Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 241.1000 - Purpose and scope.

(a) Section 231 of the Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1989 (“ELIHPA”) amended the National Housing Act by adding a new subsection (f) to section 241. This section authorizes the Secretary to provide insurance for an equity loan as a vehicle for the owner of an eligible multifamily project to capture a portion of the project's equity, in connection with a plan of action approved by the Commissioner under ELIHPA.

(b) Section 602 of the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (“LIHPRHA”) amended section 241 by expanding its scope to include both equity loans for owners, and acquisition loans for purchasers, under a plan of action approved under the provisions of the 1990 Act, and by making other changes. The provisions of section 241(f) as amended by LIHPRHA are applicable to owners with plans of action being processed under part 248, subpart B of this chapter, which implements LIHPRHA.

(c) The provisions of section 241(f) of the Act as they were in effect prior to LIHPRHA remain in effect for owners with plans of action being processed under part 248, subpart C of this chapter, which implements ELIHPA.

(d) The insurance of an equity loan or acquisition loan under subpart E of this part may be provided only as a specific element of a plan of action approved by the Commissioner under part 248 of this chapter and is not available under any other departmental program.

(e) Unless otherwise indicated, the provisions of subparts E and F of this part are applicable to loans insured in connection with plans of action being processed under either subpart B or C of part 248 of this chapter.

(f) An owner or purchaser may obtain both a rehabilitation loan under subpart A of this part and an equity loan or acquisition loan under subpart E of this part.

§ 241.1005 - Definitions.

(a) All of the definitions of § 241.1 apply to equity and acquisition loans insured under subpart E of this part except the following definitions:

§ 241.1(i)—Borrower; § 241.1(k)—Energy conserving improvements; § 241.1(1)—Solar energy system.

(b) As used in subpart E of this part, the following terms have the meaning indicated:

Acquisition loan means a loan or advance of credit made to a purchaser of eligible low income housing which is made for the purpose of implementing a plan of action approved in accordance with part 248 of this chapter.

Borrower means the owner or qualified purchaser of an eligible low income housing project, which owner receives and becomes primarily obligated for the repayment of an equity loan. With respect to loans insured in connection with a plan of action under part 248, subpart C of this chapter, the term includes a public entity, a nonprofit organization or a limited equity cooperative, which entity is purchasing an eligible low income housing project by means of an equity loan and is obligated for the payment of the equity loan.

Eligible low income housing has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 or § 248.201 of this chapter, with respect to loans insured in connection with plans of action under subparts B or C of part 248 of this chapter.

Equity means, for purpose of subparts E and F of this part only, the difference between the fair market value of the project as determined by the Commissioner and the outstanding indebtedness relating to the property.

Equity Loan means a loan or advance of credit to the owner of an eligible low income housing project which is made for the purpose of implementing a plan of action approved in accordance with part 248 of this chapter.

Extension preservation equity has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

Limited equity cooperative means a tenant cooperative corporation which, in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner, restricts the initial and resale price of the shares of stock in the cooperative corporation so that the shares remain affordable to low-income families and moderate income families.

Low-income families has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

Moderate income families has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

Plan of action has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 or § 248.201 of this chapter.

Preservation equity has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

Priority purchaser has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

Qualified Purchaser has the same meaning as provided at § 248.101 of this chapter.

§ 241.1010 - Feasibility letter.

(a) Request for study. The owner may request the Commissioner to undertake a feasibility analysis of an equity or acquisition loan, and issue a feasibility letter. At the discretion of the Commissioner the feasibility analysis may be undertaken or denied.

(b) Findings. The issuance of a feasibility letter indicates completion of the Commissioner's preliminary analysis for the insurance of an equity or acquisition loan. The feasibility letter shall contain the Commissioner's estimate of the supportable loan amount, based upon the project's equity in the case of an equity loan and based on the project's purchase price in the case of an acquisition loan, but such feasibility letter shall neither constitute a commitment to insure nor bind the Commissioner in any other manner.

(c) Fee. The Commissioner shall not charge a fee for undertaking a feasibility analysis or for the issuance of a feasibility letter.

§ 241.1015 - Processing of applications and required fees.

(a) Application. An application for the issuance of a firm commitment for insurance of an equity or acquisition loan on a project shall be submitted by an approved lender and by the owner or purchaser of the project to the Commissioner on a form prescribed by the Commissioner. No application shall be considered unless the exhibits called for by such forms are furnished.

