Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 20 - Employees' Benefits last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 667.700 - What procedure do we use to impose sanctions and corrective actions on recipients and subrecipients of WIA grant funds?

(a)(1) Except for actions under WIA section 188(a) or 29 CFR part 37 (relating to nondiscrimination requirements), the Grant Officer uses the initial and final determination procedures outlined in § 667.510 to impose a sanction or corrective action.

(2) To impose a sanction or corrective action for a violation of WIA section 188(a) or 29 CFR part 37, the Department will use the procedures set forth in that regulatory part.

(b) To impose a sanction or corrective action for noncompliance with the uniform administrative requirements set forth at section 184(a)(3) of WIA, and § 667.200(a), when the Grant Officer determines that the Governor has not taken corrective action to remedy the violation as required by WIA section 184(a)(5), the Grant Officer, under the authority of WIA section 184(a)(7) and § 667.710(c), must require the Governor to impose any of the corrective actions set forth at WIA section 184(b)(1). If the Governor fails to impose the corrective actions required by the Grant Officer, the Secretary may immediately suspend or terminate financial assistance in accordance with WIA section 184(e).

(c) For substantial violations of WIA statutory and regulatory requirements, if the Governor fails to promptly take the actions specified in WIA section 184(b)(1), the Grant Officer may impose such actions directly against the local area.

(d) The Grant Officer may also impose a sanction directly against a subrecipient, as authorized in section 184(d)(3) of the Act. In such a case, the Grant Officer will inform the recipient of the action.

authority: Subtitle C of Title I, Sec. 506(c), Pub. L. 105-220, 112 Stat. 936 (20 U.S.C. 9276(c)); Executive Order 13198, 66 FR 8497, 3 CFR 2001 Comp., p. 750; Executive Order 13279, 67 FR 77141, 3 CFR 2002 Comp., p. 258
source: 65 FR 49421, Aug. 11, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 20 CFR 667.700