) The GOA area designation;

(2) An operational type designation;

(3) A gear type endorsement; and

(4) A Pacific cod gear type endorsement.

(ii) Or, that trawl vessel is designated on both:

(A) An LLP license issued under § 679.4(k) of this part endorsed for trawl gear with the GOA area designation adjacent to the parallel waters fishery where the harvest occurred, and

(B) An FFP issued under § 679.4(b) of this part with the following endorsements:

(1) The GOA area designation;

(2) An operational type designation;

(3) A trawl gear type endorsement; and

(4) A Pacific cod gear type endorsement.

(7) Parallel fishery closures. Use a vessel designated or required to be designated on an FFP to catch and retain Pacific cod from waters adjacent to the GOA when Pacific cod caught by that vessel is deducted from the Federal TAC specified under § 679.20(a)(12)(i)(A)(2) through (6) of this part for the Western GOA and § 679.20(a)(12)(i)(B)(2) through (7) of this part for the Central GOA if directed fishing for Pacific cod is not open.

(8) Prohibitions specific to salmon discard in the Western and Central Reporting Areas of the GOA directed fisheries for groundfish. Fail to comply with any requirements of § 679.21(h).

(9) Conduct directed fishing for flatfish, as defined in § 679.2, with a vessel required to be federally permitted in the Central GOA Regulatory Area, as defined in Figure 3 to this part, without meeting the requirements for modified nonpelagic trawl gear specified at § 679.24(f) and illustrated in Figures 25, 26, and 27 to this part.

(c) Prohibitions specific to BSAI. (1) For vessel owners and operators subject to § 679.100(a), to use the vessel as a catcher/processor to conduct directed fishing for Pacific cod with hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or to conduct groundfish CDQ fishing.

(2) Prohibited species. Conduct any fishing contrary to a notification issued under § 679.21.

(3) Parallel Pacific cod fisheries—participation requirements. Use a vessel named or required to be named on an FFP to catch and retain Pacific cod from State of Alaska waters adjacent to the BSAI, when Pacific cod caught by that vessel is deducted from the Federal TAC specified under § 679.20(a)(7)(ii)(A)(2) through (9), unless:

(i) That non-trawl vessel is designated on both:

(A) An LLP license issued under § 679.4(k), unless that vessel is using jig gear and exempt from the LLP license requirement under § 679.4(k)(2)(iii). Each vessel required to have an LLP license must be designated with the following endorsements:

(1) The BSAI area endorsement for the BSAI area adjacent to the parallel fishery where the harvest occurred; and

(2) A BSAI catcher/processor Pacific cod hook-and-line endorsement, a BSAI catcher/processor Pacific cod pot endorsement, or a BSAI Pacific cod catcher vessel endorsement if that catcher vessel is 60 feet or greater length overall; and

(B) An FFP issued under § 679.4(b) with the following endorsements:

(1) A catcher/processor or catcher vessel operation type endorsement;

(2) A BSAI area endorsement; and

(3) A pot or hook-and-line gear type endorsement.

(ii) Or, that trawl vessel is designated on both:

(A) An LLP license issued under § 679.4(k) endorsed for trawl gear with the BSAI area endorsement for the BSAI area adjacent to the parallel fishery where the harvest occurred; and

(B) An FFP issued under § 679.4(b) with the following endorsements:

(1) The BSAI area endorsement;

(2) An operational type endorsement;

(3) A trawl gear type endorsement; and

(4) A Pacific cod gear type endorsement.

(4) Parallel Pacific cod fisheries—closures. Use a vessel named or required to be named on an FFP to catch and retain Pacific cod with trawl, pot, or hook-and-line gear from State of Alaska waters adjacent to the BSAI when Pacific cod caught by that vessel is deducted from the Federal TAC specified under § 679.20(a)(7)(ii)(A) for trawl, pot, or hook-and-line gear, if directed fishing for Pacific cod is not open for the sector to which the vessel belongs in Federal waters.

(5) Conduct directed fishing for flatfish as defined in § 679.2 with a vessel required to be federally permitted in any reporting area of the Bering Sea subarea as described in Figure 1 to this part without meeting the requirements for modified nonpelagic trawl gear specified in § 679.24(f).

(6) For a shoreside processor designated on an FPP, or a mothership designated on an FFP, that processes landings of either CDQ Pacific cod or BSAI Pacific cod harvested by a vessel using trawl gear to fail to submit a timely and complete Pacific Cod Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report as required under § 679.5(u)(1).

(d) CDQ. (1) Participate in a Western Alaska CDQ program in violation of this part.

(2) Fail to submit, submit inaccurate information on, or intentionally submit false information on any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(3) For a CDQ group, exceed a CDQ or a halibut PSQ.

(4) Catch Accounting—(i) General. (A) For the operator of a catcher/processor using trawl gear or a mothership, to harvest or take deliveries of CDQ or PSQ species without a valid scale inspection report signed by an authorized scale inspector under § 679.28(b)(2) on board the vessel.

(B) For the operator of a vessel required to have an observer sampling station described at § 679.28(d), to harvest or take deliveries of CDQ or PSQ species without a valid observer sampling station inspection report issued by NMFS under § 679.28(d)(10) on board the vessel.

(C) For the manager of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor, or the manager or operator of a buying station or tender vessel that is required elsewhere in this part to weigh catch on a scale approved by the State of Alaska under § 679.28(c), to fail to weigh catch on a scale that meets the requirements of § 679.28(c).

(D) For the operator of a catcher/processor or a catcher vessel required to carry a level 2 observer, to combine catch from two or more CDQ groups in the same haul or set.

(E) For the operator of a catcher vessel using trawl gear or any vessel less than 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA that is groundfish CDQ fishing as defined at § 679.2, to discard any groundfish CDQ species or salmon PSQ before it is delivered to a processor, unless discard of the groundfish CDQ is required under other provisions or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard is required by laws of the State of Alaska.

(F) For the operator of a vessel using trawl gear, to release CDQ catch from the codend before it is brought on board the vessel and weighed on a scale approved by NMFS under § 679.28(b) or delivered to a processor. This includes, but is not limited to, “codend dumping” and “codend bleeding.”

(G) For the operator of a catcher/processor using trawl gear or a mothership, to sort, process, or discard CDQ or PSQ species before the total catch is weighed on a scale that meets the requirements of § 679.28(b), including the daily test requirements described at § 679.28(b)(3).

(H) For the operator of a vessel fishing on behalf of a CDQ group to retain more than the maximum retainable amount of pollock established under § 679.20(e) unless the pollock harvested by that vessel accrues against a CDQ group's pollock CDQ allocation.

