Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 206.201 - Mortgage servicing generally; sanctions.

(a) General. This subpart identifies servicing practices that the Commissioner considers acceptable mortgage servicing practices of lending institutions servicing mortgages insured by the Commissioner. Failure to comply with this subpart shall not be a basis for denial of the insurance benefits, but a pattern of refusal or failure to comply will be cause for withdrawal of FHA mortgagee approval.

(b) Importance of timely payments. The paramount servicing responsibility is to make timely payments in full as required by the mortgage. Any failure of a mortgagee to make all payments required by the mortgage in a timely manner will be grounds for administrative sanctions authorized by regulations, including 2 CFR part 2424 (Debarment, Suspension, and Limited Denial of Participation), and 24 CFR part 25 (Mortgagee Review Board).

(c) Responsibility for servicing. (1) Servicing of insured mortgages must be performed by a mortgagee that is approved by FHA to service insured mortgages. The servicer must fully discharge the servicing responsibilities of the mortgagee as outlined in this part. The mortgagee shall remain fully responsible to the Commissioner for proper servicing, and the actions of its servicer shall be considered to be the actions of the mortgagee. The servicer also shall be fully responsible to the Commissioner for its actions as a servicer.

(2) Whenever servicing of any mortgage is transferred from one mortgagee or servicer to another, notice of the transfer of service shall be delivered:

(i) By the transferor mortgagee or servicer to the borrower. The notification shall be delivered not less than 15 days before the effective date of the transfer and shall contain the information required in 12 CFR 1024.33(b)(4); and

(ii) By the transferee mortgagee or servicer:

(A) To the borrower. The notification shall be delivered not less than 15 days before the effective date of the transfer and shall contain the information required in 12 CFR 1024.33(b)(4); and

(B) To the Commissioner. This notification shall be delivered within 15 days of the transfer, in a format prescribed by the Commissioner.

§ 206.203 - Providing information.

(a) Statements of account activity. The mortgagee shall provide to the borrower a monthly statement regarding the activity of the mortgage for each month, as well as for the calendar year. The statement shall summarize the total principal amount which has been paid to the borrower under the mortgage during that calendar year, the MIP paid to the Commissioner and charged to the borrower, the total amount of deferred interest added to the outstanding loan balance, the total outstanding loan balance, and the current principal limit. The mortgagee shall include an accounting of all payments for property charges. The statement shall be provided to the borrower monthly until the mortgage is paid in full by the borrower. The mortgagee shall provide the borrower with a new payment plan every time it recalculates monthly payments or the payment option is changed. The statements shall be in a format acceptable to the Commissioner.

(b) [Reserved]

(c) Servicing—Providing information. (1) Mortgagees shall provide loan information to borrowers and arrange for individual loan consultation on request. The mortgagee must establish written procedures and controls to assure prompt responses to inquiries. One or more of the following means of making information readily available to borrowers is required:

(i) A servicing office staffed with competent personnel located within 200 miles of the property, capable of providing timely responses to requests for information. Complete records need not be maintained in such an office if the staff is able to secure needed information and pass it on to the borrower.

(ii) Toll-free telephone service at an office capable of providing needed information.

(2)(i) All borrowers must be informed of and reminded annually of the system available for obtaining answers to loan inquiries and the office from which needed information may be obtained. Toll-free telephone service need not be provided to a borrower other than at the office designated to serve the borrower nor other than from the immediate vicinity of the security property.

(ii) The mortgagee shall provide the borrower with the telephone number where the borrower may speak to employee(s) specifically designated by the mortgagee or its servicer to address inquiries concerning mortgages insured under this part. Such information shall be provided annually and whenever the servicer or the designated employee (or employee group) changes.

(3) Mortgagees must respond to FHA requests for information concerning individual accounts.

§ 206.205 - Property charges.

(a) General. (1) The borrower shall be responsible for the payment of the following property charges before or on the due date: ground rents, condominium fees, planned unit development fees, and homeowners' association fees.

(2) Payment of the following property charges are obligations of the borrower and shall be made through the LESA, by the borrower, or by the mortgagee, in accordance with paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section on or before the due date: property taxes, including any special assessments levied by local or State law, hazard insurance premiums, and applicable flood insurance premiums.

