Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
§ 248.201 - Definitions.

The terms Fair Market Rent (FMR) and Section 8 are defined in 24 CFR part 5.

Adjusted Income. Annual income, as specified in § 251.21 of this chapter, less allowances specified in the definition of Adjusted Income in § 215.1 of this chapter.

Allowable Distributions. The amount of cash or other assets that the owner may withdraw from the project under the terms of the regulatory agreement, applicable regulations, and administrative instructions, including the segregation of cash or assets for subsequent withdrawal, and excluding repayment of advances made for reasonable and necessary expenses incident to the operation and maintenance of the project.

Capital Improvement Loan. A direct loan originated by the Commissioner under part 219, subpart C of this chapter.

Eligible Low Income Housing. Any housing financed by a mortgage—

(a) That is—

(1) Insured or held by the Commissioner under section 221(d)(3) of the National Housing Act and assisted under part 886, subpart A of this title because of a conversion from assistance under part 215 of this chapter;

(2) Insured or held by the Commissioner under part 221 of this chapter and bearing a below market interest rate as provided under § 221.518(b) of this chapter;

(3) Insured, assisted, or held by the Commissioner or a State or State agency under part 236 of this chapter; or

(4) A purchase money mortgage held by the Commissioner with respect to a project which, immediately prior to HUD's acquisition, would have been classified under paragraph (a) (1), (2), or (3) of this definition; and

(b) That, under regulation or contract in effect before November 1, 1987, is, or within one year from the date of the notice of intent would become, eligible for prepayment without the prior approval of the Commissioner.

Equity. The Owner's investment in the housing project, as approved or determined by the Commissioner.

Equity Loan. A loan insured by the Commissioner under part 241, subpart E of this chapter.

Flexible Subsidy Assistance. Assistance provided by the Commissioner under part 219 of this chapter, other than a capital improvement loan.

Good Cause. Temporary or permanent uninhabitability of the project justifying relocation of all or some of the project's tenants (except where such uninhabitability is caused by the actions or inaction of the owner), or actions of the tenant that, under the terms of the tenant's lease and applicable regulations, constitute a basis for eviction.

Limited Equity Cooperative. A cooperative housing corporation in which income eligibility of purchasers or appreciation upon resale of membership shares, or both, are restricted in order to maintain the housing as available to and affordable by low and moderate income families and persons.

Low Income Affordability Restrictions. Limits imposed by regulation or regulatory agreement on tenant rents, rent contributions, or income eligibility with respect to eligible low income housing.

Low-Income Families. Families or persons whose incomes do not exceed the levels established for low-income families under part 5 of this title.

Moderate Income Families. Families or persons whose incomes are between 80 percent and 95 percent of median area income, as determined by the Commissioner with adjustments for smaller and larger families.

Mortgage. The mortgage or deed of trust insured or held by the Commissioner or a State or State agency under parts 221 or 236 of this chapter, or the purchase money mortgage taken back by the Commissioner in connection with the sale of a HUD-owned project and held by the Commissioner, where such mortgage, deed of trust or purchase money mortgage is secured by eligible low income housing.

Notice of Intent. An owner's notification of its intent to seek prepayment of its mortgage, termination of the mortgage insurance contract or amendment of the mortgage or regulatory agreement pursuant to this part.

Owner. The mortgagor or trustor under the mortgage secured by eligible low income housing.

Plan of Action. A plan providing for prepayment of the mortgage, termination of the mortgage insurance contract, or continuation of the mortgage in place, and providing for either the termination of low income affordability restrictions, or the continuation of the project's use as low-income housing under modified terms and conditions.

Prepayment. Prepayment in full of a mortgage, or a partial prepayment or series of partial prepayments that reduce the mortgage term by at least six months, except where the prepayment in full or partial prepayment results from the application of condemnation proceeds.