(ii) Fixed gear sablefish. For any person on a vessel using fixed gear that is fishing for a CDQ group with an allocation of fixed gear sablefish CDQ, to discard sablefish harvested with fixed gear unless retention of sablefish is not authorized under § 679.23(e)(4)(ii) or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard is required by laws of the State of Alaska.

(5) Prohibited species catch—(i) Crab—(A) Zone 1. For the operator of a vessel, to use trawl gear to harvest groundfish CDQ in Zone 1 after the CDQ group's red king crab PSQ or C. bairdi Tanner crab PSQ in Zone 1 is attained.

(B) Zone 2. For the operator of a vessel, to use trawl gear to harvest groundfish CDQ in Zone 2 after the CDQ group's PSQ for C. bairdi Tanner crab in Zone 2 is attained.

(C) COBLZ. For the operator of a vessel, to use trawl gear to harvest groundfish CDQ in the C. opilio Bycatch Limitation Zone after the CDQ group's PSQ for C. opilio Tanner crab is attained.

(ii) Salmon—(A) Discard of salmon. For any person, to discard salmon from a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, shoreside processor, or SFP or transfer or process any salmon under the PSD Program at § 679.26, if the salmon were taken incidental to a directed fishery for pollock CDQ in the Bering Sea, until the number of salmon has been determined by an observer and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the salmon has been completed.

(B) Non-Chinook salmon. For the operator of a vessel, to use trawl gear to harvest pollock CDQ in the Chum Salmon Savings Area between September 1 and October 14 after the CDQ group's non-Chinook salmon PSQ is attained, unless the vessel is participating in an approved IPA under § 679.21(f)(12).

(C) Chinook salmon—(1) Overages of Chinook salmon PSC allocations. For a CDQ group, to exceed a Chinook salmon PSC allocation issued under § 679.21(f) as of June 25 for the A season allocation and as of December 1 for the B season allocation.

(2) For the operator of a catcher vessel or catcher/processor, to start a new fishing trip for pollock CDQ in the BS in the A season or in the B season, if the CDQ group for which the vessel is fishing has exceeded its Chinook salmon PSC allocation issued under § 679.21(f) for that season.

(3) For the operator of a catcher/processor or mothership, to catch or process pollock CDQ in the BS without complying with the applicable requirements of § 679.28(j).

(4) For the operator of a catcher/processor or a mothership, to begin sorting catch from a haul from a directed fishery for pollock CDQ in the BS before the observer has completed counting the salmon and collecting scientific data or biological samples from the previous haul.

(5) For the operator of a catcher vessel delivering pollock CDQ catch to a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor to:

(i) Deliver pollock CDQ to a processor that does not have a catch monitoring and control plan approved under § 679.28(g).

(ii) Handle, sort, or discard catch without notifying the observer 15 minutes prior to handling, sorting, or discarding catch as described in § 679.21(f)(15)(ii)(B)(2).

(iii) Fail to secure catch after the completion of catch handling and the collection of scientific data and biological samples as described in § 679.21(f)(15)(ii)(B)(3).

(6) For the manager of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor, to begin sorting a pollock CDQ offload before the observer has completed the count of salmon and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the previous offload.

(6) For a CDQ group, exceed a seasonal allowance of Pacific cod under § 679.20(a)(7)(i)(B).

(7) For a CDQ group, exceed a seasonal allowance of Atka mackerel under § 679.20(a)(8)(ii).

(8) Fail to submit a timely and complete CDQ cost recovery fee submission form and fee as required under § 679.33.

(9) For an operator of a catcher vessel greater than 32 ft (9.8 m) LOA and less than or equal to 46 ft (14.0 m) LOA using hook-and-line gear and that is registered by a CDQ group under § 679.5(m), to conduct groundfish CDQ fishing without a legible copy of the LLP exemption letter issued to a CDQ group for that vessel on board the vessel.

(10) For a CDQ group representative, to remove a vessel from the CDQ vessel registration list under § 679.5(m)(4) without first providing notice to the operator of the registered vessel that the vessel is being removed from the CDQ vessel registration list or when the vessel operator is groundfish CDQ fishing.

(e) Halibut Deck Sorting. (1) Conduct halibut deck sorting without notifying the observer at least 15 minutes prior to bringing fish onboard as described in § 679.102 (e)(2).

(2) For any haul for which the notification at § 679.102 (e)(2) is provided, allow fish to be spilled from the codend without an observer being present to monitor halibut deck sorting.

(3) Sort halibut from the catch prior to weighing except in compliance with requirements at § 679.102.

(4) Sort halibut on deck without an observer present to monitor halibut deck sorting.

(5) Discard halibut sorted on deck prior to the observer's completion of data collection for each halibut.

(6) Sort or discard any species other than halibut during halibut deck sorting.

(7) Conduct halibut deck sorting past the time limit set by NMFS in the vessel's Observer Sampling Station Inspection Report.

(8) Conduct halibut deck sorting without complying with the observer deck sampling station requirements at § 679.28(d)(9).

(9) Fail to have an approved Deck Safety Plan before conducting halibut deck sorting.

(10) Fail to notify the Observer Program for purposes of the pre-cruise meeting when required by § 679.102 (c).

(11) Weigh catch on a NMFS-approved scale that complies with the requirements at § 679.28(b) when halibut deck sorting unless three or more observers are present on the vessel and an observer has been notified and is available to complete data collection duties in the factory.

(12) Sort halibut without a video monitoring system meeting requirements at § 679.28(l).

(13) Fail to comply with any other requirement or restriction specified in this part or violate any provision of this part.

(f) IFQ fisheries. (1) Fail to submit, or submit inaccurate information on, any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(2) Intentionally submit false information on any report, application, or statement required under this part.

(3)(i) Halibut. (A) Retain halibut caught with fixed gear without a valid IFQ permit, and if using a hired master, without an IFQ hired master permit in the name of an individual aboard.

(B) Retain halibut caught with fixed gear without a valid CDQ permit and without a CDQ hired master permit in the name of an individual aboard.

(C) Use fixed gear to retain RFQ halibut.

(ii) Sablefish. Retain sablefish caught with fixed gear without a valid IFQ permit, and if using a hired master, without an IFQ hired master permit in the name of an individual aboard, unless fishing on behalf of a CDQ group.

(4) Except as provided in § 679.40(d), retain IFQ or CDQ halibut or IFQ or CDQ sablefish on a vessel in excess of the total amount of unharvested IFQ or CDQ, applicable to the vessel category and IFQ or CDQ regulatory area(s) in which the vessel is deploying fixed gear, and that is currently held by all IFQ or CDQ permit holders aboard the vessel, unless the vessel has an observer aboard under subpart E of this part or the vessel participates in the EM selection pool and complies with the requirements at § 679.51(f), and maintains the applicable daily fishing log prescribed in the annual management measures published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 300.62 of this title and § 679.5.

