Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024

Title 12 - Banks and Banking last revised: Oct 01, 2024
§ 225.41 - Transactions requiring prior notice.

(a) Prior notice requirement. Any person acting directly or indirectly, or through or in concert with one or more persons, shall give the Board 60 days' written notice, as specified in § 225.43 of this subpart, before acquiring control of a state member bank or bank holding company, unless the acquisition is exempt under § 225.42.

(b) Definitions. For purposes of this subpart:

(1) Acquisition includes a purchase, assignment, transfer, or pledge of voting securities, or an increase in percentage ownership of a state member bank or a bank holding company resulting from a redemption of voting securities.

(2) Acting in concert includes knowing participation in a joint activity or parallel action towards a common goal of acquiring control of a state member bank or bank holding company whether or not pursuant to an express agreement.

(3) Immediate family includes a person's father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, the spouse of any of the foregoing, and the person's spouse.

(c) Acquisitions requiring prior notice—(1) Acquisition of control. The acquisition of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company constitutes the acquisition of control under the Bank Control Act, requiring prior notice to the Board, if, immediately after the transaction, the acquiring person (or persons acting in concert) will own, control, or hold with power to vote 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of the institution.

(2) Rebuttable presumption of control. The Board presumes that an acquisition of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company constitutes the acquisition of control under the Bank Control Act, requiring prior notice to the Board, if, immediately after the transaction, the acquiring person (or persons acting in concert) will own, control, or hold with power to vote 10 percent or more of any class of voting securities of the institution, and if:

(i) The institution has registered securities under section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78l); or

(ii) No other person will own, control, or hold the power to vote a greater percentage of that class of voting securities immediately after the transaction. 1

1 If two or more persons, not acting in concert, each propose to acquire simultaneously equal percentages of 10 percent or more of a class of voting securities of the state member bank or bank holding company, each person must file prior notice to the Board.

(d) Rebuttable presumption of concerted action. The following persons shall be presumed to be acting in concert for purposes of this subpart:

(1) A company and any controlling shareholder, partner, trustee, or management official of the company, if both the company and the person own voting securities of the state member bank or bank holding company;

(2) An individual and the individual's immediate family;

(3) Companies under common control;

(4) Persons that are parties to any agreement, contract, understanding, relationship, or other arrangement, whether written or otherwise, regarding the acquisition, voting, or transfer of control of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, other than through a revocable proxy as described in § 225.42(a)(5) of this subpart;

(5) Persons that have made, or propose to make, a joint filing under sections 13 or 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78n), and the rules promulgated thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission; and

(6) A person and any trust for which the person serves as trustee.

(e) Acquisitions of loans in default. The Board presumes an acquisition of a loan in default that is secured by voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company to be an acquisition of the underlying securities for purposes of this section.

(f) Other transactions. Transactions other than those set forth in paragraph (c) of this section resulting in a person's control of less than 25 percent of a class of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company are not deemed by the Board to constitute control for purposes of the Bank Control Act.

(g) Rebuttal of presumptions. Prior notice to the Board is not required for any acquisition of voting securities under the presumption of control set forth in this section, if the Board finds that the acquisition will not result in control. The Board shall afford any person seeking to rebut a presumption in this section an opportunity to present views in writing or, if appropriate, orally before its designated representatives at an informal conference.

§ 225.42 - Transactions not requiring prior notice.

(a) Exempt transactions. The following transactions do not require notice to the Board under this subpart:

(1) Existing control relationships. The acquisition of additional voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company by a person who:

(i) Continuously since March 9, 1979 (or since the institution commenced business, if later), held power to vote 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of the institution; or

(ii) Is presumed, under § 225.41(c)(2) of this subpart, to have controlled the institution continuously since March 9, 1979, if the aggregate amount of voting securities held does not exceed 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of the institution or, in other cases, where the Board determines that the person has controlled the bank continuously since March 9, 1979;

(2) Increase of previously authorized acquisitions. Unless the Board or the Reserve Bank otherwise provides in writing, the acquisition of additional shares of a class of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company by any person (or persons acting in concert) who has lawfully acquired and maintained control of the institution (for purposes of § 225.41(c) of this subpart), after complying with the procedures and receiving approval to acquire voting securities of the institution under this subpart, or in connection with an application approved under section 3 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842; § 225.11 of subpart B of this part) or section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c));