(b) Method of property charge payment—(1) LESA required. For fixed or adjustable interest rate HECMs, based on the results of the Financial Assessment, the mortgagee may require the borrower to have a Fully-Funded LESA for the payment of property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. For adjustable interest rate HECMs, based on the results of the Financial Assessment, the mortgagee may require the borrower to have a Partially-Funded LESA for the payment of property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(2) LESA not required. (i) If, based on the results of the Financial Assessment, the mortgagee does not require the borrower to have a LESA, the borrower shall elect one of the following at closing, whereby an election of the option in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) or (C) of this section cannot be cancelled by the borrower:

(A) Borrower is responsible for the independent payment of all property charges;

(B) Borrower elects to have a Fully-Funded LESA for the payment of property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section; or

(C) For adjustable interest rate HECMs only, borrower elects to have the mortgagee pay property charges listed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section which would have otherwise been required to be paid by the borrower, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section.

(ii) Through Federal Register notice, the Commissioner may establish an incentive for voluntarily electing a LESA under paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) of this section.

(c) Life Expectancy Set Aside—(1) General. (i) For a Fully-Funded LESA, the mortgagee shall:

(A) Make payments for property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section before bills become delinquent and establish controls to ensure that the information needed to pay such bills is obtained on a timely basis;

(B) Make early payments to take advantage of a discount whenever it is to the borrower's advantage;

(C) Not charge the borrower penalties for late payments for property charges unless it can be shown that the penalty was the direct result of the borrower's error or omission;

(D) Ensure that LESA funds are not held in an escrow account;

(E) Add payments for property charges to the outstanding loan balance when the mortgagee disburses funds to the taxing authority or insurance carrier; and

(F) Provide written notification to the borrower and FHA within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification that a property charge payment is outstanding when there are no funds or insufficient funds remaining in the LESA, and recommend that the borrower speak with a HUD-Approved Housing Counselor.

(ii) For a Partially-Funded LESA, the mortgagee shall:

(A) Ensure that LESA funds are disbursed to the borrower semi-annually;

(B) Establish controls to ensure the taxing authority, insurance carrier, or both, received the borrower's payment;

(C) Ensure the LESA funds are not held in an escrow account;

(D) Add payments disbursed to the borrower for the payment of property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) to the outstanding loan balance when the mortgagee disburses the funds; and

(E) Provide written notification to the borrower and FHA within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification that a property charge payment is outstanding when there are no funds or insufficient funds remaining in the LESA, and recommend that the borrower speak with a HUD-Approved Housing Counselor.

(2) Calculation of property charges. (i) The projected cost of property charges that will be required over the life expectancy of the youngest borrower shall be calculated based on a formula established by the Commissioner.

(ii) The mortgagee shall not require any LESA to be funded in excess of the projected cost of property charges.

(iii) For a Fully-Funded LESA, the amount withheld from the mortgage proceeds shall equal the projected cost of property charges.

(iv) For a Partially-Funded LESA, the amount withheld from the mortgage proceeds is based on a calculation of the gap in residual income and may not exceed the projected cost of property charges.

(v) Mortgagees shall use the HECM Financial Assessment and Property Charge Guide, or subsequent guide issued by the Commissioner, to determine whether a LESA is required; view the formula for calculating the projected costs of property charges; and view the formulas for calculating the Fully- and Partially-Funded LESA amounts.

(3) Annual analysis of LESA. Mortgagees shall perform an annual analysis of the LESA to determine whether the funds are sufficient to make required distributions for the next year. If funds are exhausted or there is an insufficient balance determination, the mortgagee shall notify the borrower, in writing and within 15 calendar days of the annual analysis of the determination, that LESA funds are exhausted or insufficient and the borrower will be responsible for the payment of property charges.

(4) Non-payment of property charges—(i) Fully-Funded LESA for an adjustable interest rate HECM with no remaining funds. (A) If the LESA is exhausted and the borrower fails to make property charge payments, the mortgagee shall use any available principal limit to pay the outstanding property charge amount in full and charge the borrower's account.