Project oversight costs. Reasonable expenses incurred by a nonprofit purchaser in carrying out its ongoing ownership responsibilities under an approved plan of action. Project oversight costs must be directly related to educating the nonprofit purchaser's board of directors or otherwise supporting the board in its decision making. Project oversight costs may include staff, overhead, or third-party contract costs for:

(1) Ensuring adequate and responsible participation by the board of directors and the membership of the nonprofit purchaser in ownership decisions, including ensuring resident input in these decisions;

(2) Facilitating long-range planning by the board of directors to ensure the physical, financial and social viability of the project for the entire time the project is maintained as low income housing; and

(3) Assisting the ownership in complying with regulatory, use, loan and grant agreements.

Regulatory Agreement. The agreement executed by the owner and the Commissioner or a State agency providing for the Commissioner's regulation of the operation of the project.

Reserve for Replacements. The escrow fund established under the regulatory agreement for the purpose of ensuring the availability of funds for needed repair and replacement costs.

Residual Receipt Fund. The fund established under the regulatory agreement for holding cash remaining after deducting from the surplus cash, as defined by the regulatory agreement, the amount of all allowable distributions.

Return on Investment. The amount of allowable distributions, tax benefits, and other income or benefits received by the owner, as a percentage of the equity.

Termination of Low Income Affordability Restrictions. The elimination of low income affordability restrictions under the regulatory agreement through termination of mortgage insurance or prepayment of the mortgage.

Use Agreement. An agreement or covenant which is executed and recorded in the appropriate land records in connection with an approved plan of action, has lien priority over other mortgages and liens, is binding upon the owner and its successors and assigns, is enforceable by the Commissioner and by tenants, contains appropriate reporting requirements, and restricts or governs the use and operation of the project with respect to rent levels and increases, relocation, and, where appropriate, tenant eligibility, civil rights and other requirements. All tenants in occupancy at the time that the plan of action is approved will receive a copy of the use agreement.

Very Low Income Families. Families or persons whose incomes do not exceed the level established for very low income families under section 3(b) of the 1937 Act (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)).

[55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated at 57 FR 12041, Apr. 8, 1992, and amended at 57 FR 57314, Dec. 3, 1992; 58 FR 37816, July 13, 1993; 61 FR 5207, Feb. 9, 1996; 64 FR 26639, May 14, 1999]
§ 248.203 - General prepayment limitation.

(a) An owner of eligible low income housing may prepay, and a mortgagee may accept prepayment of, a mortgage on such housing only in accordance with a plan of action approved by the Commissioner.

(b) A mortgage insurance contract with respect to eligible low income housing may be terminated pursuant to section 229 of the National Housing Act only in accordance with a plan of action approved by the Commissioner.

(c) A mortgagee's acceptance of a prepayment in violation of paragraph (a) or termination of a mortgage insurance contract in violation of paragraph (b) of this section is grounds for administrative action under parts 24 and 25 of this title, in addition to any other remedies available by law, including rescission of the prepayment or reinstatement on the insurance contract.

§ 248.211 - Notice of intent to prepay.

(a) An owner of eligible low-income housing seeking to prepay its mortgage or to negotiate changes in the terms of the mortgage or regulatory agreement in accordance with this part, including termination of the insurance contract pursuant to section 229 of the National Housing Act, shall file a notice of intent with the HUD field office in whose jurisdiction the project is located, and shall file a duplicate copy with the HUD Headquarters Office of Multifamily Housing Management, 451-7th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20410. The notice of intent shall identify the project by name, project number and location, briefly describe the owner's plans for the project, including any timetables or deadlines for actions to be taken, and the reason the owner seeks to prepay the mortgage or change the terms of the mortgage or regulatory agreement, and briefly describe any contacts that the owner has made or is making with other governmental agencies or other interested parties in connection with the notice of intent.

(b) An owner simultaneously shall file the notice of intent with:

(1) The chief executive officer of the appropriate State or local government in which the project is located, or any officer designated by executive order or State or local law to receive such information;

(2) Each tenant in the project; and

(3) The mortgagee.