(5) Possess, buy, sell, or transport IFQ or CDQ halibut or IFQ sablefish harvested or landed in violation of any provision of this part.

(6) Landing. (i) IFQ permit or IFQ hired master permit. Make an IFQ landing without an IFQ permit or IFQ hired master permit, as appropriate, in the name of the individual making the landing.

(ii) Hired master, CDQ halibut. Make a CDQ halibut landing without a CDQ hired master permit listing the name of the hired master.

(7) Possess on a vessel or land IFQ sablefish concurrently with non-IFQ sablefish, except that CDQ sablefish may be possessed on a vessel and landed concurrently with IFQ sablefish.

(8) Discard:

(i) In the GOA:

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Pacific cod that are taken when IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish are on board unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded under subpart B of this part, or Pacific cod are not authorized to be retained under subpart A of this part.

(ii) In the BSAI:

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Pacific cod that are taken when IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish are on board according to the following table:

If the vessel operator . . . Then . . .
(1) has an LLP groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement that meets the requirements of § 679.4(k)(9).Pacific cod must not be discarded unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded under subpart B of this part, or Pacific cod are not authorized to be retained under subpart A of this part.
(2) does not have an LLP groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement that meets the requirements of § 679.4(k)(9).Pacific cod must not be discarded up to the retainable amount specified in Table 11 of this part unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded under subpart B of this part, or Pacific cod are not authorized to be retained under subpart A of this part.

(iii) In the waters within the State of Alaska:

(A) Rockfish that are taken when IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish are on board unless rockfish are required to be discarded by the laws of the State of Alaska.

(B) Pacific cod that are taken when IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish are on board unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded by the laws of the State of Alaska.

(9) Harvest on any vessel more IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish than are authorized under § 679.42.

(10) Make an IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut landing other than directly to (or by) a registered buyer.

(11) Discard halibut or sablefish caught with fixed gear from any catcher vessel when any IFQ permit holder aboard holds unused halibut or sablefish IFQ for that vessel category and the IFQ regulatory area in which the vessel is operating, unless:

(i) Discard of halibut is required as prescribed in the annual management measures published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 300.62 of chapter III of this title;

(ii) Discard of sablefish is required under § 679.20 or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard of sablefish is required under laws of the State of Alaska; or

(iii) Discard of halibut or sablefish is required under other provisions.

(12) Commence an IFQ landing without a Prior Notice of Landing (PNOL), before the date and time stated on the PNOL, or more than 2 hours after the date and time stated on the PNOL, except as provided in § 679.5(l)(1).

(13) [Reserved]

(14) Violate any other provision under this part.

(15) Hire a master to fish for IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish that is derived from QS held by a CQE.

(16) Process IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish onboard a vessel on which a person is using IFQ derived from QS held by a CQE.

(17) Deploy, conduct fishing with, or retrieve longline pot gear in the GOA before the start or after the end of the IFQ sablefish fishing period specified in § 679.23(g)(1).

(18) Deploy, conduct fishing with, retrieve, or retain IFQ sablefish or IFQ halibut from longline pot gear in the GOA:

(i) In excess of the pot limits specified in § 679.42(l)(5)(ii); or

(ii) [Reserved]

(19) [Reserved]

(20) Deploy longline pot gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the GOA without marking the gear in accordance with § 679.24(a).

(21) Fail to redeploy or remove from the fishing grounds all deployed longline pot gear that is assigned to, and used by, a catcher vessel within five days of deploying the gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the Southeast Outside District of the GOA in accordance with § 679.42(l)(5)(iii)(A).

(22) Fail to redeploy or remove from the fishing grounds all deployed longline pot gear that is assigned to, and used by, a catcher/processor within five days of deploying the gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the Southeast Outside District of the GOA in accordance with § 679.42(l)(5)(iii)(B).

(23) Fail to redeploy or remove from the fishing grounds all deployed longline pot gear that is assigned to, and used by, a catcher vessel or a catcher/processor within five days of deploying the gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the West Yakutat District of the GOA, and within seven days of deploying the gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the Central GOA regulatory area, in accordance with § 679.42(l)(5)(iii)(C) and (E).

(24) Fail to redeploy or remove from the fishing grounds all deployed longline pot gear that is assigned to, and used by, a catcher vessel or a catcher/processor within seven days of deploying the gear to fish IFQ sablefish in the Western GOA regulatory area in accordance with § 679.42(l)(5)(iii)(D).

(25) Operate a catcher vessel or a catcher/processor using longline pot gear to fish IFQ sablefish or IFQ halibut in the GOA and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as required in § 679.42(k)(2).

(26) Operate a catcher vessel or a catcher/processor using pot gear to fish for IFQ or CDQ halibut or IFQ or CDQ sablefish in the BSAI and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as required in § 679.42(m).

(g) North Pacific Observer Program—Observers. (1) Forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, sexually harass, bribe, or interfere with an observer.

(2) Interfere with or bias the sampling procedure employed by an observer, including physical, mechanical, or other sorting or discarding of catch before sampling.

(3) Tamper with, destroy, or discard an observer's collected samples, equipment, records, photographic film, papers, or personal effects without the express consent of the observer.

(4) Prohibit or bar by command, impediment, threat, coercion, or by refusal of reasonable assistance, an observer from collecting samples, conducting product recovery rate determinations, making observations, or otherwise performing the observer's duties.

(5) Harass an observer by conduct that has sexual connotations, has the purpose or effect of interfering with the observer's work performance, or otherwise creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. In determining whether conduct constitutes harassment, the totality of the circumstances, including the nature of the conduct and the context in which it occurred, will be considered. The determination of the legality of a particular action will be made from the facts on a case-by-case basis.

(6) Fish for or process fish without observer coverage required under subpart E of this part.

(7) Embark on a fishing trip to directed fish for groundfish or to fish for halibut with hook-and-line gear without carrying an observer if the fishing trip is selected for observer coverage per § 679.51(a)(1)(ii)(C)(2), or the vessel is selected for observer coverage per § 679.51(a)(1)(ii)(D).

(8) Require, pressure, coerce, or threaten an observer to perform duties normally performed by crew members, including, but not limited to, cooking, washing dishes, standing watch, vessel maintenance, assisting with the setting or retrieval of gear, or any duties associated with the processing of fish, from sorting the catch to the storage of the finished product.

