Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025
Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 200.210 - Policy.
(a) Regulations. It is HUD's policy that, in accordance with the intent of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), and with other applicable federal statutes, participants in HUD's housing and healthcare programs be responsible individuals and organizations who will honor their legal, financial and contractual obligations. Accordingly, as provided in this subpart, HUD will review the prior participation of Controlling Participants, as defined in § 200.212 and § 200.216, as a prerequisite to participation in HUD's multifamily housing and healthcare programs listed in § 200.214.
(b) Processing Guide. The regulations in this subpart are supplemented by the Processing Guide for Previous Participation Reviews of Prospective Multifamily Housing and Healthcare Programs' Participants (Guide), which is found on HUD's Web site at This Guide elaborates on the basic procedures involved in the previous participation review process. For any significant changes made to this Guide, HUD will provide advance notice and the opportunity to comment, providing a comment period of no less than 30 days.
§ 200.212 - Definitions.
As used in this subpart:
Commissioner means the Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, or the Commissioner's delegates and designees.
Controlling Participant means an individual or entity serving in a capacity for a Covered Project that makes the individual or entity subject to Previous Participation review under this subpart, as further described in § 200.216.
Covered Project means a project in which the participation of a Controlling Participant is conditioned on Previous Participation review under this subpart, as further described in § 200.214.
Previous Participation means a Controlling Participant's previous participation in Covered Projects, and, if applicable, other federal, state and local housing programs, in accordance with the definition of Risk.
Risk. In order to determine whether a Controlling Participant's participation in a project would constitute an unacceptable risk, the Commissioner must determine whether the Controlling Participant could be expected to participate in the Covered Project in a manner consistent with furthering the Department's purposes. The Commissioner's review of Previous Participation shall consider compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and program requirements. The Commissioner must consider the Controlling Participant's previous financial and operational performance in Covered Projects that may indicate a financial or operating risk in approving the Controlling Participant's participation in the subject Triggering Event. At the Commissioner's discretion, as necessary to determine financial or operating risk and to the extent the Commissioner determines such information to be reliably available, the Commissioner may consider the Controlling Participant's participation and performance in any federal, state or local government program. The Commissioner may exclude any Previous Participation the Commissioner determines to be of limited value, unreliable or irrelevant in evaluating risk and/or any Previous Participation in which the Controlling Participant did not exercise, actually or constructively, control. Any information collection in connection with review of Previous Participation must follow all applicable requirements for information collection.
Triggering Event means an occurrence in connection with a Covered Project that subjects a Controlling Participant to Previous Participation review under this subpart, as further described in § 200.218.
§ 200.214 - Covered Projects.
The following types of multifamily and healthcare projects are Covered Projects subject to the requirements of this subpart, provided however that single family projects are excluded from the definition of Covered Projects:
(a) FHA insured projects. A project financed or which is proposed to be financed with a mortgage insured under the National Housing Act, a project subject to a mortgage held by the Secretary under the National Housing Act, or a project acquired by the Secretary under the National Housing Act.
(b) Housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities. Housing for the elderly financed or to be financed with direct loans or capital advances under section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959, as amended; and housing for persons with disabilities under section 811 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.
(c) Risk Share projects. A project that is insured under section 542(b) or 542(c) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992(12 U.S.C. 17107 note).
(d) Projects subject to continuing HUD requirements. A project that is subject to a use agreement or any other affordability restrictions pursuant to a program administered by HUD's Office of Housing.
(e) Subsidized Projects. Any project in which 20 percent or more of the units now receive or will receive a subsidy in the form of:
(1) Interest reduction payments under section 236 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1);
(2) Rental Assistance Payments under section 236 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-1);
(3) Rent Supplement payments under section 101 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 (12 U.S.C. 1701s); or
(4) Project-based housing assistance payment contracts under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f) administered by HUD's Office of Housing.
§ 200.216 - Controlling Participants.
(a) Definition. Controlling Participants are those entities and individuals (i) serving as a Specified Capacity with respect to a Covered Project and (ii) the entities and individuals in control of the Specified Capacities. Each of the following capacities for a Covered Project is a “Specified Capacity:”
(1) An owner of a Covered Project;
(2) A borrower of a loan financing a Covered Project;
(3) A management agent;
(4) An operator (in connection with healthcare projects insured under the following section of the National Housing Act: Section 232 (12 U.S.C. 1715w) and section 242 (12 U.S.C. 1715z-7));
(5) A master tenant (in connection with any multifamily housing project insured under the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and in connection with certain healthcare projects insured under sections 232 or section 242 of the National Housing Act);
(6) A general contractor; and
(7) In connection with a hospital project insured under section 242 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-7), a construction manager;
(b) Control of entities. To the extent any Specified Capacity listed in paragraph (a) of this section is an entity, any individual(s) or entities determined by HUD to control the financial or operational decisions of such Specified Capacity shall also be considered Controlling Participants. Without limiting the foregoing and unless otherwise determined by HUD, the following individuals or entities shall be considered Controlling Participants:
(1) Individuals or entities with the ability to direct the day-to-day operations of a Specified Capacity or a Covered Project;
(2) Individuals or entities that own at least 25 percent of an entity that is a Specified Capacity;
(3) Individuals or entities with the ability to direct the entity to enter into agreements relating to the Triggering Event that necessitates review of Previous Participation, including without limitation individuals or entities that own at least 25 percent of entities determined to control an entity that is a Specified Capacity; and
(4) In connection with a hospital project insured under section 242 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-7), members of a hospital Board of Directors (or similar body) and executive management (such as the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer) that HUD determines to have control over the finances or operation of a Covered Project.
