Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 24 - Housing and Urban Development last revised: Sep 16, 2024
Table of Contents

§ 266.600 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insurance upon completion.

§ 266.602 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insured advances.

§ 266.604 - Mortgage insurance premium: Other requirements.

§ 266.606 - Mortgage insurance premium: Duration and method of paying.

§ 266.608 - Mortgage insurance premium: Pro rata refund.

§ 266.610 - Method of payment of mortgage insurance premiums.


§ 266.612 - Insurance endorsement.


§ 266.616 - Transfer of partial interest under participation agreement.


§ 266.620 - Termination of contract of insurance and indemnification.

§ 266.622 - Notice and date of termination by the Commissioner.


§ 266.626 - Notice of default and filing an insurance claim.

§ 266.628 - Initial claim payments.

§ 266.630 - Partial payment of claims.

§ 266.632 - Withdrawal of claim.

§ 266.634 - Reinstatement of the contract of insurance.

§ 266.636 - Insuring new loans for defaulted projects.

§ 266.638 - Issuance of HFA Debenture.

§ 266.640 - Foreclosure and acquisition.

§ 266.642 - Appraisals.

§ 266.644 - Application for final claim settlement.

§ 266.646 - Determining the amount of loss.

§ 266.648 - Items included in total loss.

§ 266.650 - Items deducted from total loss.

§ 266.652 - Determining share of loss.

§ 266.654 - Final claim settlement and HFA Debenture redemption.

§ 266.656 - Recovery of costs after final claim settlement.

§ 266.658 - Program monitoring and compliance.

§ 266.600 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insurance upon completion.

(a) Initial premium. For projects insured upon completion, on the date of the final closing, the HFA shall pay to the Commissioner an initial premium in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604.

(b) Premium payable with first payment of principal. On the date of the first payment of principal the HFA shall pay a second premium (calculated on a per annum basis) in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604.

(c) Subsequent premiums. Until one of the conditions is met under § 266.606(a), the HFA on each anniversary of the date of the first principal payment shall pay to the Commissioner an annual mortgage insurance premium in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604, without taking into account delinquent payments, or partial claim payment under § 266.630, or prepayments, for the year following the date on which the premium becomes payable.

[85 FR 83444, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.602 - Mortgage insurance premium: Insured advances.

(a) Initial premium. For projects involving insured advances, on the date of the initial closing, the HFA shall pay to the Commissioner an initial premium equal to an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604.

(b) Interim premium. On each anniversary of the initial closing, the HFA shall pay an interim mortgage insurance premium in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604. The HFA shall continue to pay the interim mortgage insurance premiums until the date of the first principal payment.

(c) Premium payable with first payment of principal. On the date of the first principal payment, the HFA shall pay a mortgage insurance premium in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604. The HFA shall adjust this payment by deducting an amount equal to the portion of the last premium paid that is attributable to the months after the date of the first payment to principal. Any partial month is to be counted as a whole month. The HFA shall remit the net adjusted mortgage premium to the Commissioner and refund the amount of the adjustment (overpayment) to the mortgagor.

(d) Subsequent premiums. Until one of the conditions is met under § 266.606(a), the HFA on each anniversary of the date of the first principal payment shall pay to the Commissioner an annual mortgage insurance premium in an amount established by the Commissioner under § 266.604, without taking into account delinquent payments, prepayments, or a partial claim payment under § 266.630, for the year following the date on which the premium becomes payable.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83444, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.604 - Mortgage insurance premium: Other requirements.

(a) Premium calculations on or after first principal payment. The premiums payable to the Commissioner on and after the first principal payment shall be calculated in accordance with the amortization schedule prepared by the HFA for final closing and an amount established by the Commissioner through a notice published in the Federal Register and providing a 30-day comment period. After the comments have been considered, HUD will publish a final notice announcing the premium and its effective date. The premium shall not take into account delinquent payments or prepayments.

(b) Future premium changes. Notice of future premium changes will be published in the Federal Register. The Commissioner will propose mortgage insurance premium changes for the Risk-Sharing Program and provide a 30-calendar day public comment period for the purpose of accepting comments on whether the proposed changes are appropriate. After the comments have been considered, HUD will publish a final notice announcing the premium and its effective date.

