Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 202.6 - Supervised lenders and mortgagees.

(a) Definition. A supervised lender or mortgagee is a financial institution that is a member of the Federal Reserve System or an institution whose accounts are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration. A supervised mortgagee may submit applications for mortgage insurance. A supervised lender or mortgagee may originate, purchase, hold, service or sell loans or insured mortgages, respectively.

(b) Additional requirements. In addition to the general approval requirements in § 202.5, a supervised lender or mortgagee shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Net worth. The net worth requirements appear in § 202.5(n).

(2) Notification. A lender or mortgagee shall promptly notify the Secretary in the event of termination of its supervision by its supervising agency.

(3) Fidelity bond. A Title II mortgagee shall have fidelity bond coverage and errors and omissions insurance acceptable to the Secretary and in an amount required by the Secretary, or have alternative insurance coverage, approved by the Secretary, that assures the faithful performance of the responsibilities of the mortgagee.

(4) Audit report. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, a lender or mortgagee must:

(i) Comply with the financial reporting requirements in 24 CFR part 5, subpart H. Audit reports shall be based on audits performed by a certified public accountant, or by an independent public accountant licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the United States on or before December 31, 1970, and shall include:

(A) Financial statements in a form acceptable to the Secretary, including a balance sheet and a statement of operations and retained earnings, a statement of cash flows, an analysis of the lender's or mortgagee's net worth adjusted to reflect only assets acceptable to the Secretary, and an analysis of escrow funds; and

(B) Such other financial information as the Secretary may require to determine the accuracy and validity of the audit report.

(ii) Submit a report on compliance tests prescribed by the Secretary.

(c) Financial statement requirements for small supervised lenders and mortgagees—(1) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(i) Federal banking agency means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and the National Credit Union Administration; or any successor agency thereof.

(ii) Small supervised lender or mortgagee means a supervised lender or mortgagee possessing consolidated assets below the threshold for required audited financial reporting as established by the federal banking agency that is responsible for the oversight of that supervised lender or mortgagee.

(2) Financial statement requirements. Small supervised lenders and mortgagees shall not be subject to the requirement to submit a copy of an audited financial statement under § 202.5(g) and the audit report requirements under paragraph (b)(4) of this section. Small supervised lenders and mortgagees are required, within 90 days of their fiscal year end, to furnish to the Secretary the unaudited financial regulatory report—a consolidated or fourth quarter Report of Condition and Income (Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council forms 031 and 041, also known as the “Call Report”), a consolidated or fourth quarter Thrift Financial Report, or a consolidated or fourth quarter NCUA Call Report (NCUA Form 5300 or 5310), or such other financial regulatory report as may be required—that aligns with the small supervised lender's or mortgagee's fiscal year end and that the small supervised lender or mortgagee is required to submit to their respective federal banking agency.

(3) Requirement for audited financial statement and other information based on determination of heightened risk to the FHA insurance fund. If the Secretary determines that a small supervised lender or mortgagee poses a heightened risk to the FHA insurance fund, the lender or mortgagee must provide, upon request, additional financial documentation, up to and including an audited financial statement, and other information as the Secretary determines necessary. The Secretary may determine that a small supervised lender or mortgagee poses a heightened risk to the FHA insurance fund based upon, but not limited to, one or more of the following factors:

(i) Failing to provide required financial submissions under § 202.6(c)(2) within the required 90-day period following the lender's or mortgagee's fiscal year end;

(ii) Maintaining insufficient adjusted net worth or unrestricted liquid assets as required by § 202.5(n);

(iii) Reporting opening cash and equity balances that do not agree with the prior year's reported cash and equity balances;

(iv) Experiencing an operating loss of 20 percent or greater of the lender's or mortgagee's net worth for the annual reporting period as governed by § 202.5(m)(1);

(v) Experiencing an increase in loan volume over the prior 12-month period, determined by the Secretary to be significant;

(vi) Undertaking significant changes to business operations, such as a merger or acquisition; and

(vii) Other factors that the Secretary considers appropriate in indicating a heightened risk to the FHA insurance fund.

[75 FR 20734, Apr. 20, 2010, as amended by 78 FR 57060, Sept. 17, 2013]
§ 202.7 - Nonsupervised lenders and mortgagees.

(a) Definition. A nonsupervised lender or mortgagee is a lending institution which has as its principal activity the lending or investing of funds in real estate mortgages, consumer installment notes, or similar advances of credit, or the purchase of consumer installment contracts, and which is not approved under any other section of this part. A nonsupervised mortgagee may submit applications for mortgage insurance. A nonsupervised lender or mortgagee may originate, purchase, hold, service or sell insured loans or mortgages, respectively.