(3) Acquisitions subject to approval under BHC Act or Bank Merger Act. Any acquisition of voting securities subject to approval under section 3 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842; § 225.11 of subpart B of this part), or section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c));

(4) Transactions exempt under BHC Act. Any transaction described in sections 2(a)(5), 3(a)(A), or 3(a)(B) of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1841(a)(5), 1842(a)(A), and 1842(a)(B)), by a person described in those provisions;

(5) Proxy solicitation. The acquisition of the power to vote securities of a state member bank or bank holding company through receipt of a revocable proxy in connection with a proxy solicitation for the purposes of conducting business at a regular or special meeting of the institution, if the proxy terminates within a reasonable period after the meeting;

(6) Stock dividends. The receipt of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company through a stock dividend or stock split if the proportional interest of the recipient in the institution remains substantially the same; and

(7) Acquisition of foreign banking organization. The acquisition of voting securities of a qualifying foreign banking organization. (This exemption does not extend to the reports and information required under paragraphs 9, 10, and 12 of the Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j) (9), (10), and (12)) and § 225.44 of this subpart.)

(b) Prior notice exemption. (1) The following acquisitions of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, which would otherwise require prior notice under this subpart, are not subject to the prior notice requirements if the acquiring person notifies the appropriate Reserve Bank within 90 calendar days after the acquisition and provides any relevant information requested by the Reserve Bank:

(i) Acquisition of voting securities through inheritance;

(ii) Acquisition of voting securities as a bona fide gift; and

(iii) Acquisition of voting securities in satisfaction of a debt previously contracted (DPC) in good faith.

(2) The following acquisitions of voting securities of a state member bank or bank holding company, which would otherwise require prior notice under this subpart, are not subject to the prior notice requirements if the acquiring person does not reasonably have advance knowledge of the transaction, and provides the written notice required under section 225.43 to the appropriate Reserve Bank within 90 calendar days after the transaction occurs:

(i) Acquisition of voting securities resulting from a redemption of voting securities by the issuing bank or bank holding company; and

(ii) Acquisition of voting securities as a result of actions (including the sale of securities) by any third party that is not within the control of the acquiror.

(3) Nothing in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section limits the authority of the Board to disapprove a notice pursuant to § 225.43(h) of this subpart.

§ 225.43 - Procedures for filing, processing, publishing, and acting on notices.

(a) Filing notice. (1) A notice required under this subpart shall be filed with the appropriate Reserve Bank and shall contain all the information required by paragraph 6 of the Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(6)), or prescribed in the designated Board form.

(2) The Board may waive any of the informational requirements of the notice if the Board determines that it is in the public interest.

(3) A notificant shall notify the appropriate Reserve Bank or the Board immediately of any material changes in a notice submitted to the Reserve Bank, including changes in financial or other conditions.

(4) When the acquiring person is an individual, or group of individuals acting in concert, the requirement to provide personal financial data may be satisfied by a current statement of assets and liabilities and an income summary, as required in the designated Board form, together with a statement of any material changes since the date of the statement or summary. The Reserve Bank or the Board, nevertheless, may request additional information, if appropriate.

(b) Acceptance of notice. The 60-day notice period specified in § 225.41 of this subpart begins on the date of receipt of a complete notice. The Reserve Bank shall notify the person or persons submitting a notice under this subpart in writing of the date the notice is or was complete and thereby accepted for processing. The Reserve Bank or the Board may request additional relevant information at any time after the date of acceptance.

(c) Publication—(1) Newspaper Announcement. Any person(s) filing a notice under this subpart shall publish, in a form prescribed by the Board, an announcement soliciting public comment on the proposed acquisition. The announcement shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the community in which the head office of the state member bank to be acquired is located or, in the case of a proposed acquisition of a bank holding company, in the community in which its head office is located and in the community in which the head office of each of its subsidiary banks is located. The announcement shall be published no earlier than 15 calendar days before the filing of the notice with the appropriate Reserve Bank and no later than 10 calendar days after the filing date; and the publisher's affidavit of a publication shall be provided to the appropriate Reserve Bank.