(h) [Reserved]

(i) License Limitation Program—(1) Number of licenses. (i) Hold more than 10 groundfish licenses in the name of that person at any time, except as provided in paragraphs (i)(1)(iii) and (i)(1)(v) of this section;

(ii) Hold more than five crab species licenses in the name of that person at any time, except as provided in paragraph (i)(1)(iii) of this section; or

(iii) Hold more licenses than allowed in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) of this section unless those licenses were issued to that person in the initial distribution of licenses. Any person who receives in the initial distribution more licenses than allowed in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) of this section shall have no transfer applications for receipt of additional licenses approved until the number of licenses in the name of that person is less than the numbers specified in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) of this section; furthermore, when a person becomes eligible to receive licenses by transfer through the provisions of this paragraph, that person is subject to the provisions in paragraphs (i)(1)(i) and (i)(1)(ii) of this section;

(iv) Hold more than two scallop licenses in the name of that person at any time.

(v) The CQE representing the City of Sand Point may not hold more than 14 groundfish licenses.

(2) Conduct directed fishing for license limitation groundfish without a legible copy of a valid groundfish license, except as provided in § 679.4(k)(2);

(3) Conduct directed fishing for LLP crab species without a legible copy of a valid crab license, except as provided in § 679.4(k)(2);

(4) Process license limitation groundfish on board a vessel without a legible copy of a valid groundfish license with a catcher/processor designation;

(5) Process LLP crab species on board a vessel without a legible copy of a valid crab species LLP license with a catcher/processor designation;

(6) Use a vessel to fish for LLP groundfish or crab species, or allow a vessel to be used to fish for LLP groundfish or crab species, that has an LOA that exceeds the MLOA specified on the license that authorizes fishing for LLP groundfish or crab species, except if the person is using the vessel to fish for LLP groundfish in the Bering Sea subarea or the Aleutian Islands subarea pursuant to an LLP license that specifies an exemption from the MLOA on the LLP license.

(7) Lease a groundfish, crab species, or scallop license; or

(8) Catch and retain scallops:

(i) Without a copy of a valid scallop license on board;

(ii) Using a vessel with a MLOA greater than that specified on the scallop license; or

(iii) Using dredge gear contrary to a gear limitation specified on the scallop license.

(9) Use a vessel to fish for LLP groundfish or crab species, or allow a vessel to be used to fish for LLP groundfish or crab species, other than the vessel named on the license that authorizes fishing for LLP groundfish or crab species.

(10) Operate a vessel under the authority of an LLP license issued to a CQE to directed fish for Pacific cod in the GOA if the person specified for that groundfish license in the annual CQE authorization letter, or any subsequent amendment to that authorization letter, is not onboard the vessel.

(11) Prohibitions specific to the BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector yellowfin sole directed fishery. Deliver yellowfin sole harvested with trawl gear in the BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector yellowfin sole directed fishery to a mothership without a legible copy of a valid groundfish LLP license with a BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector yellowfin sole directed fishery endorsement, except as provided in § 679.4(k)(2).

(12) Prohibitions specific to directed fishing in the BSAI non-CDQ Pacific cod trawl catcher vessel fishery as specified at § 679.20(a)(7)(ii)(A). Use a catcher/processor to receive and process Pacific cod harvested and delivered by a catcher vessel directed fishing in the BSAI non-CDQ Pacific cod trawl catcher vessel fishery without a legible copy on board of a valid groundfish LLP license with Bering Sea or Aleutian Islands area, catcher/processor operation, and BSAI Pacific cod trawl mothership endorsements.

(j) North Pacific Observer Program—Electronic Monitoring.—(1) General.

(i) Fish without an EM system when a vessel is required to carry an EM system under § 679.51.

(ii) Fish with an EM system without a copy of a valid NMFS-approved VMP on board when directed fishing in a fishery subject to EM coverage.

(iii) Fail to comply with a NMFS-approved VMP when directed fishing in a fishery subject to EM coverage.

(iv) Fail to ensure an EM system is functioning prior to departing port on a fishing trip as specified at § 679.51(f)(5)(vi)(A).

(v) Fail to ensure an EM system is functional prior to departing on a fishing trip as specified at § 679.51(g)(3)(v).

(vi) Depart on a fishing trip without a functional EM system, per the VMP, unless approved to do so by NMFS, after the procedures at § 679.51(f)(5)(vi)(A)(1), or § 679.51(g), have been followed.

(vii) Fail to follow procedures related to EM system malfunctions as described at § 679.51(f)(5)(vi)(B) or § 679.51(g) prior to deploying each set of gear on a fishing trip selected for EM coverage.

(viii) Fail to make the EM system, associated equipment, logbooks, and other records available for inspection upon request by NMFS, OLE, or other NMFS-authorized officer.

(ix) Fail to submit EM data as specified under § 679.51(f)(5)(vii) or § 679.51(g).

(x) Tamper with, bias, disconnect, damage, destroy, alter, or in any other way distort, render useless, inoperative, ineffective, or inaccurate any component of the EM system, associated equipment, or data recorded by the EM system when the vessel is directed fishing in a fishery subject to EM coverage, unless the vessel operator is directed to make changes to the EM system by NMFS, the EM service provider, or as directed in the troubleshooting guide of the VMP.

(xi) Assault, impede, intimidate, harass, sexually harass, bribe, or interfere with an EM service provider.

(xii) Interfere with or bias the sampling procedure employed in the EM selection pool, including either mechanically or manually sorting or discarding catch outside of the camera view or inconsistent with the NMFS-approved VMP.

(xiii) Fail to meet the vessel owner and operator responsibilities when using an EM system as specified at § 679.51(f)(5) or § 679.51(g)(5).

(2) Trawl EM category—(i) Catcher vessels in the trawl EM category. (A) Use a catcher vessel in the partial coverage trawl EM category to fish without being party to an approved trawl EM incentive plan agreement established under § 679.57;

(B) Use a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category to discard catch from the codend before it is brought on board the vessel unless required to maintain the safety and stability of the vessel;

(C) Use a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category to deploy a nonpelagic trawl;

(D) Use a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category to land catch to a tender vessel that is not in the trawl EM category or does not have a NMFS-approved VMP;

(E) Use a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category to land catch to a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor that does not have a NMFS-approved CMCP; or

(F) Use a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category to deploy trawl gear in an area that is closed, for any reason, to directed fishing for pollock.

(ii) Shoreside processors and stationary floating processors. (A) Receive any delivery from a vessel in the trawl EM category without being issued and following a NMFS-approved Catch Monitoring Control Plan as described in § 679.28(g).

(B) Store any non-salmon species in a designated salmon storage container as described in a NMFS-approved Catch Monitoring Control Plan per § 679.28(g).

(C) Allow any salmon species to be placed into any location other than the designated salmon storage container described in a NMFS-approved Catch Monitoring Control Plan per § 679.28(g) at a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor.