(b) Additional requirements. In addition to the general approval requirements in § 202.5, a nonsupervised lender or mortgagee shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Net worth and liquid assets. The net worth and liquidity requirements appear in § 202.5(n).

(2) Credit source—(i) Title I. A lender shall have and maintain a reliable warehouse line of credit or other funding program acceptable to the Secretary of not less than $500,000 for use in originating or purchasing Title I loans.

(ii) Title II. Except for multifamily mortgagees, a mortgagee shall have a warehouse line of credit or other mortgage funding program acceptable to the Secretary which is adequate to fund the mortgagee's average 60 day origination operations, but in no event shall the warehouse line of credit or funding program be less than $1,000,000.

(3) Audit report. (i) A lender or mortgagee must comply with the financial reporting requirements in 24 CFR part 5, subpart H. Audit reports shall be based on audits performed by a certified public accountant, or by an independent public accountant licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the United States on or before December 31, 1970, and shall include:

(A) A financial statement in a form acceptable to the Secretary, including a balance sheet and a statement of operations and retained earnings, a statement of cash flows, an analysis of the mortgagee's net worth adjusted to reflect only assets acceptable to the Secretary, and an analysis of escrow funds; and

(B) Such other financial information as the Secretary may require to determine the accuracy and validity of the audit report.

(ii) A mortgagee must submit a report on compliance tests prescribed by the Secretary.

(4) Fidelity bond. A Title II mortgagee shall have fidelity bond coverage and errors and omissions insurance acceptable to the Secretary and in an amount required by the Secretary, or alternative insurance coverage approved by the Secretary, that assures the faithful performance of the responsibilities of the mortgagee.

[62 FR 20082, Apr. 24, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 65182, Dec. 10, 1997; 63 FR 9742, Feb. 26, 1998; 63 FR 44361, Aug. 18, 1998; 67 FR 53451, Aug. 15, 2002; 77 FR 51468, Aug. 24, 2012]
§ 202.8 - Sponsored third-party originators.

(a) DefinitionsSponsor. (1) With respect to Title I programs, a sponsor is a lender that holds a valid Title I Contract of Insurance and meets the net worth requirement for the class of lender to which it belongs.

(2) With respect to Title II programs, a sponsor is a mortgagee that holds a valid origination approval agreement, is approved to participate in the Direct Endorsement program, and meets the net worth requirement for the class of mortgagee to which it belongs.

(3) Each sponsor shall be responsible to the Secretary for the actions of its sponsored third-party originators or mortgagees in originating loans or mortgages, unless applicable law or regulation requires specific knowledge on the part of the party to be held responsible. If specific knowledge is required, the Secretary will presume that a sponsor has knowledge of the actions of its sponsored third-party originators or mortgagees in originating loans or mortgages and the sponsor is responsible for those actions unless it can rebut the presumption with affirmative evidence.

Sponsored third-party originator. A sponsored third-party originator may hold a Title I Contract of Insurance or Title II Origination Approval Agreement if it is an FHA-approved lender or mortgagee. If the sponsored third-party originator is not an FHA-approved lender or mortgagee, then the sponsored third-party originator may not hold a Title I Contract of Insurance or Title II Origination Approval Agreement. A sponsored third-party originator is authorized to originate Title I direct loans or Title II mortgage loans for sale or transfer to a sponsor or sponsors, as defined in this section, that holds a valid Title I Contract of Insurance or Title II Origination Approval Agreement and is not under suspension, subject to the sponsor determining that the third-party originator has met the eligibility criteria of paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Eligibility to originate loans to be insured by FHA. A sponsored third-party originator may originate loans to be insured by FHA, provided that:

(1) The sponsored third-party originator is working with and through an FHA-approved lender or mortgagee; and

(2) The sponsored third-party originator or an officer, partner, director, principal, manager, supervisor, loan processor, or loan originator of the sponsored third-party originator has not been subject to the sanctions or administrative actions listed in § 202.5(j), as determined and verified by the FHA-approved lender or mortgagee.

[75 FR 20734, Apr. 20, 2010, as amended at 77 FR 51468, Aug. 24, 2012]
§ 202.9 - Investing lenders and investing mortgagees.