(b) Commitment fees. An application for a firm commitment shall be accompanied by the payment of an application-commitment fee of $5.00 per thousand dollars of the requested loan amount to be insured.

[61 FR 14417, Apr. 1, 1996]
§ 241.1020 - Commitments.

(a) Firm commitment. The issuance of a firm commitment indicates the Commissioner's approval of the application for insurance and sets forth the terms and conditions upon which the equity or acquisition loan will be insured. The firm commitment may provide for the insurance of advances of the equity or acquisition loan immediately upon endorsement of the note.

(b) Term of commitment. (1) A firm commitment is effective for whatever term is specified in the text of the commitment.

(2) The term of a firm commitment may be extended in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe.

(c) Reopening of expired commitments. An expired firm commitment may be reopened if a request for reopening is received by the Commissioner within 90 days of the expiration of the commitment. The reopening request shall be accompanied by a fee of 50 cents per thousand dollars of the amount of the expired commitment. If the reopening request is not received by the Commissioner within the required 90-day period, a new application, accompanied by the required application and commitment fee, must be submitted.

[61 FR 14417, Apr. 1, 1996]
§ 241.1025 - Refund of fees.

If the amount of the commitment issued is less than the amount applied for, the Commissioner shall refund the excess amount of the application and commitment fees submitted by the applicant. If an application is rejected before it is assigned for processing, or in such other instances as the Commissioner may determine, the entire application and commitment fees or any portion thereof may be returned to the applicant. Commitment and reopening fees may also be refunded to the applicant, in whole or in part, in such other instances as the Commissioner may determine.

§ 241.1030 - Mortgage insurance premiums.

The lender, upon endorsement of the note, shall pay the Commissioner a first mortgage insurance premium equal to 0.5 percent of the original face amount of the equity or acquisition loan.

(a) If the date of the first principal payment is more than one year following the date of endorsement, the lender upon each anniversary of such endorsement date, shall pay a premium equal to 0.5 percent of the original face amount of the loan. On the date of the first principal payment, the lender shall pay another premium equal to 0.5 percent of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the following year which shall be adjusted so as to accord with such date and so that the aggregate of said premiums shall equal the sum of:

(1) 0.5 percent of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the year following the date of endorsement; and

(2) 0.5 percent per annum of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the period from the first anniversary of the date of endorsement to one year following the date of the first principal payment.

(b) If the date of the first principal payment is one year or less than one year following the date of endorsement, the lender, upon such first principal payment date, shall pay a second premium equal to 0.5 percent of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the following year which shall be adjusted so as to accord with such date and so that the aggregate of the said two premiums shall equal the sum of:

(1) 0.5 percent per annum of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the period from the date of endorsement to the date of the first principal payment; and

(2) 0.5 percent of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the year following the date of the first payment following the date of the first principal payment.

(c) Until the equity or acquisition loan is paid in full or until receipt by the Commissioner of an application for insurance benefits, or until the contract of insurance is otherwise terminated with the consent of the Commissioner, the lender on each anniversary date of the first principal payment, shall pay an annual insurance premium equal to 0.5 percent of the average outstanding principal obligation of the loan for the year following the date on which such premium becomes payable.

(d) The premiums payable on or after the date of the first principal payment shall be calculated in accordance with the amortizing provisions without taking into account delinquent payments or prepayments.

(e) Premiums shall be payable in cash or in debentures at par plus accrued interest. All premiums are payable in advance and no refund can be made of any portion thereof except as hereinafter provided in subpart E of this part.

§ 241.1035 - Charges by lender.

(a) The lender may collect from the borrower the amount of the fees provided for by subpart E of this part.

(b) The lender may also collect from the borrower an initial service charge, as reimbursement for the cost of closing the transaction, in an amount not to exceed 2 percent of the original principal amount of the loan.

(c) Any charges to be collected by the lender in addition to those prescribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, shall be subject to the prior approval of the Commissioner.

§ 241.1040 - Eligible lenders.

Lenders approved as mortgagees under §§ 202.6, 202.7 or 202.9 of this chapter are eligible for insurance of equity loans under this subpart.

[62 FR 20088, Apr. 24, 1997]
§ 241.1045 - Note and security form.

