Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 10, 2025
Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 232.505 - Application and application fee.
(a) Filing of application. An application for insurance of a fire safety loan for a nursing home, intermediate care facility, assisted living facility or board and care home shall be submitted on an approved HUD form by an approved lender and by the owners of the project to the HUD office.
(b) Application fee. See 24 CFR 200.40(d)(2).
[80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.510 - Commitment and commitment fee.
(a) Issuance of commitment. Upon approval of an application for insurance, a commitment shall be issued by the Commissioner setting forth the terms and conditions upon which the fire safety loan will be insured.
(b) Type of commitment. The commitment will provide for the insurance of the loan after satisfactory completion of installation of the fire safety equipment, as determined by the Commissioner.
(c) Term of commitment. A commitment shall have a term as the Commissioner deems necessary for satisfactory completion of installation.
(d) Commitment fee. See 24 CFR 200.40(d)(2).
(e) Increase in commitment prior to endorsement. An application, filed prior to endorsement, for an increase in the amount of an outstanding firm commitment shall be accompanied by an additional application fee. The additional application fee shall be in an amount determined by the Secretary as equal to the amount determined under 24 CFR 200.40(d)(2), which shall not exceed $5.00 per thousand dollars of the amount of the requested increase. If an inspection fee was required in the original commitment, an additional inspection fee shall be paid in an amount computed at the same dollar rate per thousand dollars of the amount of increase in commitment as was used for the inspection fee required in the original commitment. The additional inspection fee shall be paid prior to the date installation of fire safety equipment is begun, or, if installation has begun, it shall be paid with the application for increase.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.515 - Refund of fees.
If the amount of the commitment issued or an increase in the loan amount prior to endorsement is less than the amount applied for, the Commissioner shall refund the excess amount of the application fee submitted by the applicant. If an application is rejected before it is assigned for processing, or in such other instances as the Commissioner may determine, the entire application fee or any portion thereof may be returned to the applicant.
[80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.520 - Maximum fees and charges by lender.
See 24 CFR 200.40 titled “HUD fees” and 200.41 titled “Maximum mortgage fees and charges” for maximum fees and charges applicable to mortgages insured under 24 CFR part 232.
[80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.522 - Inspection fee.
See 24 CFR 200.40 titled “HUD fees” and 200.41 titled “Maximum mortgage fees and charges” for maximum fees and charges applicable to mortgages insured under 24 CFR part 232.
[80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.500 - Definitions.
In addition to the definitions contained in subpart A, incorporated herein by reference, the following terms, as used in §§ 232.500 et seq., shall have the meaning indicated:
(a) Insured loan means a loan insured by the endorsement of the credit instrument by the Commissioner.
(b) Insurance premium means the loan insurance premium paid by the financial institution to the Commissioner in consideration of the contract of insurance.
(c)(1) Fire safety equipment means equipment that is purchased, installed, and maintained in a nursing home, intermediate care facility, assisted living facility, or board and care home and that meets the following standards for the applicable occupancy:
(i) The edition of The Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association as accepted by the Department of Health and Human Services in 42 CFR 483.70; or
(ii) A standard mandated by a State under the provisions of section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act.
(iii) Any appropriate requirement approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for providers of services under title XVIII or title XIX of the Social Security Act.
(2) In addition to those requirements approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as necessary for the appropriate level of occupancy, fire safety equipment may also include fire safety-related improvements that are not mandatory under the requirements of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, but which the Secretary of Health and Human Services considers acceptable and reasonable for protection against the hazards of fire and which the borrower agrees to install.
(3) For the purposes of this definition, the terms nursing home and intermediate care facility shall include those facilities designated as skilled nursing facilities or intermediate care facilities by the Department of Health and Human Services.
(d) Fire safety loan means any form of secured or unsecured obligation determined by the Commissioner to be eligible for insurance under this subpart and, in the case of an assisted living facility or a board and care home, made with respect to such a home located in a State which the Secretary has determined is in compliance with the provisions of section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act.
(e) Equipment cost means the reasonable cost of fire safety equipment fully installed as determined by the Commissioner.
(f) Insured loan maturity means the date on which the loan indebtedness would be extinguished if paid in accordance with periodic payments provided for in the loan instrument or instruments.
(g) Approved lender means a financial institution or other mortgagee approved by the Commissioner as eligible for insurance under section 2 of the National Housing Act, or a mortgagee approved under section 203(b)(1) of the National Housing Act.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 50 FR 37522, Sept. 16, 1985; 59 FR 61228, Nov. 29, 1994; 80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.525 - Note and security form.
The lender shall present for insurance a note and security instrument, if required, on forms approved by the Commissioner for use in the jurisdiction in which the property to be improved is located.
§ 232.530 - Disbursement of proceeds.
At the time of endorsement for insurance of the note by the Commissioner, the entire principal amount of the note shall have been disbursed to the borrower or to his creditors for his account and with his consent.
§ 232.535 - Loan multiples—minimum principal.