In addition, the owner shall post a copy of the notice of intent in each occupied building in the project.

(c) Upon receipt of a notice of intent, the Commissioner will provide the owner with information that the owner needs to prepare a plan of action. This information shall include information regarding the Commissioner's standards under § 248.221 of this part regarding the approval of a plan of action involving termination of low income affordability restrictions, and any relevant market area and demographic information that the Secretary has custody of and that the owner may use in preparing the plan of action; in addition, it shall include at a minimum a list of the Federal incentives authorized under § 248.231 of this part for those projects for which a plan of action involving termination of low income affordability restrictions would not be approvable.

(d) Filing a notice of intent with the Commissioner will lead to one of the following results:

(1) Where the project meets the requirements of § 248.221 of this part—

(i) The Commissioner will approve the prepayment or the termination of mortgage insurance pursuant to § 248.221 of this part, and all low income affordability restrictions will be terminated with respect to some or all of the units; however, the owner would be responsible for ensuring that displaced current tenants are relocated to affordable housing, if necessary.

(ii) The Commissioner will approve the prepayment or termination of mortgage insurance pursuant to § 248.221 of this part, and all low income affordability restrictions will be terminated, except (where necessary because the project is located in a housing market where there is insufficient comparable, decent, safe and sanitary affordable housing to meet the needs of all current tenants) with regard to protection of current very low income, low income and moderate income tenants;

(2) Where the plan of action would not be approvable under § 248.221 of this part—

(i) The Commissioner will approve prepayment or the termination of mortgage insurance, but the owner will receive assistance under a State, local or other Federal government housing program, and will receive incentives pursuant to § 248.231 of this part from the Federal government in return for agreeing to conditions related to the continued use of the project as low income housing in accordance with § 248.233 of this part.

(ii) The Commissioner will not approve prepayment or the termination of mortgage insurance, but will provide incentives to the owner pursuant to § 248.231 of this part in accordance with a plan of action meeting the standards of § 248.233 of this part;

(iii) The Commissioner will not approve prepayment or the termination of mortgage insurance, but, after failing to reach agreement on a negotiated plan of action, the owner and the Commissioner will agree to a package of incentives and restrictions prescribed by § 248.241 of this part; or

(iv) The Commissioner will not approve prepayment or the termination of mortgage insurance, and will not offer incentives of any kind.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0378) [55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated at 57 FR 12041, Apr. 8, 1992, and amended at 58 FR 37816, July 13, 1993]
§ 248.213 - Plan of action.

(a) Preparation and submission. The owner shall submit the plan of action to the Commissioner in such form and manner as the Commissioner shall prescribe. The owner may submit the plan of action simultaneously to any appropriate State or local government agency, which shall, in reviewing the plan, consult with representatives of the tenants of the housing. An owner shall submit the plan of action to the Commissioner in such form and manner as the Commissioner shall prescribe. The owner shall notify the tenants of the plan of action by posting in each occupied building a summary of the plan of action and by delivery of a copy of the plan of action to the tenant representative, if any. In addition, the summary must indicate that a copy of the plan of action shall be available from the tenant representatives, whose names, addresses and telephone numbers are indicated on the summary, the local HUD field office, and the on-site office for the project, or if one is not available, in the location where rents are collected, for inspection and copying, at a reasonable cost, during normal business hours. Simultaneously with the submission to the Commissioner, the owner shall submit the plan of action to that officer of State or local government to whom the owner submitted a notice of intent under § 248.211(b). The summary of the plan of action posted by the owner and the copies of the plan of action submitted to the tenant representative and the officer of State or local government shall all state that, upon request, the tenants and the State or local government, may obtain from the owner or from the local HUD field office a copy of all documentation supporting the plan of action except for that documentation deemed “proprietary information” under § 248.101.

(b) Contents. The plan of action shall include:

(1) A description of any proposed changes in the status or terms of the mortgage or regulatory agreement, which may include a request for incentives to extend the low income use of the housing, as authorized under § 248.231 of this part; or may include a request to terminate the insurance contract.