(c) Closing information. The HFA shall provide final closing information to the Commissioner within 15 calendar days of the final closing in a format prescribed by the Commissioner. In addition, the HFA shall submit a copy of the amortization schedule. This amortization shall be used to compute and collect all future mortgage insurance premiums subject to § 266.600(c) or § 266.602(d). If the mortgage is modified, the HFA shall submit to the Commissioner a copy of the revised amortization schedule, which shall be used to compute and collect all future mortgage insurance premiums subject to § 266.600(c) or § 266.602(d).

(d) Due date for premium payments. Mortgage insurance premiums are due on the first day of the month of the anniversary of the first payment to principal. Any premium received by the Commissioner more than 15 calendar days after the due date shall be assessed a late charge of 4 percent of the amount of the premium payment due. Mortgage insurance premiums that are paid to the Commissioner more than 30 calendar days after the due date shall begin to accrue interest at the rate prescribed by the Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83444, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.606 - Mortgage insurance premium: Duration and method of paying.

(a) Duration of payments. Mortgage insurance premium payments must continue annually until one of the following occurs:

(1) The mortgage is paid in full;

(2) A deed to the HFA is filed for record;

(3) An application for initial claim payment is received by the Commissioner; or

(4) The contract of insurance is otherwise terminated.

(b) Method of payment. The HFA shall pay any mortgage insurance premium required by this part in cash.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83440, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.608 - Mortgage insurance premium: Pro rata refund.

If the contract of insurance is terminated by payment in full or is terminated by the HFA on a form prescribed by the Commissioner, after the date of the first payment to principal, the Commissioner shall refund any mortgage insurance premium for the period after the effective date of the termination of insurance. The refund shall be mailed to the HFA for credit to the mortgagor's account. In computing the pro rata portion of the annual mortgage insurance premium, the date of termination of insurance shall be the last day of the month in which the mortgage is prepaid or the Commissioner receives a notification of termination, whichever is later. No refund shall be made if the insurance was terminated because of the submission of an application for initial claim payment or if the termination occurs before the date of the first payment to principal.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83440, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.610 - Method of payment of mortgage insurance premiums.

In the cases that the Commissioner deems appropriate, the Commissioner may require, by means of instructions communicated to all affected mortgagees, that mortgage insurance premiums be remitted electronically.

[63 FR 1303, Jan. 8, 1998]
§ 266.612 - Insurance endorsement.

(a) Initial endorsement. The Commissioner shall indicate his or her insurance of the mortgage by endorsing the original credit instrument.

(b) Final endorsement. When all advances of mortgage proceeds have been made and all other applicable terms and conditions have been complied with to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, the Commissioner shall indicate on the original credit instrument the total of all advances that have been approved for insurance and again endorse such instrument.

(c) Effect of endorsement. From the date of initial endorsement, the Commissioner and the HFA shall be bound by the provisions of this subpart to the same extent as if they had executed a contract including the provisions of this subpart and the applicable sections of the Act.

§ 266.616 - Transfer of partial interest under participation agreement.

The HFA may not assign the mortgage. However, a partial interest in an insured mortgage or pool of insured mortgages may be transferred under a participation agreement or arrangement (such as a declaration of trust or the issuance of pass-through certificates), without obtaining the approval of the Commissioner, if the following conditions are met:

(a) Legal title to the insured mortgage or mortgages shall be held by the HFA; and

(b) The participation agreement, declaration of trust or other instrument under which the partial interest is transferred shall provide that:

(1) The HFA shall remain mortgagee of record under the contract of mortgage insurance;

(2) The Commissioner shall have no obligation to recognize or deal with anyone other than the HFA with respect to the rights, benefits, and obligations of the mortgagee under the contract of insurance; and

(3) The mortgagor shall have no obligation to recognize or do business with any one other than the HFA or, if applicable, its servicing agent with respect to rights, benefits, and obligations of the mortgagor or the mortgagee under the mortgage.

§ 266.620 - Termination of contract of insurance and indemnification.

(a) The contract of insurance shall terminate if any of the following occurs:

(1) The mortgage is paid in full;

(2) The HFA acquires the mortgaged property and notifies the Commissioner that it will not file an insurance claim;

(3) A party other than HFA acquires the property at a foreclosure sale;

(4) The HFA notifies the Commissioner of Termination of Insurance (voluntary termination);

(5) The HFA or its successors commit fraud or make a material misrepresentation to the Commissioner with respect to information culminating in the contract of insurance on the mortgage or while the contract of insurance is in existence;

(6) The receipt by the Commissioner of an Application for Final Claims Settlement;

(7) If the HFA acquires the mortgaged property and fails to make an initial claim.