(B) The mortgagee shall provide the borrower with a written notification within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification that a property charge payment is outstanding. The borrower shall have 30 days to respond to the mortgagee to explain the circumstances which resulted in the non-payment. (C) If there is no available principal limit from which the mortgagee can pay the property charge amount in full, and the borrower fails to pay the property charges, the mortgage will become due and payable under § 206.27(c)(2).

(ii) Fully-Funded LESA for a fixed interest rate HECM with no remaining funds. If the LESA is exhausted and the borrower fails to make property charge payments, the mortgage will become due and payable under § 206.27(c)(2). —

(iii) Partially-Funded LESA with remaining funds. If funds remain in the LESA and the borrower fails to make property charge payments, the mortgagee shall:

(A) Immediately suspend future semi-annual payments to the borrower from the Partially-Funded LESA, although scheduled and unscheduled payments from the borrower's payment option may continue;

(B) Disburse funds from the Partially-Funded LESA to pay the full amount owed for the past due property charge; and

(C) Provide written notification to the borrower, within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification that a property charge payment is outstanding, that funds were advanced from the Partially-Funded LESA to pay the outstanding property charge. The borrower shall have 30 days to respond to the mortgagee to explain the circumstances which resulted in the non-payment.

(iv) Partially-Funded LESA with no remaining funds. (A) If the LESA is exhausted and the borrower fails to make property charge payments when due, the mortgagee shall use any funds available in the principal limit to pay the outstanding property charge amount in full and charge the borrower's account.

(B) The mortgagee shall provide written notification to the borrower within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification that a property charge payment is outstanding. The borrower shall have 30 days to respond to the mortgagee to explain the circumstances which resulted in the non-payment.

(C) If there is no available principal limit from which the mortgagee can pay the property charge amount in full, and the borrower fails to pay the property charges, the mortgage will become due and payable under § 206.27(c)(2).

(5) Unused LESA funds. During a Deferral Period or when one of the events listed in § 206.27(c)(1) or (c)(2) have occurred, no unused funds from the LESA shall be disbursed.

(6) Assignment of mortgage to the Commissioner. If the insured first mortgage is assigned to the Commissioner, or if payments are made through the second mortgage under the Demand Assignment process, the Commissioner is not required to assume the responsibility for property charge payments, but may continue to administer payments for property charges for a borrower with a Fully-Funded LESA or semi-annual disbursements to a borrower with a Partially-Funded LESA to the extent that there are any funds available in the LESA. For adjustable interest rate HECMs, if the LESA has a positive remaining balance but funds are insufficient to pay all property charges due or semi-annual disbursements to the borrower, the Commissioner may provide the remaining funds to the borrower as a line of credit.

(d) Borrower elects to have mortgagee pay property charges. If, based on the results of the Financial Assessment, the mortgagee does not require the borrower to have a LESA, for adjustable interest rate HECMs, the borrower may elect at closing to require the mortgagee to pay property charges identified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section by withholding funds from monthly payments due to the borrower or by charging such funds to a line of credit. This voluntary election to have funds withheld by the mortgagee to pay property charges cannot be canceled by the borrower at any time. If the sum of the outstanding loan balance and any unused set aside for repairs and servicing charges has reached the principal limit or the HECM proceeds are otherwise insufficient to pay the property charges, the borrower shall pay such property charges, even though the borrower elected payment to be made by the mortgagee. Through Federal Register notice, the Commissioner may expand the borrower's options for property charge payment by the mortgagee.

(1) Assignment of mortgage to the Commissioner. If the insured first mortgage is assigned to the Commissioner under § 206.107(a)(1) or § 206.121(b), or if payments are made through the second mortgage under § 206.121(c), the Commissioner is not required to assume the mortgagee's responsibility under paragraph (d) of this section, despite the election by the borrower.

(2) Mortgagee's responsibilities. (i) Funds withheld from payments due to the borrower for property charges under paragraph (d) of this section shall not be paid into an escrow account. When property charges are actually paid, the mortgagee may add the amount paid to the outstanding loan balance.