(2) A description of any assistance that could be provided by State or local government agencies, as determined by prior consultation between the owner and the agencies;

(3) A description of any proposed changes in the low income affordability restrictions;

(4) A description of any proposed changes in ownership related to the plan of action, prepayment or termination of mortgage insurance;

(5) An assessment of the effect of the proposed changes on existing tenants.

(6) In the case of a plan of action involving incentives, an appraisal using the residential income approach;

(7) In the case of a plan of action involving the termination of low income affordability restrictions, a statement of the effect, if any, of the proposed changes on the supply of housing affordable to low and very low income families in the community within which the housing is located and in the area that the housing could reasonably be expected to serve; and

(8) A market study which demonstrates that the project is located in a market area that would enable the Commissioner to make the findings set forth at § 248.221(b)(1); and

(9) A list of any waivers requested by the owner pursuant to § 248.7 of this part; and

(10) Any other information which the owner may choose to submit which would enable the owner to meet the criteria for approval of the proposed plan of action.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0378) [55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 57 FR 12041, 12060, Apr. 8, 1992; 58 FR 37816, July 13, 1993]
§ 248.215 - Notification of deficiencies.

Not later than 60 days after receipt of a plan of action, the Commissioner will notify the owner in writing of any deficiencies that prevent the plan of action from being approved. If deficiencies are found, the notice shall describe ways, if any, in which the plan of action could be revised to meet the criteria for approval.

§ 248.217 - Revisions to plan of action.

The owner may from time to time revise the plan of action before its approval as may be necessary to obtain the commissioner's approval thereof. An owner shall submit any revision to the Commissioner, and provide a copy of the revision and all documentation supporting the revision except for that documentation deemed “proprietary information” under § 248.101, to the parties, and in the manner, specified in § 248.213(a).

[58 FR 37817, July 13, 1993]
§ 248.218 - Tenant notice and opportunity to comment.

When the owner and the Commissioner have reached preliminary agreement on the terms of a plan of action, the Commissioner shall prepare a summary of such terms and the anticipated impact of the plan of action on the current tenants. The owner shall send a copy of the summary to each tenant in the project, and shall post a copy of the summary in each occupied building in the project. The summary shall notify tenants that they have sixty calendar days in which to submit any comments to the Commissioner, who shall take any such comments into account before giving final approval to the plan of action.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2502-0378)
§ 248.219 - Notification of approval.

(a) Not later than 180 days after initial receipt of a plan of action, or within such longer period as the owner requests, the Commissioner shall notify the owner in writing whether the plan of action, including any revisions, is approved.

(b) If approval is withheld, the notice will—

(1) Describe the reasons for withholding approval, including prolonged delay by the owner in submitting a revised plan of action;

(2) Describe the actions that could be taken to meet the criteria for approval; and

(3) Afford the owner a reasonable opportunity to revise the plan of action and seek approval.

§ 248.221 - Approval of a plan of action that involves termination of low income affordability restrictions.

The Commissioner may approve a plan of action that involves termination of the low income affordability restrictions only upon a written finding that—

(a) Implementation of the plan of action will not materially increase economic hardship for current tenants (and will not in any event result in: (1) A monthly rental payment by a current tenant that exceeds 30 percent of the monthly adjusted income of the tenant or an increase in the monthly rental payment in any year that exceeds 10 percent, whichever is lower, or (2) in the case of a current tenant who already pays more than such percentage, an increase in the monthly rental payment in any year that exceeds the increase in the Consumer Price Index or 10 percent, whichever is lower) or involuntarily displace current tenants (except for good cause) where comparable and affordable housing is not readily available, determined without regard to the availability of Federal housing assistance that would address any such hardship or involuntary displacement. Notwithstanding this limitation, the Commissioner may provide housing assistance to tenants if such assistance is not essential to the Commissioner's determination that the requirements of this paragraph have been met. The owner will agree to execute and allow the recordation of use agreements, where such agreements are necessary to safeguard current tenants against such adverse effects. Such use agreements will include a requirement that the owner comply with those provisions of part 247 of this chapter which relate to evictions; and

