Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 200.600 - Purpose.

The purpose of this subpart is to set forth the Department's equal opportunity regulations for affirmative fair housing marketing under FHA subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs.

§ 200.605 - Authority.

The regulations in this subpart are issued pursuant to the authority to issue regulations granted to the Secretary by section 7(d) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965, 42 U.S.C. 3535(d), and implement the functions, powers, and duties imposed on the Secretary by Executive Order 11063, 27 FR 11527, and title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 3608.

[40 FR 20080, May 8, 1975]
§ 200.610 - Policy.

It is the policy of the Department to administer its FHA housing programs affirmatively, as to achieve a condition in which individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market area have a like range of housing choices available to them regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. Each applicant for participation in FHA subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs shall pursue affirmative fair housing marketing policies in soliciting buyers and tenants, in determining their eligibility, and in concluding sales and rental transactions.

[40 FR 20080, May 8, 1975, as amended at 58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
§ 200.615 - Applicability.

The affirmative fair housing marketing requirements, as set forth in paragraphs (a) through (f) of § 200.620, shall apply to all applicants for participation in FHA subsidized and unsubsidized housing programs whose application is hereafter approved for development or rehabilitation of:

(a) Multifamily projects and manufactured home parks of five or more lots, units or spaces, and initial submissions by a lender for an application for mortgage insurance on a single family property, where the property is located in a subdivision and the builder or developer intends to sell five or more properties in the subdivision; or

(b) Dwelling units, when the applicant's participation in FHA housing programs had exceeded or would thereby exceed development of five or more such dwelling units during the year preceding the application, except that there shall not be included in a determination of the number of dwelling units developed by an applicant those in which a single family dwelling is constructed or rehabilitated for occupancy by a mortgagor on property owned by the mortgagor and in which the applicant had no interest prior to entering into the contract for construction or rehabilitation.

[37 FR 75, Jan. 5, 1972, as amended at 50 FR 9268, Mar. 7, 1985; 58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
§ 200.620 - Requirements.

With respect to all FHA subsidized or unsubsidized programs in which the applicant hereafter participates (except for housing for which a conditional commitment has been issued prior to the effective date of these regulations), the applicant shall meet the following requirements or, if he contracts marketing responsibility to another party, be responsible for that party's carrying out the requirements:

(a) Carry out an affirmative program to attract buyers or tenants, regardless of sex, handicap or familial status, of all minority and majority groups to the housing for initial sale or rental. An affirmative marketing program shall be in effect for each multifamily project throughout the life of the mortgage. Such a program shall typically involve publicizing to minority persons the availability of housing opportunities regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap or familial status or national origin, through the type of media customarily utilized by the applicant, including minority publications or other minority outlets which are available in the housing market area. All advertising shall include either the Department-approved Equal Housing Opportunity logo or slogan or statement and all advertising depicting persons shall depict persons of majority and minority groups, including both sexes.

(b) Maintain a nondiscriminatory hiring policy in recruiting from both minority and majority groups, including both sexes and the handicapped, for staff engaged in the sale or rental of properties.

(c) Instruct all employees and agents in writing and orally in the policy of nondiscrimination and fair housing.

(d) Specifically solicit eligible buyers or tenants reported to the applicant by the Area or Insuring Office.

(e) Prominently display in all offices in which sale or rental activity pertaining to the project or subdivision takes place the Department-approved Fair Housing Poster and include in any printed material used in connection with sales or rentals, the Department-approved Equal Housing Opportunity logo or slogan or statement.

(f) Post in a conspicuous position on all FHA project sites a sign displaying prominently either the Department-approved Equal Housing Opportunity logo or slogan or statement.

[37 FR 75, Jan. 5, 1972, as amended at 40 FR 20080, May 8, 1975; 40 FR 53008, Nov. 14, 1975; 58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
§ 200.625 - Affirmative fair housing marketing plan.

Each applicant for participation in FHA housing programs to which these regulations apply shall provide on a form to be supplied by the Department information indicating his affirmative fair housing marketing plan to comply with the requirements set forth in § 200.620. This form, once approved by HUD, will be available for public inspection at the sales or rental offices of the applicant.

§ 200.630 - Notice of housing opportunities.

The Director of each Field Office shall prepare monthly a list of all projects covered by this subpart, and of all initial submissions by lenders for single family mortgage insurance where the property is located in a subdivision and the builder or developer intends to sell five or more properties in the subdivision, on which commitments have been issued during the preceding 30 days. The Director shall maintain a roster of interested organizations and individuals (including public agencies responsible for providing relocation assistance and local housing authorities) who have expressed a wish to receive the monthly list, and shall provide the list to these organizations and individuals.

[58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
§ 200.635 - Compliance.

Applicants failing to comply with the requirements of this subpart will make themselves liable to sanctions authorized by regulations, rules or policies governing the program pursuant to which the application was made, including but not limited to denial of further participation in departmental programs and referral to the Department of Justice for suit by the United States for injunctive or other appropriate relief. The Department will enforce compliance through the procedures outlined in 24 CFR part 108.

[37 FR 75, Jan. 5, 1972, as amended at 58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
§ 200.640 - Effect on other requirements.

The requirement for compliance with this part is in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other requirements imposed by or under Executive Order 11063 or the Fair Housing Act.

[58 FR 41337, Aug. 3, 1993]
Appendix Appendix to - Appendix to Subpart M of Part 200—Equal Housing Opportunity Insignia

The Equal Housing Opportunity insignia are as follows:

Equal Housing Opportunity logo:

Equal Housing Opportunity statement: “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”

Equal Housing Opportunity slogan: “Equal Housing Opportunity.”

[37 FR 75, Jan. 5, 1972, as amended at 40 FR 20080, May 8, 1975]
source: 36 FR 24467, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 200.600