(ii) It is the mortgagee's responsibility to make disbursements for property charges before bills become delinquent. Mortgagees shall establish controls to ensure that the information needed to pay such bills is obtained on a timely basis. Penalties for late payments for property charges must not be charged to the borrower unless it can be shown that the penalty was the direct result of the borrower's error or omission. Early payment of a bill to take advantage of a discount should be made whenever it is to the borrower's benefit.

(iii) Not later than the end of the second loan year the mortgagee shall establish a system for the periodic analysis of the amounts withheld from monthly payments. The analysis shall be performed at least once a year thereafter. The amount shall be adjusted, after analysis, to provide sufficient available funds to make anticipated disbursements during the ensuing year. The borrower shall be given at least ten days' notice of adjustment in the amount of withholding and an adequate explanation of the reasons for any change. When the amount withheld is analyzed in accordance with this paragraph, any surplus shall be paid to the borrower and added to the outstanding loan balance. Any shortage shall be corrected through increasing the monthly withholding as provided in paragraph (d)(2)(iv) of this section. If amounts withheld are insufficient to pay a property charge before it is delinquent, and the borrower could request a payment equal to the shortage under § 206.26(b), then the mortgagee shall pay the full property charge and treat payment of the shortage as a payment requested by the borrower under § 206.26(b).

(iv) The mortgagee's estimate of withholding amount shall be based on the best information available as to probable payments which will be required to be made for property charges in the coming year. If actual disbursements during the preceding year are used as the basis, the resulting estimate may deviate from those disbursements by as much as ten percent. The mortgagee may not require withholding in excess of the current estimated total annual requirement, unless expressly requested by the borrower. Each monthly withholding for property charges shall equal one-twelfth of the annual amounts as reasonably estimated by the mortgagee.

(e) Borrower elects to pay property charges. (1) If, based on the results of the Financial Assessment, the mortgagee does not require the borrower to have a LESA, the borrower may elect to be responsible for the independent payment of all property charges and shall pay all property charges in a timely manner and shall provide evidence of payment to the mortgagee as required in the mortgage.

(2) Failure to pay property charges. If the borrower fails to pay the property charges in a timely manner, and has not elected to have the mortgagee make the payments in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section:

(i) The mortgagee may make the payment for the borrower and charge the borrower's account if there are available funds from which the mortgagee may make payment. If a pattern of missed payments occurs, the mortgagee may establish procedures to pay the property charges from the borrower's funds as if the borrower elected to have the mortgagee pay the property charges under this section.

(ii) The mortgagee shall provide a written notification to the borrower and notify the Commissioner that an obligation of the mortgage has not been performed within 30 days of the mortgagee receiving notification of a missed payment when there are no available HECM funds from which the mortgagee may make payment. The borrower shall have 30 days to respond to the mortgagee to explain the circumstances which resulted in the non-payment. The mortgagee may provide any permissible loss mitigation made available by the Commissioner through notice. If the borrower is unable or unwilling to repay the mortgagee for any funds advanced by the mortgagee to pay property charges outside of a LESA, the mortgagee shall submit a due and payable request under the provisions of § 206.27(c)(2).

§ 206.207 - Allowable charges and fees after endorsement.

(a) Reasonable and customary charges. The mortgagee may collect reasonable and customary charges and fees from the borrower after insurance endorsement, only to the extent that the mortgagee is not reimbursed for such fees by FHA, by adding them to the outstanding loan balance, but only for: items listed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section; items authorized by the Commissioner under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, or as provided at § 206.26(b)(1)(iii); or charges and fees related to additional documents described in § 206.27(b)(10) and related title search costs.

(1)(i) Charges for substitution of a hazard insurance policy at other than the expiration of term of the existing hazard insurance policy;

(ii) Attorney's and trustee's fees and expenses actually incurred (including the cost of appraisals and cost of advertising) when a case has been referred for foreclosure in accordance with the provisions of this part after a firm decision to foreclose if foreclosure is not completed because of a reinstatement of the account (no attorney's fee may be charged for the services of the mortgagee's or servicer's staff attorney or for the services of a collection attorney other than the attorney handling the foreclosure);

(iii) A trustee's fee if the security instrument in deed-of-trust states provides for payment of such a fee for execution of a satisfactory, release, or trustee's deed when the deed of trust is paid in full;

(iv) Where permitted by the security instrument, attorney's fees and expenses actually incurred in the defense of any suit or legal proceeding wherein the mortgagee shall be made a party thereto by reason of the mortgage (no attorney's fee may be charged for the services of the mortgagee's or servicer's staff attorney); and

(v) Property preservation expenses incurred pursuant to § 206.140.