The lender shall present for insurance a note and security instrument on forms approved by the Commissioner for use in the jurisdiction in which the property is located, which shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Commissioner. The security instrument shall provide for accelerated repayment at the request of the Commissioner pursuant to § 241.1046(b).

§ 241.1046 - Rental assistance.

(a) When underwriting an equity or acquisition loan under subpart E of this part, the Commissioner may assume that the rental assistance provided in accordance with a plan of action approved under subparts B or C of part 248 of this chapter will be extended for the full term of the contract entered into under the plan of action.

(b) In the event that rental assistance is not extended under part 248 of this chapter, or the Commissioner is unable to develop a revised package of incentives to the owner comparable to those received under the original approved plan of action, the Commissioner may require the mortgagee to accelerate the debt of the equity or acquisition loan.

(c) If the Commissioner is unable to extend the term of rental assistance for the full term of the contract entered into under part 248 of this chapter, the Commissioner is authorized to take such actions as the Commissioner deems appropriate to avoid default, avoid disruption of the sound ownership and management of the property or otherwise minimize the cost to the Federal Government.

§ 241.1050 - Method of loan payment.

The loan shall provide for monthly payments on the first day of each month on account of interest and principal and shall provide for payments in accordance with the amortization plan as agreed upon by the borrower, the lender, and the Commissioner.

§ 241.1055 - Date of first payment to principal.

The date for first payment to principal shall be established by the Commissioner.

§ 241.1060 - Maturity.

(a) Equity loans shall have a term not to exceed 40 years; and

(b) Acquisition loans shall have a term of 40 years.

[58 FR 37814, July 13, 1993]
§ 241.1065 - Maximum loan amount—loans insured in connection with a plan of action under subpart C of part 248 of this chapter.

The amount of the equity loan shall not exceed ninety percent of the owner's equity in the project, as determined by the Commissioner. Notwithstanding the above, the equity loan shall not exceed an amount which, when added to the existing indebtedness on the property, can be supported by 90 percent of the projected net operating income of the project, as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner, in making a determination regarding the amount of an equity loan and sums available to service said loan, shall take into account the fact that the project's income may increase within the limits established by § 248.233(d) of this chapter.

§ 241.1067 - Maximum loan amount—loans insured in connection with a plan of action under subpart B of part 248 of this chapter.

(a) The amount of the equity loan shall not exceed:

(1) The amount of rehabilitation costs as determined under an approved plan of action and related charges; plus

(2) The lesser of 70 percent of the extension preservation equity of the project; or

(3) The amount the Commissioner determines can be supported by the project on the basis of an 8 percent return on extension preservation equity, assuming normal debt service coverage. To the extent practicable, equity loans shall have amortization provisions which will support the maximum loan amount authorized under this section.

(b) The amount of the acquisition loan shall not exceed:

(1) The amount of rehabilitation costs as determined under an approved plan of action and related charges; plus

(2) Ninety-five percent of the transfer preservation equity of the project; and

(3) If the purchaser is a priority purchaser, the loan may include any expenses associated with the acquisition, loan closing, and implementation of the plan of action, subject to the approval of the Commissioner.

[58 FR 37814, July 13, 1993]
§ 241.1068 - Renegotiation of an equity loan.

The Commissioner shall renegotiate and modify the terms of an equity loan insured under this subpart at the request of the owner of the project for which a loan closing occurred if—

(a) The loan closing occurred between September 28, 1992 and January 26, 1993;

(b) The loan was made pursuant to a plan of action submitted under subpart C of part 248 of this chapter; and

(c) The plan of action was accepted by the Commissioner for processing in December 1991.

[58 FR 37814, July 13, 1993]
§ 241.1069 - Escrow requirements.

(a) An equity loan provided in connection with a plan of action under subpart B of part 248 of this chapter shall provide for the lender to deposit, on behalf of the borrower, 10 percent of the loan amount in an escrow account, controlled by the Commissioner or a State housing finance agency approved by the Commissioner, which shall be made available to the borrower upon the expiration of the 5-year period beginning on the date the loan is made, subject to compliance with § 248.147 of this chapter.

(b) An equity loan provided in connection with a plan of action under either subpart B or subpart C of part 248 of this chapter shall provide for the lender to phase in advances to reflect project rent levels.

§ 241.1070 - Agreed interest rate.