(b) In lieu of termination of the mortgage insurance contract pursuant to paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the Commissioner may, in his or her full discretion, permit a Level I participant rated “A” or higher to indemnify HUD, or otherwise reimburse HUD in a manner acceptable to the Commissioner, for the full amount of the mortgage claim.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83440, 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.622 - Notice and date of termination by the Commissioner.

The Commissioner shall notify the HFA that the contract of insurance has been terminated and shall establish the effective date of termination. The termination shall be the last day of the month in which one of the events specified in § 266.620 occurs.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83440, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.626 - Notice of default and filing an insurance claim.

(a) Definition of default. (1) A monetary default exists when the mortgagor fails to make any payment due under the mortgage.

(2) A covenant default exists when the mortgagor fails to perform any other covenant under the provision of the mortgage or the regulatory agreement, which is incorporated by reference in the mortgage. An HFA becomes eligible for insurance benefits on the basis of a covenant default only after the HFA has accelerated the debt and the owner has failed to pay the full amount due, thus converting a covenant default into a monetary default.

(b) Date of default. For purposes of this subpart, the date of default is:

(1) The date of the first uncorrected failure to perform a mortgage covenant or obligation; or

(2) The date of the first failure to make a monthly payment that is not covered by subsequent payments, when such subsequent payments are applied to the overdue monthly payments in the order in which they were due.

(c) Notice of default. If a default (as defined in paragraph (a) of this section) continues for a period of 30 calendar days, the HFA must notify the Commissioner within 10 calendar days thereafter, unless the default is cured within the 30-day period. Unless waived by the Commissioner, the HFA must submit this notice monthly, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner, until the default has been cured or the HFA has filed an application for an initial claim payment. In cases of mortgage acceleration, the mortgagee must first give notice of the default.

(d) Timing of claim filing. Unless a written extension is granted by HUD, the HFA must file an application for initial claim payment (or, if appropriate, for partial claim payment) within 75 calendar days from the date of default and may do so as early as the first day of the month following the month for which a payment was missed. Upon request of the HFA, HUD may extend, up to 180 calendar days from the date of default, the deadline for filing a claim. In those cases where the HFA certifies that the project owner is in the process of transacting a bond refunder, refinancing the mortgage, or changing the ownership for the purpose of curing the default and bringing the mortgage current, HUD may extend the deadline for filing a claim beyond 180 calendar days, not to exceed 360 calendar days from the date of default.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.628 - Initial claim payments.

(a) Determination of initial claim amount. (1) The initial claim amount is based on the unpaid principal balance of the mortgage note as of the date of default, plus interest at the mortgage note rate from date of default to date of initial claim payment. The mortgage note interest component of the initial claim amount is subject to curtailment as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.

(2) HUD shall make an initial claim payment to the HFA that is equal to the initial claim amount, less any delinquent mortgage insurance premiums, late charges and interest, assessed under § 266.604(d).

(3) The HFA must use the proceeds of the initial claim payment to retire any bonds or any other financing mechanisms securing the mortgage within 30 calendar days of the initial claim payment. Any excess funds resulting from such retirement or repayment shall be returned to HUD within 30 calendar days of the retirement.

(b) Curtailment of interest for late filings. In determining the mortgage note interest component of the initial claim amount, if the HFA fails to meet any of the requirements of this section within the specified time (including any granted extension of time), HUD shall curtail the accrual of mortgage note interest by the number of days by which the required action was late.

(c) Method of payment. HUD shall pay the claim in cash.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.630 - Partial payment of claims.

(a) General. When the Commissioner receives a claim for a partial payment under § 266.626(d), the Commissioner may make a partial payment of claim in accordance with the requirements of this section. If the HFA has not previously received a partial claim payment, the HFA may file a claim for a partial claim payment under § 266.630. Otherwise, the HFA must file for an initial claim payment under § 266.628.