(D) Begin sorting a trawl EM category offload from the Bering Sea or CDQ pollock fisheries before an observer has completed the count of all salmon and the collection of scientific data and biological samples from the previous offload.

(E) Continue to sort trawl EM category catch from the Bering Sea or CDQ pollock fisheries if the salmon storage container described in a NMFS-approved Catch Monitoring Control Plan per § 679.28(g) is full.

(F) Allow any PSC harvested or delivered by a vessel in the trawl EM category to be sold, purchased, bartered, or traded.

(iii) Tender vessels. (A) Operate a tender vessel in the trawl EM category and receive a delivery from a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category and a catcher vessel not in the trawl EM category during the same fishing trip.

(B) Operate a tender vessel in the trawl EM category without an approved VMP and receive a delivery from a catcher vessel in the trawl EM category.

(k) Prohibitions specific to the AFA. It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:

(1) Catcher/processors—(i) Permit requirement. Use a catcher/processor to engage in directed fishing for non-CDQ BSAI pollock without a valid AFA catcher/processor permit on board the vessel.

(ii) Fishing in the GOA. Use a listed AFA catcher/processor or a catcher/processor designated on a listed AFA catcher/processor permit to harvest any species of fish in the GOA.

(iii) Processing BSAI crab. Use a listed AFA catcher/processor or a catcher/processor designated on a listed AFA catcher/processor permit to process any crab species harvested in the BSAI.

(iv) Processing GOA groundfish. (A) Use a listed AFA catcher/processor or a catcher/processor designated on a listed AFA catcher/processor permit to process any pollock harvested in a directed pollock fishery in the GOA and any groundfish harvested in Statistical Area 630 of the GOA.

(B) Use a listed AFA catcher/processor or a catcher/processor designated on a listed AFA catcher/processor permit as a stationary floating processor for Pacific cod in the GOA and a catcher/processor in the GOA during the same year.

(v) Directed fishing after a sideboard closure. Use a listed AFA catcher/processor or a catcher/processor designated on a listed AFA catcher/processor permit to engage in directed fishing for a groundfish species or species group in the BSAI after the Regional Administrator has issued an AFA catcher/processor sideboard directed fishing closure for that groundfish species or species group under §§ 679.20(d)(1)(iv), 679.21(b)(4)(iii), or 679.21(e)(3)(v).

(vi) Catch weighing—(A) Listed AFA catcher/processors and catcher/processors designated on listed AFA catcher/processor permits. Process any groundfish that was not weighed on a NMFS-approved scale that complies with the requirements of § 679.28(b). Catch may not be sorted before it is weighed and each haul must be sampled by an observer for species composition.

(B) Unlisted AFA catcher/processors and catcher/processors designated on unlisted AFA catcher/processor permits. Process groundfish harvested in the BSAI pollock fishery that was not weighed on a NMFS-approved scale that complies with the requirements of § 679.28(b). Catch may not be sorted before it is weighed and each haul must be sampled by an observer for species composition.

(vii) Observer sampling station—(A) Listed AFA catcher/processors and catcher/processors designated on listed AFA catcher/processor permits. Process any groundfish without an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d). A valid observer sampling station inspection report must be on board at all times when an observer sampling station is required.

(B) Unlisted AFA catcher/processors and catcher/processors designated on unlisted AFA catcher/processor permits. Process groundfish harvested in the BSAI pollock fishery without an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d). A valid observer sampling station inspection report must be on board at all times when an observer sampling station is required.

(2) Motherships—(i) Permit requirement. Use a mothership to process pollock harvested in a non-CDQ directed fishery for pollock in the BSAI without a valid AFA permit on board the mothership.

(ii) Processing GOA groundfish. Use an AFA mothership as a stationary floating processor for Pacific cod in the GOA and a mothership in the GOA during the same year.

(iii) Catch weighing. Process any groundfish that was not weighed on a NMFS-approved scale that complies with the requirements of § 679.28(b). Catch may not be sorted before it is weighed and each delivery must be sampled by an observer for species composition.

(iv) Observer sampling station. Process any groundfish without an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d). A valid observer sampling station inspection report must be on board at all times when an observer sampling station is required.

(3) AFA inshore processors—(i) Permit requirement. Use a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor to process pollock harvested in a non-CDQ directed fishery for pollock in the BS without a valid AFA inshore processor permit at the facility or on board vessel.

(ii) Cooperative processing endorsement. Use a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor required to have an AFA inshore processor permit to process groundfish harvested by a fishery cooperative formed under § 679.62 unless the AFA inshore processor permit contains a valid cooperative pollock processing endorsement.

(iii) [Reserved]

(iv) Single geographic location requirement. Use an AFA inshore processor to process pollock harvested in the BS directed pollock fishery at a location other than the single geographic location defined as follows:

(A) Shoreside processors. The physical location at which the land-based shoreside processor first processed BS pollock harvested in the BS directed pollock fishery during a fishing year.

(B) Stationary floating processor (SFP). A geographic position within State of Alaska waters of the BS subarea and that is within a 5 nm radius of the latitude and longitude reported in the check-in and check-out reports at § 679.5(h)(5)(ix)(B). An AFA SFP cannot change its single geographic location more than four times within State of Alaska waters in the BS subarea to process pollock harvested in a BS subarea directed pollock fishery during a fishing year and cannot use more than one single geographic location during a reporting week.

(v) Catch weighing. Process any groundfish that was not weighed on a scale approved by the State of Alaska and meeting the requirements specified in § 679.28(c).

(vi) Catch monitoring and control plan (CMCP). (A) Take deliveries or process groundfish delivered by a vessel engaged in directed fishing for BSAI pollock without following an approved CMCP as described at § 679.28(g). A copy of the CMCP must be maintained on the premises and made available to authorized officers or NMFS-authorized personnel upon request.

(B) Allow sorting of fish at any location in the processing plant other than those identified in the CMCP under § 678.28(g)(7).

(C) Allow salmon of any species to pass beyond the last point where sorting of fish occurs, as identified in the scale drawing of the processing plant in the approved CMCP.

(vii) Restrictions for GOA Pacific cod and GOA pollock. Use an AFA SFP to process GOA pollock or GOA Pacific cod in any location other than the location at which either GOA pollock or GOA Pacific cod were first processed by that SFP in the year 2002.

(4) Catcher vessels—(i) Permit requirement. Use a catcher vessel to engage in directed fishing for non-CDQ BS pollock for delivery to any AFA processing sector (catcher/processor, mothership, or inshore) unless the vessel has a valid AFA catcher vessel permit on board that includes an endorsement for the sector of the BS pollock fishery in which the vessel is participating.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) Groundfish sideboard closures. Use an AFA catcher vessel to engage in directed fishing for a groundfish species or species group in the BSAI or GOA after the Regional Administrator has issued an AFA catcher vessel sideboard directed fishing closure for that groundfish species or species group under §§ 679.20(d)(1)(iv), 679.21(b)(4)(iii), or 679.21(e)(3)(iv), if the vessel's AFA permit does not contain a sideboard exemption for that groundfish species or species group.