(b)(1) The supply of vacant, comparable housing is sufficient to ensure that the prepayment will not materially affect—

(i) The availability of decent, safe and sanitary housing affordable to low-income and very low income families in the area that the housing could reasonably be expected to serve;

(ii) The ability of low-income and very low income families to find decent, safe and sanitary housing near employment opportunities; or

(iii) The housing opportunities of minorities in the community within which the housing is located; or

(2) The plan of action has been approved by the appropriate State agency and any appropriate local government agency for the jurisdiction in which the housing is located as being in accordance with a State strategy approved by the Commissioner under § 248.223 of this part.

(c) There are no open audit findings, open findings of noncompliance with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d); the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-3619); Executive Order 11063 (3 CFR 1959-1963 comp., p. 652); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-6107); section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); and all regulations promulgated under such statutes and authorities (including, but not limited to, 24 CFR part 100), or outstanding violations of the regulatory agreement.

(d) Any plan of action approved under this section shall specify actions that the Commissioner and the owner shall take to ensure that tenants displaced as a result of the termination of low income affordability restrictions are relocated to affordable housing.

[55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 57 FR 12041, 12060, Apr. 8, 1992]
§ 248.223 - Alternative State strategy.

(a) The Commissioner may approve a State strategy providing for State approval of plans of action that involve termination of low income affordability restrictions only upon finding that it is a practicable statewide strategy that ensures at a minimum that—

(1) Current tenants will not be involuntarily displaced (except for good cause);

(2) Housing opportunities for minorities will not be adversely affected in the communities in which the housing is located;

(3) Any increase in rent for current tenants will be to a level that does not exceed 30 percent of the adjusted income of the tenants or fair market rent, whichever is lower, and any increase not necessitated by increased operating costs shall be phased in equally over not less than 3 years if the increase exceeds 10 percent;

(4) Housing approved under the State strategy will remain affordable to very low income, low income and moderate income families for not less than the remaining term of the mortgage, if the housing is to be made available for rental use, or for not less than 40 years, if the housing is to be made available for homeownership;

(5)(i) Not less than 80 percent of all units in eligible low income housing approved under the State strategy will be retained as affordable to families or persons meeting the income eligibility standards for initial occupancy that applied to housing on January 1, 1987; and

(ii) Not less than 60 percent of the units in any one project will remain available to and affordable by such families or persons, within which not less than 20 percent of the units will remain available to and affordable by very low income families;

(6) Expenditures for rehabilitation, maintenance and operation will be at a level necessary to maintain the housing as decent, safe and sanitary and for the period specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section;

(7) Not less than 25 percent of new assistance required to maintain the housing as available to and affordable by low income families in accordance with this section shall be provided through State and local actions, such as tax exempt financing, low income tax credits, State or local tax concessions, the provision of funds from housing finance agency reserves or housing trust funds, taxable bonds, and other incentives provided by the State or local governments; and

(8) For each unit of eligible low income housing approved under the State strategy that is not retained as affordable housing to families or persons meeting the income eligibility standards for initial occupancy on January 1, 1987, the State will provide, with State funds, one additional unit of comparable housing in the same market area that is available to and affordable by such families and persons. Such units will be provided by conversion of existing units or construction of new units. These units or funds will be made available before the Commissioner approves the State strategy.

(b) Additional requirements. (1) The State must enter into all agreements necessary to carry out the State strategy before receiving the Commissioner's approval.

(2) Each State strategy shall include any other provision that the Commissioner determines to be necessary to implement the approved State strategy.

§ 248.231 - Incentives to extend low income use.