(b) HFA submission. In addition to any other requirements set forth in administration instructions, the HFA must provide the following information with its application for a partial claim payment:

(1) The amount by which the HFA will reduce the principal on the insured mortgage and the amount of delinquent interest on the insured mortgage that the HFA will defer based on the anticipated closing date; and

(2) A certification that:

(i) The amount of the principal reduction of the insured first mortgage does not exceed 50 percent of the unpaid principal balance;

(ii) The relief resulting from the partial claim payment when considered with other resources available to the project are sufficient to restore the financial viability of the project;

(iii) The project is or can (at reasonable cost) be made structurally sound;

(iv) The management of the project is satisfactory;

(v) The default under the insured mortgage was beyond the control of the mortgagor.

(c) Claim processing—(1) Acceptable application. If the HFA's application is acceptable, the Commissioner shall notify the HFA to process the partial payment, which will include the modification of the existing mortgage and the execution by the mortgagor of a second mortgage payable to the HFA. When the second mortgage is closed, the HFA shall notify the Commissioner, in a form and manner prescribed in administrative instructions. Upon receipt of notice from the HFA, the Commissioner shall make the partial claim payment.

(2) Unacceptable application. If the application is unacceptable, the Commissioner shall either advise the HFA of the information needed to make the application acceptable or return the application for further action. The HFA is granted an extension of 30 calendar days from the date of any notification for further action.

(d) Requirements—(1) One partial claim payment. Only one partial claim payment may be made under a contract of insurance.

(2) Partial claim payment amount. The amount of the partial claim payment is limited to 50% of the amount of relief provided by the HFA in the form of a reduction in principal and a reduction of delinquent interest due on the insured mortgage times the lesser of HUD's percentage of the risk of loss or 50 percent.

(3) HFA second mortgage. Repayment of the relief provided by the HFA must be secured by a second mortgage to the HFA. This second mortgage may provide for postponed amortization and may not be assigned by the HFA. This second mortgage is not insured under this part and may not be insured under any other HUD-related insurance program.

(4) Partial claim repayment by HFA. The HFA must remit to HUD a percentage of all amounts collected on the HFA's second mortgage within 15 calendar days of receipt by the HFA. The applicable percentage is equal to the percentage used in paragraph (d)(2) of this section to determine the partial claim payment amount. Payments made after the 15th day must include a 5 percent late charge plus accrued interest at the debenture rate.

(5) Certified statements of amounts collected. As long as the second mortgage remains of record, the HFA must submit to the Commissioner an annual certified statement of the amounts collected by the HFA. The HFA must submit a final certified statement within 30 calendar days after the second mortgage is paid in full, foreclosed, or otherwise terminated.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.632 - Withdrawal of claim.

In case of a default and subsequent filing of claim, the HFA shall determine the form of workout or modification and will inform HUD of the type of mortgage relief determined to be appropriate. If the default is cured after the claim is made but before the initial claim payment is paid by HUD, the HFA may, in writing, withdraw the claim, and insurance will continue as if the default had not occurred.

§ 266.634 - Reinstatement of the contract of insurance.

(a) Conditions for reinstatement. After the initial claim payment, HUD may reinstate the contract of insurance on the following conditions:

(1) The HFA has not acquired the project;

(2) The mortgagor has cured the default; and

(3) The HFA requests that HUD reinstate the contract of insurance.

(b) Notification of reinstatement. If reinstatement is acceptable to HUD, HUD shall notify the HFA of the date the contract of insurance will be reinstated and shall advise the HFA of the payment needed to reinstate the contract of insurance.

(c) Payment. Within 30 calendar days of the date of the notice under paragraph (b) of this section, the HFA shall pay HUD an amount equal to the initial claim amount, as determined under § 266.628(a)(1), plus an amount equal to the accrued and unpaid interest on the HFA Debenture through the reinstatement date, plus an amount equal to the mortgage insurance premium for the period from the date of reinstatement of the contract of insurance to the next anniversary date for payment of the mortgage insurance premium.

(d) Cancellation of debenture. Upon receipt from the HFA of the amount specified in paragraph (c) of this section, HUD shall return the HFA debenture for cancellation.

(e) Continuation of contract of insurance. Upon reinstatement, the contract of insurance shall continue as if the default had not occurred.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.636 - Insuring new loans for defaulted projects.

The HFA may not make another loan that is insured under this part to the same owner in the same project if HUD has paid a claim under this part.

§ 266.638 - Issuance of HFA Debenture.