(5) AFA inshore fishery cooperatives—(i) Overages by vessel. Use an AFA catcher vessel listed on an AFA inshore cooperative fishing permit, or under contract to a fishery cooperative under § 679.62(c), to harvest non-CDQ BS pollock in excess of the fishery cooperative's annual allocation of pollock specified under § 679.62.

(ii) Overages by fishery cooperative. An inshore pollock fishery cooperative is prohibited from exceeding its annual allocation of BS pollock TAC.

(6) Excessive harvesting shares. It is unlawful for an AFA entity or a CDQ group to harvest, through a fishery cooperative or otherwise, an amount of BS pollock that exceeds the 17.5 percent excessive share limit specified under § 679.20(a)(5)(i)(A)(6). A CDQ group's harvest of BS pollock will be calculated through its proportional ownership of individuals, corporations, or other business concerns that harvest BS pollock. The owners and operators of the individual vessels comprising the AFA entity or CDQ group that harvest BS pollock will be held jointly and severally liable for exceeding the excessive harvesting share limit.

(7) Excessive processing shares. It is unlawful for an AFA entity or a CDQ group to process an amount of BS pollock that exceeds the 30-percent excessive share limit specified under § 679.20(a)(5)(i)(A)(7). The amount of BS pollock processed by a CDQ group will be calculated through its proportional ownership of individuals, corporations, or other business concerns that process BS pollock. The owners and operators of the individual processors comprising the AFA entity or CDQ group that process BS pollock will be held jointly and severally liable for exceeding the excessive processing share limit.

(8) Salmon PSC—(i) Discard of salmon. For any person, to discard any salmon from a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, or inshore processor, or transfer or process any salmon under the PSD Program at § 679.26, if the salmon were taken incidental to a directed fishery for pollock in the BS before the number of salmon has been determined by an observer and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the salmon has been completed.

(ii) Catcher/processors and motherships. For the operator of a catcher/processor or a mothership, to begin sorting catch from a haul from a directed fishery for pollock in the BS before the observer has completed counting the salmon and collecting scientific data or biological samples from the previous haul.

(iii) Shoreside processors and stationary floating processors. For the manager of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor to begin sorting a new BS pollock offload before the observer has completed the count of salmon and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the previous offload.

(iv) Catcher vessels. (A) For the operator of a catcher vessel, to handle, sort, or discard catch without notifying the observer 15 minutes prior to handling, sorting, or discarding catch as described in § 679.21(f)(15)(ii)(B)(2).

(B) For the operator of a catcher vessel to fail to secure catch after the completion of catch handling and the collection of scientific data and biological samples as described in § 679.21(f)(15)(ii)(B)(3).

(v) Overages of Chinook salmon PSC allocations—(A) For an inshore cooperative, the entity representing the AFA catcher/processor sector, or the entity representing the AFA mothership sector, to exceed a Chinook salmon PSC allocation issued under § 679.21(f) as of June 25 for the A season allocation and as of December 1 for the B season allocation.

(B) For a catcher vessel or catcher/processor, to start a fishing trip for pollock in the BS in the A season or in the B season if the vessel is fishing under a transferable Chinook salmon PSC allocation issued to an inshore cooperative, the entity representing the AFA catcher/processor sector, or the entity representing the AFA mothership sector under § 679.21(f) and the inshore cooperative or entity has exceeded its Chinook salmon PSC allocation for that season.

(9) Fail to submit a timely and complete AFA cost recovery fee submission form and fee as required under § 679.66.

(l) Prohibitions specific to the AI directed pollock fishery—(1) Catcher/processors. (i) Use a catcher/processor vessel to harvest pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery or process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without a copy of NMFS' approval letter on board pursuant to § 679.4(m).

(ii) Process any pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without complying with catch weighing and observer sampling station requirements set forth at paragraphs (k)(1)(vi) and (k)(1)(vii) of this section, respectively.

(iii) Use a catcher/processor to harvest pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery or process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without a valid AFA catcher/processor permit on board the vessel.

(2) Motherships. (i) Use a mothership to process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without a copy of NMFS' approval letter on board pursuant to § 679.4(m).

(ii) Process any pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without complying with catch weighing and observer sampling station requirements set forth at paragraphs (k)(2)(iii) and (k)(2)(iv) of this section, respectively.

(iii) Use a mothership to process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without a valid AFA mothership permit on board the vessel.

(3) Shoreside and stationary floating processors. (i) Use a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor to process pollock harvested in the in AI directed pollock fishery without a copy of NMFS' approval letter on location pursuant to § 679.4(m).

(ii) Process any pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery without complying with catch weighing requirements set forth at paragraph (k)(3)(v) of this section.

(iii) Take deliveries of pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery or process pollock harvested in the AI pollock fishery without following an approved CMCP as described in § 679.28(g). A copy of the CMCP must be maintained on the premises and made available to authorized officers or NMFS-authorized personnel upon request.

(4) Catcher vessels. (i) Use a catcher vessel to harvest pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery without a copy of NMFS' approval letter on board pursuant to § 679.4(m).

(ii) Have on board at any one time pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery and pollock harvested from either the Bering Sea subarea or the Gulf of Alaska.

(iii) Use a catcher vessel to deliver pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery:

(A) To a shoreside or stationary floating processor that does not have an approved CMCP pursuant to § 679.28(g) and is not approved by NMFS to process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery, or

(B) To a catcher/processor or mothership that is not approved by NMFS to process pollock harvested in the AI directed pollock fishery.

(iv) Use a catcher vessel greater than 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA to harvest pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery unless the vessel has a valid AFA catcher vessel permit on board.

(5) AI directed pollock fishery overages. (i) Use a catcher vessel selected by the Aleut Corporation and approved by NMFS to participate in the AI directed pollock fishery under § 679.4(m) to harvest pollock in the AI directed pollock fishery in excess of the Aleut Corporation's annual or seasonal allocations of pollock or in excess of the vessel allocation specified under § 679.20(a)(5)(iii).

(ii) The Aleut Corporation is prohibited from exceeding its annual and seasonal allocations of AI pollock TAC or from exceeding the allocation to vessels, as specified in § 679.20(a)(5)(iii).

(6) Fail to submit a timely and complete Aleutian Islands pollock cost recovery fee submission form and fee as required under § 679.67.

(m) PCTC Program—(1) General. (i) Name an LLP license in more than one Application for PCTC Program CQ in a fishing year.