The Commissioner may agree to provide one or more of the following incentives to induce the project owner to extend the low income use of the project, if the Commissioner determines that such incentives are warranted under the standards in § 248.233 of this part:

(a) An increase in the allowable distribution, or other measures to increase the rate of return;

(b) Revisions to the method of calculating equity;

(c) Increased access to residual receipts funds or excess reserve for replacements funds;

(d) Provision of insurance for an equity loan;

(e) An increase in the rents permitted under an existing section 8 contract, within statutory and regulatory limits otherwise applicable, or (subject to the availability of amounts provided in appropriations Acts) additional assistance under section 8 or an extension of any project-based assistance attached to the housing;

(f) Provision of a capital improvement loan;

(g) Other actions to facilitate a transfer or sale of the housing to a qualified nonprofit organization, limited equity tenant cooperative, public agency, or other entity acceptable to the Commissioner, such as expedited review of a request for approval of a transfer of physical assets;

(h) Provision of flexible subsidy assistance;

(i) Termination of HUD's limitations on distributions, and release of residual receipts and reserve for replacements funds, through prepayment of the mortgage; and

(j) Any other incentives for which the owner is eligible.

§ 248.233 - Approval of a plan of action that includes incentives.

The Commissioner may approve a plan of action that includes incentives, whether or not the plan of action allows for the prepayment of the mortgage, only upon a finding that—

(a) After taking into account local market conditions, the incentives are necessary to achieve the purposes of this part;

(b) The incentives are necessary to provide a fair rate of return to the owner. Incentives will only be provided in cases where the project's current use does not represent its highest and best use;

(c) The incentives are the least costly alternative for the Federal government to achieve the purposes of this part with respect to the housing;

(d) Binding commitments have been made to ensure that—

(1) The housing will be retained as housing affordable for very low income families, low-income families, and moderate income families for the remaining term of the mortgage;

(2) Throughout the remaining term of the mortgage, adequate expenditures will be made for the proper maintenance and operation of the housing;

(3) Current tenants will not be involuntarily displaced (except for good cause);

(4) Any increase in rent contributions for current tenants will be to a level that does not exceed 30 percent of the adjusted income of the tenant or the fair market rent, whichever is lower;

(5) Any resulting increase in rents for current tenants (except for increases made necessary by increased operating costs) will be phased in equally over a period of not less than 3 years, if the increase is 30 percent or more, and will be limited to not more than 10 percent per year, if the increase is more than 10 percent but less than 30 percent;

(6) Subject to the availability of funds, the Commissioner shall provide, and the owner shall accept, assistance under section 8 if the Commissioner determines that such assistance is necessary to mitigate any adverse effect of the rent increases on current tenants eligible for section 8 assistance; and

(7) Rents for units becoming available to new tenants will be at levels approved by the Commissioner that will ensure, to the extent practicable, that the units will be available to and affordable, with 30 percent of adjusted income, by the same proportion of very low income families, low-income families, and moderate income families as resided in the housing as of January 1, 1987 (based on the area median income limits established by the Commissioner in February 1987), or the date the plan of action is approved, whichever date results in the highest proportion of very low income families.

(i) For purposes of paragraph (d)(7) of this section—

(A) The percentage of moderate income families in occupancy as of January 1, 1987 shall include families who were admitted to the project as very low income, low income, or moderate income families but whose incomes had increased beyond the limit for moderate income families by January 1, 1987; and

(B) The proportions established shall not prohibit a higher proportion of very low income families from occupying the housing.

(ii) In approving rents under paragraph (d)(7) of this section, the Commissioner will take into account any additional incentives provided under this part and will make provision for annual rent adjustments necessary as a result of future reasonable increases in operating costs.

(e) In cases where the owner agrees to maintain only a portion of the project as low income housing, the incentives provided under § 248.231 of this part and the standards imposed under this section shall be adjusted accordingly.