(2) Such other reasonable and customary charges as may be authorized by the Commissioner, but which shall not include:

(i) Charges for servicing activities of the mortgagee or servicer;

(ii) Fees charged by independent tax service organizations which contract to furnish data and information necessary for the payment of property taxes;

(iii) Satisfaction, termination, or reconveyance fees when a mortgage is paid in full (other than as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section); or

(iv) The fee for recordation of a satisfaction of the mortgage in states where recordation is the responsibility of the mortgagee.

(b) Servicing charges. (1) If the following conditions are met, the mortgagee may include a servicing charge in the mortgage Note rate, starting with the month of loan closing and continuing through the life of the loan, including any applicable Deferral Period:

(i) The charge is authorized by the Commissioner;

(ii) The charge is selected by the mortgagee;

(iii) The charge is within the range established by the Commissioner, which shall be set, through notice, in an amount which shall be between 36 and 150 basis points. The Commissioner may, through a Federal Register notice for comment, extend the range of permissible charges below 36 basis points and above 150 basis points; and

(iv) The charge is disclosed as required by § 206.43 to the borrower in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner at the time the mortgagee provides the borrower with a loan application; or

(2) If the following conditions are met, the mortgagee may collect a fixed monthly charge for servicing activities of the mortgagee or servicer, starting with the month of loan closing and continuing through the life of the loan, including any applicable Deferral Period.

(i) The charge is authorized by the Commissioner;

(ii) The charge is disclosed as required by § 206.43 to the borrower in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner at the time the mortgagee provides the borrower with a loan application;

(iii) Amounts to pay the charge are set aside as a portion of the principal limit in accordance with § 206.19(f)(3); and

(iv) The charge is payable only from the Servicing Fee Set Aside.

§ 206.209 - Prepayment.

(a) No charge or penalty. The borrower may repay a mortgage in full or prepay a mortgage in part without charge or penalty at any time, regardless of any limitations on repayment or prepayment stated in a mortgage.

(b) Insurance and condemnation proceeds. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid to the mortgagee, the principal limit and the outstanding loan balance shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds not applied to restoration or repair of the damaged property.

(c) Funds received from a partial prepayment shall be applied in accordance with the Note.

§ 206.211 - Determination of principal residence and contact information.

(a) Annual certification. At least once during each calendar year, the mortgagee shall verify the contact information for the borrower(s) and determine whether or not the property is the principal residence of at least one borrower. The mortgagee shall require each borrower to make an annual certification of his or her contact information and principal residence. As part of the annual certification, the borrower may designate an alternate individual as specified in § 206.40 to receive copies of the notifications from the mortgagee, and who the mortgagee shall contact if the borrower is unwilling or unable to reply to requests from the mortgagee. The mortgagee may rely on the certification unless it has information indicating that the certification may be false.

(b) Requirements when an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse exists. Where an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse has been identified, the mortgagee shall obtain an additional annual certification from the borrower confirming the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse remains his or her spouse and the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse continues to reside in the property as his or her principal residence.

(1) Death of borrower with Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse. If a borrower with an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse has died, the mortgagee shall obtain the annual certification in paragraph (a) of this section from the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse. For purposes of this paragraph, the term “Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse” shall replace the term “borrower” in paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) Failure of previously Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse to reside in the property as his or her principal residence. If a Non-Borrowing Spouse fails to reside in the property as his or her principal residence, the Non-Borrowing Spouse becomes an Ineligible Non-Borrowing Spouse and the deferral of due and payable status that would prevent the displacement of an Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse will no longer be in effect. Once this occurs, the Eligible Non-Borrowing Spouse annual certifications are no longer required to be obtained.

source: 82 FR 7117, Jan. 19, 2017, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 206.207