(c) Exclusions from definition. The following individuals or entities are not Controlling Participants for purposes of this subpart:
(1) Passive investors and investor entities with limited liability in Covered Projects benefiting from tax credits, including but not limited to low-income housing tax credits pursuant to section 42 of title 26 of the United States Code, whether such investors are syndicators, direct investors or investors in such syndicators and/or investors;
(2) Individuals or entities that do not exercise financial or operational control over the Covered Project, a Specified Capacity or another Controlling Participant;
(3) Unless determined by HUD to exercise day-to-day control over the operations or finances of a Specified Capacity or Covered Project, board members of a non-profit corporation who are not officers or otherwise part of the executive management teams of the non-profit;
(4) Mortgagees acting in their capacity as such; and
(5) Public housing agencies (PHAs).
§ 200.218 - Triggering Events.
(a) Each of the following is a Triggering Event that may subject a Controlling Participant to Previous Participation review under § 200.220:
(1) An application for FHA mortgage insurance;
(2) An application for funds provided by HUD pursuant to a program administered by HUD's Office of Housing, such as but not limited to supplemental loans;
(3) A request to change any Controlling Participant for which HUD consent is required with respect to a Covered Project; or
(4) A request for consent to an assignment of a housing assistance payment contract under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 or of another contract pursuant to which a Controlling Participant will receive funds in connection with a Covered Project.
(b) The Commissioner may also require a review of a potential owner's Previous Participation in connection with a loan sale or other form of property disposition, including foreclosure sale. Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations in this subpart to the contrary, any such review shall be in accordance with the terms, conditions, provisions and other requirements set forth by the Commissioner in connection with such loan sale or property disposition which may differ, in whole or in part, from the regulations in this subpart.
§ 200.220 - Previous Participation review.
(a) Scope of review. (1) Upon the occurrence of a Triggering Event, as provided in § 200.218, the Commissioner shall review the Previous Participation of the relevant Controlling Participants in considering whether to approve the participation of the Controlling Participants in connection with the Triggering Event in accordance with the definition of Risk in § 200.212.
(2) The Commissioner will not review Previous Participation for interests acquired by inheritance or by court decree.
(3) In connection with the submittal of an application for any Triggering Event, applicants shall identify the Controlling Participants and, to the extent requested by HUD, make available to HUD the Controlling Participant's Previous Participation in Covered Projects.
(b) Results of review. (1) Based upon the review under paragraph (a) of this section, the Commissioner will approve, disapprove, limit, or otherwise condition the continued participation of the Controlling Participant in the Triggering Event, in accordance with paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
(2) The Commissioner shall provide notice of the determination to the Controlling Participant including the reasons for disapproval or limitation. The Commissioner may provide notice of the determination to other parties as well, such the FHA-approved lender in the transaction.
(c) Basis for disapproval. (1) The Commissioner must disapprove a Controlling Participant if the Commissioner determines that the Controlling Participant is suspended, debarred or subject to other restriction pursuant to 2 CFR part 180 or 2 CFR part 2424;
(2) The Commissioner may disapprove a Controlling Participant if the Commissioner determines:
(i) The Controlling Participant is materially restricted, including voluntarily, from doing business with HUD (other than the restrictions listed in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) or any other governmental department or agency if the Commissioner determines that such restriction demonstrates a significant risk to proceeding with the Triggering Event; or
(ii) The Controlling Participant's record of Previous Participation reveals significant risk to proceeding with the Triggering Event.
(d) Alternatives to disapproval. In lieu of disapproval, the Commissioner may:
(1) Condition or limit the Controlling Participant's participation;
(2) Temporarily withhold issuing a determination in order to gather more necessary information; or
(3) Require the Controlling Participant to remedy or mitigate outstanding violations of HUD requirements to the Commissioner's satisfaction in order to participate in the Triggering Event.
§ 200.222 - Request for reconsideration.
(a) Where participation in a Triggering Event has been disapproved, otherwise limited or conditioned because of Previous Participation review, the Controlling Participant may request reconsideration of such determination by a review committee or reviewing officer as established by the Commissioner. Reconsideration decisions shall not be rendered by the same individual who rendered the initial review.
(b) The Controlling Participant shall submit requests for such reconsideration in writing within 30 days of receipt of the Commissioner's notice of the determination under § 200.220.
(c) The review committee or reviewing officer shall schedule a review of such requests for reconsideration. The Controlling Participant shall be provided written notification of such a review; such notice shall provide at least 7 business days advanced notice of the reconsideration. The Controlling Participant shall be provided the opportunity to submit such supporting materials as the Controlling Participant desires or as the review committee or reviewing officer requests.
(d) Before making its decision, the review committee or reviewing officer will analyze the reasons for the decision(s) for which reconsideration is being requested, as well as the documents and arguments presented by the Controlling Participant. The review committee or reviewing officer may affirm, modify, or reverse the initial decision. Upon making its decision, the review committee or reviewing officer will provide written notice of its determination to the Controlling Participant setting forth the reasons for the determination(s).
source: 36 FR 24467, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 200.222