(ii) Use a vessel to catch or receive a PCTC Program cooperative's Pacific cod when that vessel was not listed on the Application for PCTC Program CQ.

(iii) Fail to comply with any other requirement or restriction specified in this part or violate any provision of this part.

(2) Vessel owners and operators participating in the PCTC Program. (i) Fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed at § 679.134.

(ii) Operate a vessel that is subject to a sideboard limit detailed at § 679.133, as applicable, and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed at § 679.134.

(iii) Exceed the ownership or use caps specified at § 679.133.

(3) VMS. (i) Operate a vessel in a PCTC Program cooperative and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as described at § 679.134.

(ii) Operate a vessel that is subject to a sideboard limit detailed at § 679.133 and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as described at § 679.134.

(4) PCTC Program processors. (i) Take deliveries of, or process, PCTC Program Pacific cod harvested by a catcher vessel fishing under the authority of a CQ permit unless the processor has an FPP or FFP and LLP license with a BSAI Pacific cod trawl mothership endorsement.

(ii) For the manager of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor to process any groundfish delivered by a catcher vessel fishing under the authority of a CQ permit not weighed on a scale approved by the State of Alaska.

(iii) Fail to submit a timely and complete Pacific cod Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report as required under § 679.5(u)(1).

(iv) Use a catcher/processor designated on an LLP license with a BSAI Pacific cod trawl mothership endorsement to sort, process, or discard any species, except halibut sorted on deck by vessels participating in halibut deck sorting described at § 679.102, before the total catch is weighed on a scale that meets the requirements of § 679.28(b).

(v) Use a catcher/processor designated on an LLP license with a BSAI Pacific cod trawl mothership endorsement to process Pacific cod in excess of the at-sea processing sideboard limit defined at § 679.133(b)(2) and assigned to the LLP license.

(vi) Process an amount of Pacific cod that exceeds use caps specified at § 679.133.

(5) PCTC Program cooperatives. (i) Harvest PCTC Program Pacific cod, use halibut PSC, or use crab PSC assigned to a PCTC Program cooperative in the BSAI without having on board a legible copy of valid CQ permit.

(ii) Begin a fishing trip for PCTC Program Pacific cod with any vessel named in a PCTC Program cooperative if the total amount of unharvested PCTC Program Pacific cod on a CQ permit currently held by that cooperative is zero or less.

(iii) Have a negative balance in a CQ account after the end of the calendar year for which a CQ permit was issued.

(iv) Fail to submit a PCTC Program cost recovery fee payment as required under § 679.135.

(n) Rockfish Program—(1) General. (i) Use an LLP license assigned to a rockfish cooperative in any rockfish cooperative other than the rockfish cooperative to which that LLP license was initially assigned for that fishing year.

(ii) Use an LLP license that was excluded from the Rockfish Program or that opted out of the Rockfish Program in any rockfish cooperative for that calendar year.

(iii) Operate a vessel assigned to a rockfish cooperative in any rockfish cooperative other than the rockfish cooperative to which that vessel was initially assigned for that fishing year.

(2) Vessels operators participating in the Rockfish Program. (i) Operate a vessel that is assigned to a rockfish cooperative and fishing under a CQ permit and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed in § 679.84(c) through (e).

(ii) Operate a vessel that is subject to a sideboard limit detailed in § 679.82(e), as applicable, and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed in § 679.84(c) from July 1 until July 31, if that vessel is harvesting fish in the West Yakutat District, Central GOA, or Western GOA management areas.

(iii) Operate a catcher/processor opt-out vessel, under § 679.81(e)(2), that is subject to sideboard provisions detailed in § 679.82(e) and (f), as applicable, and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed in § 679.84(d) from July 1 until July 31, if that vessel is harvesting fish in the West Yakutat District, Central GOA, or Western GOA management areas.

(3) VMS. (i) Operate a vessel that is assigned to a rockfish cooperative and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as described at § 679.28(f) at all times when operating in a reporting area off Alaska from April 1:

(A) Until November 15; or

(B) Until that rockfish cooperative has submitted a rockfish cooperative termination of fishing declaration that has been approved by NMFS.

(ii) Operate a vessel that is subject to a sideboard limit detailed in § 679.82(e) and fail to use functioning VMS equipment as described in § 679.28(f) at all times when operating in a reporting area off Alaska from July 1 until July 31.

(4) Catcher/processor vessels that opt-out. Operate a vessel that has opted-out of participating in a rockfish cooperative to directed fish for northern rockfish, Pacific ocean perch, or dusky rockfish in the Central GOA.

(5) Rockfish processors. (i) Take deliveries of, or process, groundfish harvested by a catcher vessel fishing under the authority of a rockfish CQ permit unless operating as a shoreside processor.

(ii) Process any groundfish delivered by a catcher vessel fishing under the authority of a CQ permit not weighed on a scale approved by the State of Alaska. The scale must meet the requirements specified in § 679.28(c).

(iii) Take deliveries of, or process, groundfish caught by a vessel fishing under the authority of a rockfish CQ permit without following an approved CMCP as described in § 679.28(g). A copy of the CMCP must be maintained at the facility and made available to authorized officers or NMFS-authorized personnel upon request.

(iv) Take deliveries of, or process, groundfish harvested by a catcher vessel fishing under the authority of a rockfish CQ permit outside of the geographic boundaries of the City of Kodiak as those boundaries are established by the State of Alaska on December 27, 2011.

(v) Fail to submit a timely and complete Rockfish Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report as required under § 679.5(r)(10)

(6) Rockfish cooperatives. (i) Fail to retain any rockfish primary species or rockfish secondary species caught by a vessel when that vessel is fishing under the authority of a CQ permit.

(ii) Harvest rockfish primary species, rockfish secondary species, or use halibut PSC assigned to a rockfish cooperative in the Central GOA without a valid CQ permit.

(iii) Begin a fishing trip for any Rockfish Program species with any vessel assigned to a rockfish cooperative if the total amount of unharvested CQ that is currently held by that rockfish cooperative is zero or less for any species for which CQ is assigned.

(iv) Exceed a rockfish sideboard limit assigned to a rockfish cooperative in the catcher/processor sector.

(v) Operate a vessel assigned to a rockfish cooperative to fish under a CQ permit unless the rockfish cooperative has notified NMFS that the vessel is fishing under a CQ permit as described under § 679.5(r)(8).

(vi) Operate a vessel fishing under the authority of a CQ permit in the catcher vessel sector and to have any Pacific ocean perch, dusky rockfish, northern rockfish, sablefish, Pacific cod, or thornyhead rockfish aboard the vessel unless those fish were harvested under the authority of a CQ permit.