(a) Condition to initial claim payment. The HFA must issue an instrument in the form of a debenture to HUD within 30 calendar days of receiving the initial claim payment. The HFA Debenture shall meet the following requirements and shall be in a form that has been approved by HUD as part of the application approval process.

(b) Term of HFA Debenture. The HFA Debenture shall be dated the same date that the initial claim payment is issued. The HFA Debenture shall have a term of 5 years in order to afford the mortgagor ample time to cure the default or the HFA time to foreclose and/or resell the project. HUD may provide a written extension of the 5-year term if the HFA certifies and provides documentation that the project owner has filed bankruptcy and the HFA is taking action to have the project discharged from the bankruptcy. The HFA Debenture shall, during this extended period, continue to bear interest as described below at HUD's published debenture rate at the earlier of initial endorsement or final endorsement. Interest shall be due and payable annually on the anniversary date of the initial claim payment. Interest is due on the full face amount of the HFA Debenture through the term of the HFA Debenture or through the date an application for final claim payment is received by the Commissioner.

(c) HFA Debenture amount. (1) The HFA Debenture shall be for the full initial claim amount as determined under § 266.628(a)(1) (minus any excess funds returned to HUD under § 266.628(a)(3)).

(2) The full amount of the HFA Debenture shall be payable to HUD upon maturity, unless the HFA Debenture is canceled because of:

(i) A reinstatement of the contract of insurance under § 266.634; or

(ii) Final claim settlement under § 266.654.

(d) HFA Debenture interest rate. The HFA Debenture shall bear interest at HUD's published debenture rate at the earlier of initial endorsement or final endorsement. Interest shall be due and payable annually on the anniversary date of the initial claim payment and on the date of redemption when redeemed or canceled before an anniversary date. Interest shall be computed on the full face amount of the HFA Debenture through the term of the HFA Debenture.

(e) Form of HFA Debenture. The HFA Debenture should follow the standard form of a State/Municipal Debenture issued under the Uniform Commercial Code, where applicable, and shall be supported by the full faith and credit of the HFA. For HFAs that operate as departments or divisions of States or units of local government and where such HFAs cannot pledge the full faith and credit of the HFA, such HFAs may collateralize their obligation through a letter of credit, reinsurance, or other forms of credit acceptable to the Commissioner.

(f) Debenture registration. Unless otherwise required by law, including State or local laws, or other governing bodies, HUD will not require the HFA Debenture to be “Registered” (with the Securities and Exchange Commission) as it is a direct, or private, placement, and not a public offering, that is supported by the full faith and credit of the HFA.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.640 - Foreclosure and acquisition.

The HFA is not required to foreclose the insured mortgage. It may accept a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.

§ 266.642 - Appraisals.

Where actions taken or caused to be taken by the HFA have the effect of the recovery of less than the face amount of the HFA Debenture held by HUD, an appraisal should be made to determine the value of the project. The appraisal should assume a willing buyer and a willing seller. The appraisal must be done within the 45-calendar-day period immediately preceding the date when the HFA files an application for final claim settlement. If at the time of final claim settlement the HFA has not sold the project, an appraisal should be made to determine the value of the project at its highest and best use.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.644 - Application for final claim settlement.

The HFA shall file an application for final settlement in accordance with the Commissioner's administrative procedures not later than 30 calendar days after any of the following:

(a) Sale of the property after foreclosure or after acquisition by deed-in-lieu of foreclosure; or

(b) Expiration of the term of the HFA debenture.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.646 - Determining the amount of loss.

The amount of the total loss to be shared by HUD and the HFA is equal to:

(a) The amount of the initial claim payment;

(b) Plus all items set forth in § 266.648; and

(c) Less all items set forth in § 266.650.

§ 266.648 - Items included in total loss.

In computing the total loss, the following items are added to the amount described in § 266.646(a):

(a) The amount of all payments that the HFA made from its own funds and not from project income for:

(1) Taxes, special assessments, and water bills that are liens before the Mortgage; and

(2) Fire and hazard insurance on the property.

(b) A reasonable amount of acquisition costs actually paid by the HFA. These costs may not include loss or damage resulting from the invalidity or unenforceability of the Mortgage lien or the unmarketability of the Mortgagor's title.