(2) Contents of newspaper announcement. The newspaper announcement shall state:

(i) The name of each person identified in the notice as a proposed acquiror of the bank or bank holding company;

(ii) The name of the bank or bank holding company to be acquired, including the name of each of the bank holding company's subsidiary banks; and

(iii) A statement that interested persons may submit comments on the notice to the Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank for a period of 20 days, or such shorter period as may be provided, pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section.

(3) Federal Register announcement. The Board shall, upon filing of a notice under this subpart, publish announcement in the Federal Register of receipt of the notice. The Federal Register announcement shall contain the information required under paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and (c)(2)(ii) of this section and a statement that interested persons may submit comments on the proposed acquisition for a period of 15 calendar days, or such shorter period as may be provided, pursuant to paragraph (c)(5) of this section. The Board may waive publication in the Federal Register, if the Board determines that such action is appropriate.

(4) Delay of publication. The Board may permit delay in the publication required under paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(3) of this section if the Board determines, for good cause shown, that it is in the public interest to grant such delay. Requests for delay of publication may be submitted to the appropriate Reserve Bank.

(5) Shortening or waiving notice. The Board may shorten or waive the public comment or newspaper publication requirements of this paragraph, or act on a notice before the expiration of a public comment period, if it determines in writing that an emergency exists, or that disclosure of the notice, solicitation of public comment, or delay until expiration of the public comment period would seriously threaten the safety or soundness of the bank or bank holding company to be acquired.

(6) Consideration of public comments. In acting upon a notice filed under this subpart, the Board shall consider all public comments received in writing within the period specified in the newspaper or Federal Register announcement, whichever is later. At the Board's option, comments received after this period may, but need not, be considered.

(7) Standing. No person (other than the acquiring person) who submits comments or information on a notice filed under this subpart shall thereby become a party to the proceeding or acquire any standing or right to participate in the Board's consideration of the notice or to appeal or otherwise contest the notice or the Board's action regarding the notice.

(d) Time period for Board action—(1) Consummation of acquisition. (i) The notificant(s) may consummate the proposed acquisition 60 days after submission to the Reserve Bank of a complete notice under paragraph (a) of this section, unless within that period the Board disapproves the proposed acquisition or extends the 60-day period, as provided under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(ii) The notificant(s) may consummate the proposed transaction before the expiration of the 60-day period if the Board notifies the notificant(s) in writing of the Board's intention not to disapprove the acquisition.

(2) Extensions of time period. (i) The Board may extend the 60-day period in paragraph (d)(1) of this section for an additional 30 days by notifying the acquiring person(s).

(ii) The Board may further extend the period during which it may disapprove a notice for two additional periods of not more than 45 days each, if the Board determines that:

(A) Any acquiring person has not furnished all the information required under paragraph (a) of this section;

(B) Any material information submitted is substantially inaccurate;

(C) The Board is unable to complete the investigation of an acquiring person because of inadequate cooperation or delay by that person; or

(D) Additional time is needed to investigate and determine that no acquiring person has a record of failing to comply with the requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act, subchapter II of Chapter 53 of title 31, United States Code.

(iii) If the Board extends the time period under this paragraph, it shall notify the acquiring person(s) of the reasons therefor and shall include a statement of the information, if any, deemed incomplete or inaccurate.

(e) Advice to bank supervisory agencies. (1) Upon accepting a notice relating to acquisition of securities of a state member bank, the Reserve Bank shall send a copy of the notice to the appropriate state bank supervisor, which shall have 30 calendar days from the date the notice is sent in which to submit its views and recommendations to the Board. The Reserve Bank also shall send a copy of any notice to the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift Supervision.

(2) If the Board finds that it must act immediately in order to prevent the probable failure of the bank or bank holding company involved, the Board may dispense with or modify the requirements for notice to the state supervisor.

(f) Investigation and report. (1) After receiving a notice under this subpart, the Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank shall conduct an investigation of the competence, experience, integrity, and financial ability of each person by and for whom an acquisition is to be made. The Board shall also make an independent determination of the accuracy and completeness of any information required to be contained in a notice under paragraph (a) of this section. In investigating any notice accepted under this subpart, the Board or Reserve Bank may solicit information or views from any person, including any bank or bank holding company involved in the notice, and any appropriate state, federal, or foreign governmental authority.