(vii) Catch and process onboard a vessel any rockfish primary species or rockfish secondary species harvested under the authority of a CQ permit issued to the catcher vessel sector.

(viii) Have a negative balance in a CQ account for any species for which CQ is assigned after the end of the calendar year for which a CQ permit was issued.

(ix) Deliver rockfish primary species and rockfish secondary species harvested under the authority of a CQ permit to any processor other than a shoreside processor located within the geographic boundaries of the City of Kodiak as those boundaries are established by the State of Alaska on December 27, 2011.

(x) Fail to submit a timely and complete rockfish CQ cost recovery fee submission form as required under § 679.5(r)(9).

(7) Use caps. Exceed the use caps that apply under § 679.82(a).

(8) Rockfish entry level longline fishery. (i) Take deliveries of, or process, groundfish caught by a catcher vessel directed fishing in the rockfish entry level longline fishery unless operating as a shoreside processor.

(ii) Deliver groundfish caught by a catcher vessel directed fishing in the rockfish entry level longline fishery to any processor other than a shoreside processor.

(iii) Use any gear other than longline gear to directed fish for a rockfish primary species in the rockfish entry level longline fishery.

(iv) Catch and process onboard a vessel any rockfish primary species harvested while directed fishing in the rockfish entry level longline fishery.

(v) Deliver groundfish caught by a catcher vessel directed fishing in the rockfish entry level longline fishery fishing after NMFS has closed directed fishing to the rockfish entry level longline fishery or November 15 of each calendar year, whichever occurs first.

(o) Amendment 80 Program—(1) Amendment 80 vessels. (i) Use any vessel other than an Amendment 80 vessel to catch any amount of Amendment 80 species, crab PSC, or halibut PSC assigned to the Amendment 80 sector.

(ii) Use an Amendment 80 vessel to catch any amount of Amendment 80 species, crab PSC, or halibut PSC assigned to the BSAI trawl limited access sector.

(2) Amendment 80 LLP license. (i) Designate any vessel other than an Amendment 80 vessel on an Amendment 80 LLP license;

(ii) Fail to designate an Amendment 80 vessel on an Amendment 80 LLP license that is endorsed for groundfish in the Bering Sea subarea or Aleutian Islands subarea with a catcher/processor designation at all times during a calendar year unless that Amendment 80 vessel has suffered an actual total loss, constructive total loss, or is permanently ineligible to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108.

(3) Amendment 80 QS permit. (i) Hold an Amendment 80 QS permit assigned to an Amendment 80 vessel if that person does not hold an Amendment 80 LLP license that designates that Amendment 80 vessel.

(ii) Hold an Amendment 80 QS permit that is assigned to an Amendment 80 vessel under § 679.4(o)(1) if that person is not designated as the owner of that Amendment 80 vessel by an abstract of title or USCG documentation.

(iii) Hold an Amendment 80 QS permit assigned to an Amendment 80 vessel if that Amendment 80 vessel has suffered an actual total loss, constructive total loss, or is permanently ineligible to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108 after October 15 in the calendar year following the date of that actual total loss, constructive total loss, or permanent ineligibility to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108.

(iv) Fish in an Amendment 80 fishery without an Amendment 80 QS permit or Amendment 80 LLP/QS license assigned to that vessel.

(v) Use an Amendment 80 catcher/processor, as defined at § 679.2, to receive and process Pacific cod harvested by vessels directed fishing for Pacific cod in the BSAI or GOA, if that catcher/processor is not designated on:

(A) An Amendment 80 QS permit and an Amendment 80 LLP license; or

(B) An Amendment 80 LLP/QS license.

(4) Amendment 80 cooperatives. (i) Use an Amendment 80 vessel, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 QS permit not assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative for a calendar year to catch any Amendment 80 species, crab PSC, or halibut PSC assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative during that calendar year;

(ii) Use an Amendment 80 vessel assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative for a calendar year to receive or process catch from any Amendment 80 vessel not assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative for that calendar year.

(iii) Catch, process, or receive Amendment 80 species assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative in the BSAI or adjacent waters open by the State of Alaska for which it adopts a Federal fishing season without a copy of a valid Amendment 80 CQ permit onboard unless that Amendment 80 vessel is using dredge gear while directed fishing for scallops.

(iv) [Reserved]

(v) Begin a fishing trip for any Amendment 80 species with any vessel assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative if the total amount of unharvested CQ that is currently held by that Amendment 80 cooperative is zero or less for any species for which CQ is assigned.

(vi) Have a negative balance in a CQ account for any species for which CQ is assigned after the end of the calendar year for which a CQ permit was issued.

(vii) Fail to submit a timely and complete Amendment 80 cost recovery fee submission form and fee as required under § 679.95.

(5) Amendment 80 limited access fishery. (i) Use an Amendment 80 vessel, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 QS permit not assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery for a calendar year to catch any Amendment 80 species, crab PSC, or halibut PSC assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access sector during that calendar year;

(ii) Use an Amendment 80 vessel assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery for a calendar year to receive or process catch from any Amendment 80 vessel not assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery for that calendar year;

(iii) Catch, process, or receive Amendment 80 species assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery in the BSAI or adjacent waters open by the State of Alaska for which it adopts a Federal fishing season without a copy of a valid Amendment 80 limited access fishery permit onboard unless that Amendment 80 vessel is using dredge gear while directed fishing for scallops.

(6) Catch monitoring. (i) Operate an Amendment 80 vessel using any gear but dredge gear while directed fishing for scallops or a catcher/processor not listed in § 679.4(l)(2)(i) and using trawl gear, to catch, process, or receive fish in the BSAI or adjacent waters opened by the State of Alaska for which it adopts a Federal fishing season and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed at § 679.93(a), (b), and (c).

(ii) Operate an Amendment 80 vessel using any gear but dredge gear while directed fishing for scallops that is subject to a sideboard limit detailed at § 679.92(b) and (c), as applicable, in the GOA or adjacent waters open by the State of Alaska for which it adopts a Federal fishing season, and fail to follow the catch monitoring requirements detailed at § 679.93(a), (b), and (d).

(7) Use caps. Exceed the use caps that apply under § 679.92(a).

(8) Economic data report (EDR): Fail to submit a timely and complete EDR as described under § 679.94.

(9) First Wholesale Volume and Value Report. For an Amendment 80 vessel owner to fail to submit a timely and complete First Wholesale Volume and Value Report as required under § 679.5(u)(2).

(p) Arctic Management Area. Conduct commercial fishing for any Arctic fish in the Arctic Management Area.

[61 FR 31230, June 19, 1996] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 679.7, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
authority: 16 U.S.C. 773
cite as: 50 CFR 679.7