(a) Definition. An investing lender or investing mortgagee is an organization that is not approved as a supervised lender or mortgagee under § 202.6, a nonsupervised lender or mortgagee under § 202.7, or a governmental or similar institution under § 202.10. An investing lender or investing mortgagee may purchase, hold, or sell Title I loans or Title II mortgages, respectively, but may not originate Title I loans or Title II mortgages in its own name or submit applications for the insurance of mortgages. An investing lender or investing mortgagee may not service Title I loans or Title II mortgages without prior approval of the Secretary.

(b) Additional requirements. In addition to the general approval requirements in § 202.5, an investing lender or investing mortgagee shall meet the following requirements:

(1) Funding arrangements. An investing lender or investing mortgagee shall have, or have made arrangements for, funds sufficient to support a projected investment of at least $1,000,000 in property improvement, manufactured home or real estate loans or mortgages.

(2) Officers and staff. In lieu of the staffing and facilities requirements in § 202.5(b), an investing lender or investing mortgagee shall have officers or employees who are capable of managing its activities in purchasing, holding, and selling Title I loans or Title II mortgages.

(3) Fidelity bond. An investing lender or investing mortgagee shall maintain fidelity bond coverage and errors and omissions insurance acceptable to the Secretary and in an amount required by the Secretary, or alternative insurance coverage approved by the Secretary, that assures the faithful performance of the responsibilities of the mortgagee.

(4) Audit report. An investing lender or mortgagee must comply with the financial reporting requirements in24 CFR part 5, subpart H. Audit reports shall be based on audits performed by a certified public accountant, or by an independent public accountant licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the United States on or before December 31, 1970. Audit reports shall include:

(i) A financial statement in a form acceptable to the Secretary, including a balance sheet and a statement of operations and retained earnings, a statement of cash flows, an analysis of the investing lender's or mortgagee's net worth adjusted to reflect only assets acceptable to the Secretary, and an analysis of escrow funds; and

(ii) Such other financial information as the Secretary may require to determine the accuracy and validity of the audit report.

[62 FR 20082, Apr. 24, 1997, as amended at 63 FR 9742, Feb. 26, 1998; 75 FR 20734, Apr. 20, 2010; 89 FR 30277, Apr. 23, 2024]
§ 202.10 - Governmental institutions, Government-sponsored enterprises, public housing agencies and State housing agencies.

(a) Federal, state, and municipal governmental agencies and Federal Reserve Banks. A Federal, State, or municipal government agency or a Federal Reserve Bank may be an approved lender or mortgagee. A mortgagee approved under this paragraph (a) may submit applications for Title II mortgage insurance. A lender or mortgagee approved under this paragraph (a) may originate, purchase, service, or sell Title I loans and insured mortgages, respectively. A mortgagee or lender approved under this paragraph (a) is not required to meet a net worth requirement. A lender or mortgagee shall maintain fidelity bond coverage and errors and omissions insurance acceptable to the Secretary and in an amount required by the Secretary, or alternative insurance coverage approved by the Secretary, that assures the faithful performance of the responsibilities of the mortgagee. There are no additional requirements beyond the general approval requirements in § 202.5 or as provided under paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Government-Sponsored Enterprises. The Government-Sponsored Enterprises are the Federal Home Loan Banks, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and Federal National Mortgage Association. A Government-Sponsored Enterprise may be an approved lender or mortgagee. A lender or mortgagee approved under this paragraph (b) may purchase, service, or sell Title I loans and insured mortgages, respectively. A mortgagee or lender approved under this paragraph (b) is not required to meet a net worth requirement. There are no additional requirements beyond the general approval requirements in § 202.5.

(c) Public housing agencies and State housing agencies. Under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe and notwithstanding the general requirements of § 202.5 or the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, a public housing agency or its instrumentality or a State housing agency may be approved as a mortgagee for the purpose of originating and holding multifamily mortgages funded by issuance of tax exempt obligations by the agency.

(d) Audit requirements. The insuring of loans and mortgages under the Act constitutes “Federal financial assistance” (as defined in 2 CFR 200.1) for purposes of audit requirements set out in 2 CFR part 200, subpart F. Non-Federal entities (as defined in 2 CFR 200.1) that receive insurance as lenders and mortgagees shall conduct audits in accordance with 2 CFR part 200, subpart F.

[62 FR 20082, Apr. 24, 1997, as amended at 80 FR 75936, Dec. 7, 2015; 89 FR 30277, Apr. 23, 2024]
source: 62 FR 20082, Apr. 24, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 202.9