(f) The Commissioner shall not approve a plan of action under this section if there are open findings of noncompliance with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d); the Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601-3619); Executive Order 11063 (3 CFR 1959-1963 comp., p. 652); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101-6107); section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794); and all regulations promulgated under such statutes and authorities, or if there are open audit findings with respect to violations of the regulatory agreement.

[55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 57 FR 12041, 12060, Apr. 8, 1992]
§ 248.234 - Section 8 rental assistance.

(a) When providing rental assistance under section 8, the Commissioner may enter into a contract with an owner, contingent upon the future availability of appropriations for the purpose of renewing expiring contracts for rental assistance as provided in appropriations Acts, to extend the term of such rental assistance for such additional period or periods as is necessary to carry out an approved plan of action.

(b) The contract and the approved plan of action shall provide that, if the Commissioner is unable to develop a revised package of incentives providing benefits to the owner comparable to those received under the original approved plan of action, the Commissioner, upon the request of the owner, shall take the following actions (subject to the limitations under the following paragraphs):

(1) Modification of the binding commitments made pursuant to § 248.233(d) that are dependent on such rental assistance.

(2) If action under paragraph (b)(1) is not feasible, release of an owner from the binding commitments made pursuant to § 248.233(d) that are dependent on such rental assistance.

(3) If actions under paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) would, in the determination of the Commissioner, result in the default of the insured loan, approval of the revised plan of action, notwithstanding § 248.221, that involves the termination of low-income affordability restrictions.

(c) The approved plan of action shall specify actions that the Commissioner and the owner shall take to ensure that any tenants displaced as a result of actions taken under paragraph (b) of this section are relocated to affordable housing.

(d) At least 30 days prior to making a request under the preceding sentence, an owner shall notify the Commissioner of the owner's intention to submit the request. The Commissioner shall have a period of 90 days following receipt of such notice to take action to extend the rental assistance contract and to continue the binding commitments under paragraph (b).

[55 FR 38952, Sept. 21, 1990. Redesignated and amended at 57 FR 12041, 12060, Apr. 8, 1992]
§ 248.241 - Modification of existing regulatory agreements.

(a) If a plan of action is not approved within 300 days after initial submission, the Commissioner may, upon request of the owner and upon making a determination that the project's current use does not represent its highest and best use, modify existing regulatory agreements to—

(1) Prevent involuntary displacement of current tenants (except for good cause);

(2) Ensure that adequate expenditures will be made for maintenance and operation of the housing;

(3) Extend (subject to the availability of funds) any expiring project-based assistance on the housing for the term of the agreement;

(4) Permit an increase in the allowable distribution that could be accommodated by an increase in the rents on occupied units to a level no higher than 30 percent of the adjusted income of the tenants, as determined by the Commissioner, except that rents shall not exceed the fair market rent, and any resulting increase in rents for current tenants shall be phased in equally over a period of no less than 3 years, unless such increase is less than 10 percent; and

(5) Ensure that units becoming vacant during the term of the agreement are made available in accordance with § 248.233(d)(7) of this part.

(b) Expiration. Agreements entered into under this section shall expire on February 5, 1992, unless earlier superseded by an agreement implementing a HUD-approved plan of action. Upon such expiration of the agreement on February 5, 1992, the housing covered by the agreement shall be subject to any law then affecting low income affordability restrictions.

§ 248.251 - Consultation with other interested parties.

The Commissioner will confer with any appropriate State or local government agency to confirm any State or local assistance that is available to achieve the purposes of this part and will give consideration to the views of the State or local agency when making the determinations under §§ 248.221 and 248.233 of this part. The Commissioner also will confer with other interested parties that the Commissioner believes could assist in the development of a plan of action that best achieves the purposes of this part.

§ 248.261 - Agreements implementing plans of action and State strategies.

The Commissioner is authorized to enter into agreements, including those for the provision of incentives, necessary to implement any plan of action or State strategy approved by the Commissioner under this part.

authority: 12 U.S.C. 17151 note, 4101 note, and 4101-4124; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d)
cite as: 24 CFR 248.201