(c) Reasonable payments that the HFA made from its own funds and not from project income for:

(1) Preservation, operation and maintenance of the property;

(2) Repairs necessary to meet the requirements of local laws;

(3) Expenses in connection with the sale of property; and

(4) Bankruptcy expenses approved by HUD.

(d) The amount of HFA Debenture interest paid by the HFA to HUD.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.650 - Items deducted from total loss.

In computing insurance benefits, the following items are deducted from the amounts described in § 266.646(a) and (b):

(a) All amounts received by the HFA on account of the mortgage after the date of default, including any partial payment of claim paid by HUD in the event a full claim follows a partial payment of claim;

(b) All cash, and/or funds related to the mortgaged property, including deposits and escrows made for the account of the mortgagor that the HFA holds (or to which it is entitled);

(c) The amount of any undrawn balance under a letter of credit that the HFA accepted in lieu of a cash deposit for an escrow agreement;

(d) Any net income from the mortgaged property/project that the HFA received after the date of default.

(e) The proceeds from the sale of the project or the appraised value of the project as provided in § 266.642 as follows:

(1) If the HFA disposes of the project through a negotiated sale, the amount deducted shall be the higher of the sales price or the appraised value.

(2) If the HFA disposes of the project through a competitive bid procedure approved by the Commissioner, the amount deducted shall be the sales price, even if it is lower than the appraised value.

(3) If the HFA has not disposed of the project within 5 years from the date of issuance of the HFA Debentures (unless an extension has been granted pursuant to § 266.638), the amount deducted shall be the appraised value.

(f) Any and all claims that the HFA has acquired in connection with the acquisition and sale of the property. Claims include but are not limited to returned premiums from canceled insurance policies, interest on investments of reserve for replacement funds, tax refunds, refunds of deposits left with utility companies, and amounts received as proceeds of a receivership.

(g) The amount of daily HFA Debenture interest accrued but not paid from the anniversary date of the last HFA Debenture interest payment to the date an application for final claim payment is received by the Commissioner.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83445, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.652 - Determining share of loss.

The total loss computed in § 266.646 shall be shared by HUD and the HFA in accordance with their respective percentage of risk as specified in the note and the addendum to the Risk-Sharing Agreement between HUD and the HFA.

§ 266.654 - Final claim settlement and HFA Debenture redemption.

(a) Final claim payment. If the initial claim amount, as determined under § 266.628(a)(1), is less than HUD's share of the loss, HUD shall make a final claim payment to the HFA that is equal to the difference between HUD's share of the loss and the initial claim amount and shall return the HFA Debenture to the HFA for cancellation.

(b) HFA reimbursement payment. If the initial claim amount, as determined under § 266.628(a)(1), is more than HUD's share of the loss, the HFA shall, within 30 calendar days of notification by HUD of the amount due, remit to HUD an amount that is equal to the difference between the initial claim amount and HUD's share of the loss. The funds must be remitted in a manner prescribed in the Commissioner's administrative procedures. The HFA Debenture will be considered redeemed upon receipt of the cash payment. A 5 percent penalty will be charged and interest at the debenture rate will begin to accrue if the cash payment is not received within the prescribed period. If an HFA is in default under an existing debenture and files a claim on another project under this part, HUD will charge the HFA's Dedicated Account for the amount owed the Department. In cases of top-tier or A-rated HFA's which are not required to maintain a Dedicated Account, HUD will inform the rating agencies of the HFA's failure to pay on their debt obligation and of its violation of the Risk-Sharing Agreement.

(c) Losses. Losses sustained as a consequence of the (sole) negligence of an HFA (e.g., failure to acquire adequate hazard insurance where such insurance is available) shall be the sole obligation of the HFA, notwithstanding the risk apportionment otherwise agreed to by HUD and the HFA.

(d) Supplemental claim. Any supplemental claim must be filed within one year from date of final claim settlement.

[59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, as amended at 85 FR 83446, Dec. 22, 2020]
§ 266.656 - Recovery of costs after final claim settlement.

If, after final claim settlement, the HFA recovers additional sums as the result of the sale of the project or otherwise, the total amount of such recovery shall be shared by HUD and the HFA in accordance with the prescribed percentage of shared risk.

§ 266.658 - Program monitoring and compliance.

HUD will monitor the performance of the HFA for compliance with the provisions of this subpart.

source: 59 FR 62524, Dec. 5, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 24 CFR 266.626