The equity or acquisition loan shall bear interest at the rate agreed upon by the borrower and the lender.

§ 241.1080 - Eligibility of title.

In order for the project to be eligible for insurance, the Commissioner shall determine that the title to the property is vested in the borrower as of the date the security instrument is filed for record. The title evidence will be examined by the Commissioner and the endorsement of the credit instrument for insurance shall be evidence of its acceptability.

§ 241.1085 - Title evidence.

(a) Upon insurance of the loan, the lender shall furnish to the Commissioner a policy of title insurance as provided in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. If the lender is unable to furnish such policy for reasons satisfactory to the Commissioner, the lender shall furnish such evidence of title as provided in paragraphs (a)(2), (3) or (4) of this section as the Commissioner may require. Any policy of title insurance, or evidence of title required under this section shall be furnished without expense to the Commissioner. The acceptable types of title evidence are:

(1) A policy of title insurance issued by a company and in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner. The policy shall name the lender and the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as their respective interests may appear, as the insured. The policy shall provide that upon acquisition of title by the lender or the Secretary, it will continue to provide the same coverage as the original policy, and will run to the lender upon its acquisition of the property in extinguishment of the debt, and to the Secretary upon acquisition of the property pursuant to the loan insurance contract.

(2) An abstract of title satisfactory to the Commissioner, prepared by an abstract company or individual engaged in the business of preparing abstracts of title, accompanied by a legal opinion satisfactory to the Commissioner, as to the quality of such title, signed by an attorney at law experienced in the examination of titles;

(3) A Torrens or similar title certification; or

(4) Evidence of title conforming to the standards of a supervising branch of the Government of the United States of America, or of any State or territory thereof.

[57 FR 12037, Apr. 8, 1992, as amended at 58 FR 34217, June 24, 1993]
§ 241.1090 - Accumulation of next premium.

The security instrument shall provide for payments by the borrower to the lender on each interest payment date of an amount sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the lender one payment period prior to its due date the next annual insurance premium payable by the lender to the Commissioner. These payments shall continue only as long as the contract of insurance remains in effect.

§ 241.1095 - Application of payments.

(a) The security instrument shall provide that all monthly payments to be made by the borrower shall be added together and the aggregate amount shall be paid by the borrower upon each monthly payment date in a single payment. The lender shall apply the payment in the following order:

(1) Premium charges under the contact of insurance;

(2) Interest on the loan; and

(3) Amortization of the principal of the loan.

(b) Any deficiency in the amount of any monthly payments required under paragraph (a) of this section shall constitute a default. The security instrument shall provide for a grace period of 30 days within which time the default must be cured.

§ 241.1100 - Prepayment privilege and charges.

(a) Prepayment privilege. (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the security instrument shall contain a provision permitting the borrower to prepay the loan, in whole or in part, upon any interest payment date after giving to the lender 30 days advance notice of its intention to prepay.

(2) If the loan exceeds $200,000, the security instrument may contain a provision for an additional charge in the event of prepayment of principal as may be agreed upon between the borrower and lender. These charges shall not be imposed if the loan is accelerated at the request of the Commissioner, pursuant to § 241.1046(b). The borrower shall be permitted to prepay up to 15 percent of the original principal amount of the loan in any one calendar year without any additional charge. A provision for an additional charge in the event of prepayment may not be included in a loan of $200,000 or less.

(b) Prepayment of bond-financed loan. Where the lender has obtained the funds for the loan by the issuance and sale of bonds or bond anticipation notes, or both, the loan may contain a prepayment restriction and prepayment penalty charges acceptable to the Commissioner as to term, amount, and conditions.

§ 241.1105 - Late charges.

The note and security instrument may provide for the lender's collection of a late charge, not to exceed 2 cents for each dollar of each payment to interest or principal more than 15 days in arrears, to cover the expense involved in handling delinquent payments. Late charges shall be separately charged to and collected from the borrower and shall not be deducted from any aggregate monthly payment.

§ 241.1120 - Mortgagee's consent.

The holder of an insured mortgage which is recorded prior to the equity or acquisition loan shall not withhold its consent to the equity or acquisition loan (whether or not such equity or acquisition loan is insured by the Commissioner) or the security instrument executed in connection therewith, and may not charge a fee as a condition to its consent to such loan or security instrument.

source: 36 FR 24653, Dec. 22, 1971, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 241.1100