(2) The Board or the appropriate Reserve Bank shall prepare a written report of its investigation, which shall contain, at a minimum, a summary of the results of the investigation.

(g) Factors considered in acting on notices. In reviewing a notice filed under this subpart, the Board shall consider the information in the record, the views and recommendations of the appropriate bank supervisor, and any other relevant information obtained during any investigation of the notice.

(h) Disapproval and hearing—(1) Disapproval of notice. The Board may disapprove an acquisition if it finds adverse effects with respect to any of the factors set forth in paragraph 7 of the Bank Control Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)) (i.e., competitive, financial, managerial, banking, or incompleteness of information).

(2) Disapproval notification. Within three days after its decision to issue a notice of intent to disapprove any proposed acquisition, the Board shall notify the acquiring person in writing of the reasons for the action.

(3) Hearing. Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notice of the Board's intent to disapprove, the acquiring person may submit a written request for a hearing. Any hearing conducted under this paragraph shall be in accordance with the Rules of Practice for Formal Hearings (12 CFR part 263). At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall, by order, approve or disapprove the proposed acquisition on the basis of the record of the hearing. If the acquiring person does not request a hearing, the notice of intent to disapprove becomes final and unappealable.

§ 225.44 - Reporting of stock loans.

(a) Requirements. (1) Any foreign bank or affiliate of a foreign bank that has credit outstanding to any person or group of persons, in the aggregate, which is secured, directly or indirectly, by 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of a state member bank, shall file a consolidated report with the appropriate Reserve Bank for the state member bank.

(2) The foreign bank or its affiliate also shall file a copy of the report with its appropriate Federal banking agency.

(3) Any shares of the state member bank held by the foreign bank or any affiliate of the foreign bank as principal must be included in the calculation of the number of shares in which the foreign bank or its affiliate has a security interest for purposes of paragraph (a) of this section.

(b) Definitions. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section:

(1) Foreign bank shall have the same meaning as in section 1(b) of the International Banking Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3101).

(2) Credit outstanding includes any loan or extension of credit; the issuance of a guarantee, acceptance, or letter of credit, including an endorsement or standby letter of credit; and any other type of transaction that extends credit or financing to the person or group of persons.

(3) Group of persons includes any number of persons that the foreign bank or any affiliate of a foreign bank has reason to believe:

(i) Are acting together, in concert, or with one another to acquire or control shares of the same insured depository institution, including an acquisition of shares of the same depository institution at approximately the same time under substantially the same terms; or

(ii) Have made, or propose to make, a joint filing under section 13 or 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78n), and the rules promulgated thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission regarding ownership of the shares of the same insured depository institution.

(c) Exceptions. Compliance with paragraph (a) of this section is not required if:

(1) The person or group of persons referred to in that paragraph has disclosed the amount borrowed and the security interest therein to the Board or appropriate Reserve Bank in connection with a notice filed under § 225.41 of this subpart, or another application filed with the Board or Reserve Bank as a substitute for a notice under § 225.41 of this subpart, including an application filed under section 3 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842) or section 18(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (Bank Merger Act, 12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), or an application for membership in the Federal Reserve System; or

(2) The transaction involves a person or group of persons that has been the owner or owners of record of the stock for a period of one year or more; or, if the transaction involves stock issued by a newly chartered bank, before the bank is opened for business.

(d) Report requirements. (1) The consolidated report shall indicate the number and percentage of shares securing each applicable extension of credit, the identity of the borrower, and the number of shares held as principal by the foreign bank and any affiliate thereof.

(2) A foreign bank, or any affiliate of a foreign bank, shall file the consolidated report in writing within 30 days of the date on which the foreign bank or affiliate first believes that the security for any outstanding credit consists of 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities of a state member bank.

(e) Other reporting requirements. A foreign bank, or any affiliate thereof, that is supervised by the System and is required to report credit outstanding that is secured by the shares of an insured depository institution to another Federal banking agency also shall file a copy of the report with the appropriate Reserve Bank.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(13), 1818, 1828(o), 1831i, 1831p-1, 1843(c)(8), 1844(b), 1972(1), 3106, 3108, 3310, 3331-3351, 3906, 3907, and 3909; 15 U.S.C. 1681s,1681w,6801
source: Reg. Y, 49 FR 818, Jan. 5, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 12 CFR 225.42