The loan shall involve a principal obligation in multiples of $100, and the minimum principal obligation shall be $10,000.
[40 FR 4908, Feb. 3, 1975]
§ 232.540 - Method of loan payment and amortization period.
See 24 CFR 200.82 titled “Maturity” for loan payment and amortization period requirements applicable to mortgages insured under 24 CFR part 232.
[80 FR 48027, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.545 - Covenant against liens.
(a) The security instrument shall contain a covenant against the creation by the borrower of additional liens against the property superior or inferior to the lien of such instrument, except with the prior approval of the Commissioner.
(b) The covenant required under paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply where a lien inferior to the lien of the insured mortgage is given in favor of a Federal, State or local governmental agency or instrumentality under such circumstances as may be approved by the Commissioner, provided the source of funds for repayment of the inferior lien is limited to surplus cash or residual receipts.
[36 FR 24641, Dec. 22, 1971, as amended at 48 FR 35393, Aug. 4, 1983; 49 FR 12215, Mar. 29, 1984]
§ 232.550 - Accumulation of next premium.
The security instrument shall provide for payments by the borrower to the lender on each interest payment date of an amount sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the lender one payment period prior to its due date the next annual insurance premium payable by the lender to the Commissioner.
§ 232.555 - Security instrument and lien.
The security instrument shall cover the entire property included in the project, shall be a lien on the real property of the project under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the project is located, and may be junior to such prior liens or mortgages indebtedness as the Commissioner may approve. The Commissioner may from time to time require such other security, in lieu of, or in addition to, a lien on real property as he may prescribe.
§ 232.560 - Interest rate.
(a) The loan shall bear interest at the rate agreed upon by the lender and the borrower.
(b) Interest shall be payable in monthly installments on the principal amount of the loan outstanding on the due date of each installment.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 53 FR 3366, Feb. 5, 1988; 53 FR 8885, Mar. 18, 1988]
§ 232.565 - Maximum loan amount.
The principal amount of the loan shall not exceed the lower of the Commissioner's estimate of the cost of the fire safety equipment, including the cost of installation and eligible fees, or the amount supported by ninety percent (90%) of the residual income, which is ninety percent (90%) of the amount of net income remaining after payment of all existing debt service requirements, as determined by the Commissioner. The cost of installation may include the cost of such other work to be performed on the project necessary to meet the requirements of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Commissioner to enhance the fire safety of the project, and such costs incidental to installation as may be approved by the Commissioner.
[40 FR 4908, Feb. 3, 1975, as amended at 80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.570 - Endorsement of credit instrument.
The Commissioner shall indicate his insurance of the loan by endorsing the credit instrument and identifying the section of the Act and regulations under which the loan is insured and the date of insurance, subject to the presentation and approval by him of the following:
(a) Certification of full disbursement of loan proceeds as provided for in § 232.530.
(b) Certification of costs as required by § 232.610.
(c) Certification that fire safety equipment was installed as required by § 232.500(c).
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.580 - Application of payments.
(a) The security instrument shall provide that all monthly payments to be made by the borrower shall be added together and this aggregate amount shall be paid by the borrower upon each monthly payment date in a single payment. The lender shall apply the payment to the following items in the order set forth:
(1) Premium charges under the contract of insurance;
(2) Interest on the loan;
(3) Amortization of the principal of the loan;
(b) Any deficiency in the amount of any monthly payments required under paragraph (a) of this section shall constitute an event of default and the loan shall further provide for a grace period of 30 days within which time the default must be cured.
§ 232.585 - Prepayment privilege and prepayment charge.
The security instrument shall contain a provision permitting prepayment of the loan in whole or in part upon any interest payment date after giving to the lender 30 days' advance written notice and it may contain a provision, with the approval of the Commissioner, for a reasonable charge in the event of prepayment.
§ 232.586 - Minimum principal loan amount.
A mortgagee may not require, as a condition of providing a loan secured by a mortgage insured under this subpart, that the principal amount of the mortgage exceed a minimum amount established by the mortgagee.
[53 FR 8885, Mar. 18, 1988]
§ 232.590 - Eligibility of property.
(a) A loan to be eligible for insurance shall be on real estate held:
(1) In fee simple; or
(2) On the interest of the lessee under a lease for not less than ninety-nine years which is renewable; or
(3) Under a lease having a period of not less than “twenty-five” years to run from the date the loan is executed.
(b) The property constituting security for the loan transaction must be held by an eligible borrower as herein defined and must at the time the loan is insured be free and clear of all liens other than those specifically approved by the Commissioner.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974; 39 FR 30349, Aug. 22, 1974]
§ 232.591 - Smoke detectors.
After October 30, 1992, each occupied room must include at least one battery-operated or hard-wired smoke detector in proper working condition. If the room is occupied by hearing-impaired persons, the smoke detector must have an alarm system designed for hearing-impaired persons, unless the smoke alarm is connected to a central alarm system that is monitored on a 24-hour basis, or otherwise meets industry standards.
