Regulations last checked for updates: Feb 19, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Jan 17, 2025
§ 667.700 - What procedure do we use to impose sanctions and corrective actions on recipients and subrecipients of WIA grant funds?

(a)(1) Except for actions under WIA section 188(a) or 29 CFR part 37 (relating to nondiscrimination requirements), the Grant Officer uses the initial and final determination procedures outlined in § 667.510 to impose a sanction or corrective action.

(2) To impose a sanction or corrective action for a violation of WIA section 188(a) or 29 CFR part 37, the Department will use the procedures set forth in that regulatory part.

(b) To impose a sanction or corrective action for noncompliance with the uniform administrative requirements set forth at section 184(a)(3) of WIA, and § 667.200(a), when the Grant Officer determines that the Governor has not taken corrective action to remedy the violation as required by WIA section 184(a)(5), the Grant Officer, under the authority of WIA section 184(a)(7) and § 667.710(c), must require the Governor to impose any of the corrective actions set forth at WIA section 184(b)(1). If the Governor fails to impose the corrective actions required by the Grant Officer, the Secretary may immediately suspend or terminate financial assistance in accordance with WIA section 184(e).

(c) For substantial violations of WIA statutory and regulatory requirements, if the Governor fails to promptly take the actions specified in WIA section 184(b)(1), the Grant Officer may impose such actions directly against the local area.

(d) The Grant Officer may also impose a sanction directly against a subrecipient, as authorized in section 184(d)(3) of the Act. In such a case, the Grant Officer will inform the recipient of the action.

§ 667.705 - Who is responsible for funds provided under title I of WIA?

(a) The recipient is responsible for all funds under its grant(s).

(b) The political jurisdiction(s) of the chief elected official(s) in a local workforce investment area is liable for any misuse of the WIA grant funds allocated to the local area under WIA sections 128 and 133, unless the chief elected official(s) reaches an agreement with the Governor to bear such liability.

(c) When a local workforce area is composed of more than one unit of general local government, the liability of the individual jurisdictions must be specified in a written agreement between the chief elected officials.

§ 667.710 - What actions are required to address the failure of a local area to comply with the applicable uniform administrative provisions?

(a) If, as part of the annual on-site monitoring of local areas, the Governor determines that a local area is not in compliance with the uniform administrative requirements found at 29 CFR part 95 or part 97, as appropriate, the Governor must:

(1) Require corrective action to secure prompt compliance; and

(2) Impose the sanctions provided for at section 184(b) if the Governor finds that the local area has failed to take timely corrective action.

(b) An action by the recipient to impose a sanction against a local area, in accordance with this section, may be appealed to the Secretary in accordance with § 667.650, and will not become effective until:

(1) The time for appeal has expired; or

(2) The Secretary has issued a decision.

(c)(1) If the Secretary finds that the Governor has failed to monitor and certify compliance of local areas with the administrative requirements, under WIA section 184(a), or that the Governor has failed to promptly take the actions required upon a determination under paragraph (a) of this section that a local area is not in compliance with the uniform administrative requirements, the Secretary will require the Governor to take corrective actions against the State recipient or the local area, as appropriate to ensure prompt compliance.

(2) If the Governor fails to take the corrective actions required by the Secretary under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the Secretary may immediately suspend or terminate financial assistance under WIA section 184(e).

§ 667.720 - How do we handle a recipient's request for waiver of liability under WIA section 184(d)(2)?

(a) A recipient may request a waiver of liability, as described in WIA section 184(d)(2), and a Grant Officer may approve such a waiver under WIA section 184(d)(3).

(b)(1) When the debt for which a waiver of liability is desired was established in a non-Federal resolution proceeding, the resolution report must accompany the waiver request.

(2) When the waiver request is made during the ETA Grant Officer resolution process, the request must be made during the informal resolution period described in § 667.510(c).

(c) A waiver of the recipient's liability shall be considered by the Grant Officer only when:

(1) The misexpenditure of WIA funds occurred at a subrecipient's level;

(2) The misexpenditure was not due to willful disregard of the requirements of title I of the Act, gross negligence, failure to observe accepted standards of administration, or did not constitute fraud;

(3) If fraud did exist, it was perpetrated against the recipient/subrecipients; and

(i) The recipient/subrecipients discovered, investigated, reported, and cooperated in any prosecution of the perpetrator of the fraud; and

(ii) After aggressive debt collection action, it has been documented that further attempts at debt collection from the perpetrator of the fraud would be inappropriate or futile;

(4) The recipient has issued a final determination which disallows the misexpenditure, the recipient's appeal process has been exhausted, and a debt has been established; and

(5) The recipient requests such a waiver and provides documentation to demonstrate that it has substantially complied with the requirements of section 184(d)(2) of the Act, and this section.

(d) The recipient will not be released from liability for misspent funds under the determination required by section 184(d) of the Act unless the Grant Officer determines that further collection action, either by the recipient or subrecipients, would be inappropriate or would prove futile.

§ 667.730 - What is the procedure to handle a recipient's request for advance approval of contemplated corrective actions?

(a) The recipient may request advance approval from the Grant Officer for contemplated corrective actions, including debt collection actions, which the recipient plans to initiate or to forego. The recipient's request must include a description and an assessment of all actions taken by the subrecipients to collect the misspent funds.

(b) Based on the recipient's request, the Grant Officer may determine that the recipient may forego certain collection actions against a subrecipient when:

(1) The subrecipient meets the criteria set forth in section 184(d)(2) of the Act;

(2) The misexpenditure of funds:

(i) Was not made by that subrecipient but by an entity that received WIA funds from that subrecipient;

(ii) Was not a violation of section 184(d)(1) of the Act, and did not constitute fraud; or

(iii) If fraud did exist,

(A) It was perpetrated against the subrecipient; and:

(B) The subrecipient discovered, investigated, reported, and cooperated in any prosecution of the perpetrator of the fraud; and

(C) After aggressive debt collection action, it has been documented that further attempts at debt collection from the perpetrator of the fraud would be inappropriate or futile;

(3) A final determination which disallows the misexpenditure and establishes a debt has been issued at the appropriate level;

(4) Final action within the recipient's appeal system has been completed; and

(5) Further debt collection action by that subrecipient or the recipient would be either inappropriate or futile.

§ 667.740 - What procedure must be used for administering the offset/deduction provisions at section 184(c) of the Act?

(a)(1) For recipient level misexpenditures, we may determine that a debt, or a portion thereof, may be offset against amounts that are allotted to the recipient. Recipients must submit a written request for an offset to the Grant Officer. Generally, we will apply the offset against amounts that are available at the recipient level for administrative costs.

(2) The Grant Officer may approve an offset request, under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, if the misexpenditures were not due to willful disregard of the requirements of the Act and regulations, gross negligence, failure to observe accepted standards of administration or a pattern of misexpenditure.

(b) For subrecipient level misexpenditures that were not due to willful disregard of the requirements of the Act and regulations, gross negligence, failure to observe accepted standards of administration or a pattern of misexpenditure, if we have required the State to repay such amount the State may deduct an amount equal to the misexpenditure from its subsequent year's allocations to the local area from funds available for the administrative costs of the local programs involved.

(c) If offset is granted, the debt will not be fully satisfied until the Grant Officer reduces amounts allotted to the State by the amount of the misexpenditure.

(d) A State may not make a deduction under paragraph (b) of this section until the State has taken appropriate corrective action to ensure full compliance within the local area with regard to appropriate expenditure of WIA funds.

authority: Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258
source: 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 667.700