Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 868.315 - Special grades and special grade requirements.

A special grade, when applicable, is supplemental to the grade assigned under § 868.314. Such special grades for milled rice are established and determined as follows:

(a) Coated milled rice. Coated milled rice shall be rice which is coated, in whole or in part, with substances that are safe and suitable as defined in the regulation issued pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act at 21 CFR 130.3(d).

(b) Granulated brewers milled rice. Granulated brewers milled rice shall be milled rice which has been crushed or granulated so that 95.0 percent or more will pass through a 5 sieve, 70.0 percent or more will pass through a 4 sieve, and not more than 15.0 percent will pass through a 2 1/2 sieve.

(c) Parboiled milled rice. Parboiled milled rice shall be milled rice in which the starch has been gelatinized by soaking, steaming, and drying. Grades U.S. No. 1 to U.S. No. 6, inclusive, shall contain not more than 10.0 percent of ungelatinized kernels. Grades U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 shall contain not more than 0.1 percent, grades U.S. No. 3 and U.S. No. 4 not more than 0.2 percent, and grades U.S. No. 5 and U.S. No. 6 not more than 0.5 percent of nonparboiled rice. If the rice is: (1) Not distinctly colored by the parboiling process, it shall be considered “Parboiled Light”; (2) distinctly but not materially colored by the parboiling process, it shall be considered “Parboiled”; (3) materially colored by the parboiling process, it shall be considered “Parboiled Dark.” The color levels for “Parboiled Light,” “Parboiled,” and “Parboiled Dark” shall be in accordance with the interpretive line samples for parboiled rice.


The maximum limits for “Chalky kernels,” “Heat-damaged kernels,” “Kernels damaged by heat,” and the “Color requirements” in §§ 868.310, 868.311, 868.312, and 868.313 are not applicable to the special grade “Parboiled milled rice.”

(d) Undermilled milled rice. Undermilled milled rice shall be milled rice which is not equal to the milling requirements for “hard milled,” “well milled,” and “reasonably well milled” rice (see § 868.306). Grades U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 shall contain not more than 2.0 percent, grades U.S. No. 3 and U.S. No. 4 not more than 5.0 percent, grade U.S. No. 5 not more than 10.0 percent, and grade U.S. No. 6 not more than 15.0 percent of well-milled kernels. Grade U.S. No. 5 shall contain not more than 10.0 percent of red rice and damaged kernels (singly or combined) and in no case more than 6.0 percent of damaged kernels.

(e) Glutinous milled rice. Glutinous milled rice shall be special varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L. glutinosa) which contain more than 50 percent chalky kernels. For long grain, medium grain, and short grain milled rice, grade U.S. No. 1 shall contain not more than 1.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 2 not more than 2.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 3 not more than 4.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 4 not more than 6.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 5 not more than 10.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, and grade U.S. No. 6 not more than 15.0 percent of nonchalky kernels. For second head milled rice, grade U.S. No. 1 shall contain not more than 4.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 2 not more than 6.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 3 not more than 10.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, grade U.S. No. 4 not more than 15.0 percent of nonchalky kernels, and grade U.S. No. 5 not more than 20.0 percent of nonchalky kernels. For screenings milled rice, there are no grade limits for percent of nonchalky kernels. For brewers milled rice, the special grade “Glutinous milled rice” is not applicable.


The maximum limits for “Chalky kernels,” shown in §§ 868.310, 868.311, and 868.312 are not applicable to the special grade “Glutinous milled rice.”

(f) Aromatic milled rice. Aromatic milled rice shall be special varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L. scented) that have a distinctive and characteristic aroma; e.g., basmati and jasmine rice.

(Secs. 203, 205, 60 Stat. 1087, 1090 as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1622,1624,Aug. 12, 1977; 42 FR 64356, Dec. 23, 1977, as amended at 48 FR 24859, June 3, 1983; 54 FR 21403, 21407, May 18, 1989; 56 FR 55981, Oct. 31, 1991; 58 FR 68016, Dec. 23, 1993. Redesignated and amended at 60 FR 16364, 16365, Mar. 30, 1995; 67 FR 61252, Sept. 30, 2002]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 1621-1627.
cite as: 7 CFR 868.315