[57 FR 33850, July 30, 1992]
§ 232.595 - Eligibility of title.
In order for the property which is to be the security for a loan to be insured under this subpart to be eligible for insurance, the Commissioner shall determine that the title to the property is vested in the borrower as of the date the security instrument is filed for record. The title evidence will be examined by the Commissioner and the endorsement of the credit instrument for insurance shall be evidence of its acceptability.
§ 232.600 - Title evidence.
The lender, without expense to the Commissioner, shall furnish to the Commissioner a policy of title insurance, or if the lender is unable to furnish a policy for reasons satisfactory to the Commissioner, the lender, without expense to the Commissioner, shall furnish an abstract of title. The following are the requirements covering the title insurance and abstract of title:
(a) The policy of title insurance shall be issued by a company, and in a form, satisfactory to the Commissioner. The policy shall name as the insureds the lender and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as their respective interests may appear. The policy shall provide that upon acquisition of title by the lender or the Secretary, the policy of title insurance will continue to provide the same coverage as the original policy, and will run to the lender or the Secretary, as the case may be.
(b) The abstract of title shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner, prepared by an abstract title company or an individual engaged in the business of preparing abstracts of title, accompanied by a legal opinion satisfactory to the Commissioner, as to the quality of such title, signed by an attorney at law experienced in the examination of titles.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 58 FR 34216, June 24, 1993]
§ 232.605 - Contract requirements.
The contract between the mortgagor and the general contractor may be in the form of a lump sum contract, a cost plus contract, or different or alternative forms of contract specified by the Commissioner.
[80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.610 - Certification of cost requirements.
(a) Certificate and adjustment. No loan shall be insured unless a certification of actual cost is made by the contractor.
(b) Cost computation. The term actual cost of the improvements shall mean the cost to the borrower of the improvements, after deducting the amount of any kickbacks, rebates, or trade discount received in connection with the improvements, and including the amounts paid under any contract for the improvements, labor, materials, and for any other items of expense approved by the Commissioner.
(c) Statement of facts. Any agreement, undertaking, statement or certification required in connection with cost certification shall specifically state that it has been made, presented and delivered for the purpose of influencing an official action of the Commissioner and may be relied upon as a true statement of the facts contained therein.
(d) Incontestability. Upon the Commissioner's approval of the cost certification, such certification shall be final and incontestable except for fraud or material misrepresentation on the part of the borrower.
(e) Records. The borrower shall keep and maintain adequate records of all costs of any construction improvements or other cost items not representing work under the general contract and shall require the builder to keep similar records and, upon request by the Commissioner, shall make available for examination such records, including any collateral agreements.
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974, as amended at 80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.615 - Eligible borrowers.
(a) In order to be eligible as a borrower under this subpart the applicant shall be a profit or non-profit entity, which owns a nursing home or intermediate care facility for which the Secretary of Health and Human Services has determined that the installation of fire safety equipment in such facility is necessary to meet the applicable requirements of the Secretary of Health and Human Services for providers of services under Title XVIII and Title XIX of the Social Security Act and that upon completion of the installation of such equipment the nursing home or intermediate care facility will meet the applicable fire safety requirements of HHS. Until the termination of all obligations of the Commissioner under an insurance contract under this subpart and during such further period of time as the Commissioner shall be the owner, holder, or reinsurer of the loan, the borrower shall be regulated or restricted by the Commissioner as to methods of operation including requirements for maintenance of fire safety equipment.
(b) Also eligible as a borrower shall be a profit or nonprofit entity which owns an assisted living facility or board and care home for which HUD has determined that the installation of fire safety equipment is approvable under the definition contained in § 232.500(c).
[39 FR 28966, Aug. 12, 1974; 39 FR 30349, Aug. 22, 1974, as amended at 50 FR 37523, Sept. 16, 1985; 59 FR 61228, Nov. 29, 1994; 80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.616 - Disclosure and verification of Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers.
To be eligible for mortgage insurance under this subpart, the borrower must meet the requirements for the disclosure and verification of Social Security and Employer Identification Numbers, as provided by part 200, subpart U, of this chapter.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0118)
[54 FR 39695, Sept. 27, 1989]
§ 232.620 - Determination of compliance with fire safety equipment requirements.
Prior to Endorsement, applicant must provide certification that the installed improvements will meet HHS, as well as all other Federal, state and local requirements for fire safety equipment, if applicable.
[80 FR 48028, Aug. 11, 2015]
§ 232.625 - Discrimination prohibited.
Any contract or subcontract executed for the installation of equipment, or construction of improvements to the project shall provide that there shall be no discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, religion, race, color, creed or national origin.
§ 232.630 - Assurance of completion.
If the property upon which the fire safety equipment is to be installed is subject to a mortgage insured or held by the Commissioner pursuant to subpart B of this part, the Commissioner may require such assurance of completion of the contract for installation as he may from time to time prescribe.
source: 36 FR 24618, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 232.522